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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    Recognizing the Signs of Emotional Intimacy in Your Relationship

    “But aren’t we friends?” It’s a question all of us have asked at some point in our lives. We’re often so eager to label relationships, whether it’s romantic, platonic, or something else entirely. But what if the bond between you and another person transcends mere categories and labels? What if, in addition to being friends, you’re emotionally connected?

    The concept of emotional intimacy is an interesting one. It places emphasis on the level of mutual trust and understanding, rather than any kind of physical proximity. Those with strong levels of emotional intimacy feel comfortable enough with each other to be vulnerable, to take risks, and to forgive one another. So, how do you know if your bond with another person reaches that level of closeness?

    One sign to look out for is an increased level of communication. When two people share an emotional connection, they naturally communicate more frequently and openly. There is no need to put up walls; whatever is shared, stays between the two of them. They feel like they can talk about anything without fear of judgement.

    Showing care for one another is another indication that there is emotional intimacy present. You may find yourself doing little things for your significant other to make their life easier. This could be something as simple as making dinner for when they get home from work or picking up groceries for them without them asking. Similarly, those who have strong levels of emotional intimacy show appreciation for each other in more noticeable ways.

    In addition to communication and care, people in a relationship with strong emotional intimacy will be supportive of each other’s endeavors. They want to see each other be successful and achieve their goals, and they actively cheer each other on. They celebrate each other’s successes, both large and small.

    Finally, true emotional intimacy is evident in a lack of judgments or criticisms. Both people involved understand that mistakes will happen; however, they never use those mistakes to devalue the other person. They recognize the importance of a healthy give-and-take relationship, allowing them to address issues without accusation or confrontation.

    Recognizing the signs of emotional intimacy in your relationship can be difficult, but it is important to make sure that you and your partner are on the same page. While physical nearness might not necessarily be necessary to form an emotional bond, an understanding of each other’s wants and needs is. If you’re unsure whether or not your relationship has reached a point of emotional intimacy, ask yourself the questions above and reflect on your current interactions.

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