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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    Cultivating Wonder in Adult Life

    As we transition from adolescence to adulthood, managing our responsibilities, anxieties and obligations can take a toll on our mental and physical well-being. One trait that adults may often forget to cultivate is the sense of wonder. Working adults must grapple with mundane daily tasks or stressful deadlines, which can be difficult to offset with moments of delight and amazement. However, if adults make the effort to nurture their sense of wonder, they can experience a richer, more fulfilling life.

    Everyone has observed young children who are filled with curiosity and spend much of their day being amazed by the world around them. Adults, too, can nurture and live with the same level of enthusiasm. To cultivate wonder as an adult requires us to remain open to both the expected and unexpected, allowing ourselves to engage in the moment without worry or fear. Taking time away from our normal lives to try something new and unexpected can help create these moments of elation and pleasure.

    We can also search for beauty every day. For instance, positive self-talk can provide us with windows of joy in our minds and remind us of the purpose of life itself. As we become aware of our inner strengths and intuition –even more obvious qualities such as the sprouts of a sun-filled morning or the golden hues of a waning evening -- nature's beauty can become more real and tangible. By opening up to life’s wonderful elements, we can let our inner sparks of creativity and ingenuity exist in their purest form.

    Engaging in activities that unleash creativity also helps to nurture wonder in adults. Playful activities such as drawing, singing, dancing, writing or creative problem solving can quickly break through periods of boredom and bring a sense of joy and excitement. Consider singing out loud in the shower, or even inside outside the sound of traffic or other everyday sounds. Writing down your thoughts is a great way to vent and unleash your creativity. Dance to the beat of your own songs, then express those moves in an improvisational way. Create an unexpected lego structure and be surprised how it turns out. All these activities encourage a sense of unpredictability and a growing sense of adventure.

    Discovering the possibilities of the unknown through self-exploration can also cultivate and sustain a sense of wonder. A key part of being an adult is learning about ourselves and understanding our own capabilities, beliefs and boundaries. Becoming better acquainted with our individual interests, values and goals can empower us to have the courage to pursue paths less familiar. Through this self-discovery and experimentation, we can begin to realize our potential and find purpose in our lives.

    Surrounded by smartphones, TVs and tablets at our fingertips, it can be easy to keep our days busy with the abundance of digital entertainment and content out there. However, if we choose to embrace the present moment with awareness, appreciation and a sincere attitude, life's habits can become more meaningful. The experience of wonder can occur within a seemingly small moment of joy, curiosity or amazement. By cultivating this sense within ourselves, we can walk through our daily lives enthralled by life's marvels.

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