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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    3 Strategies to Help Kids Follow Directions

    Encouraging children to follow directions can be incredibly difficult. Children often want to rebel against the status quo and feel as if they are in control of their own destiny. To bridge the gap between parental guidance and kid autonomy, it is important to equip kids with the tools they need to follow directions. Here are three strategies that can be used to help kids follow directions.

    The Golden Compromise: One strategy is to create a reward system that will engage children in the process of following directions. Parents can work together with children to create a plan that rewards them for completing tasks. this allows kids to get the tangible benefits they are seeking while still complying with expectations. In order to create an effective reward system, establish set goals ahead of time, incorporate both small and large reward items, and make sure that each of these items is attainable and appealing to children. This golden compromise will give kids the freedom of choice without taking away the boundaries that parents must set in place for the child’s safety and wellbeing.

    The Face-the-Consequences Method: It is also helpful to equip kids with the mentality of ownership and accountability. For instance, when a child is not following directions, let them know what will happen if they do not change their behavior. Expressing consequences even before they occur helps to reinforce the idea that there are real repercussions to their actions. By making the future behavior of a child more predictable, parents can empower their kids to take responsibility from a young age.

    The Reward of Intrinsic Value: Finally, instilling kids with concepts such as pride and honor for following directions can be extremely rewarding for them. Teaching children how to appreciate the intrinsic value of simply doing what is expected of them can do wonders for motivating them to meet expectations. It is also important to emphasize the ways in which their behavior can help others, whether it is aiding in a family chore or listening to the advice of a teacher. Seeing their actions as meaningful helps them to take pride in what they are doing.

    These three strategies are effective tools to help kids learn to follow directions. They allow kids to have more control over their upbringing while also enabling parents to support their children in achieving their best selves. Through incentives and expectations of ownership, children can become accustomed to hearing and carrying out directions, allowing them to grow into independent and responsible adults further down the road.

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