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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    The Unknown Elements Of Empathy: Traits Of Unsympathetic People

    We have all come across people who have an absolute lack of empathy for their fellow human. Their behavior may be misconstrued as callousness or neglect and it can be difficult to recognize how such people could thrive in society. Behind every seemingly ruthless individual lies a confusing paradox: they are equally oblivious to their own emotions and to the emotions of others. People with these personality traits have no idea what empathy means.

    These individuals may appear to enjoy autonomy and show no concern for anyone but themselves. They may compartmentalize their lives, refusing to share even their smallest problems. Teetering on a cliff between the physical and emotional realms, they possess an intangible quality that leaves them unable to move forward. Somewhere inside these people resides a deep fear that binds them from connecting emotionally with the world.

    It is easy to make judgments about those without feelings of compassion or understanding. But we must consider the possibility that these individuals have endured some form of processing that left them stranded in an inner world void of connectivity. It brings us to the ultimate question: Is a person born this way or does society create them in this manner?

    Being disconnected to one’s emotions can be dangerous and yet, surprisingly, some of those who lack empathy lead satisfied lives. It's almost like they set up boundaries that allow one foot to remain within the world of the heart and the other firmly planted in the world of indifference.

    Still, others may be unaware of their true nature until a profound experience forces them to confront their inner fear. A crisis such as the death of a loved one or a broken relationship may finally bring light to the darkness of emotion that has long been clouding their thinking. Once illuminated, it is up to them to take the necessary steps that will lead to diplomatic communication with others.

    Learning about empathy takes time and will not necessarily bring them closer to becoming a sympathetic person. However, understanding empathy can bring clarity to unresolved issues in their life and give them insight into the feelings and motives of the people they deal with everyday. It will also help them to identify the strengths and weaknesses in their personal relationships.

    If someone is interested in advancing their capacity to feel empathy and develop meaningful connections, it is important to pay close attention to the needs of others, practice open-mindedness, become a better listener, and cultivate an understanding of one’s self. Despite being difficult to achieve, these changes can help bring balance and joy back into their existence.

    In a world filled with prospects, it is easy to be overly consumed by selfish desires. Nevertheless, it is equally essential to recognize the importance of allowing ourselves to be human and feel genuine emotions. It is something that no amount of money, status, or success can provide. Empathy is a quality that is immeasurable, something which we all take for granted until it is gone.

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