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Guarana Galrok

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Everything posted by Guarana Galrok

  1. You need to talk to her alone about it upfront. Make sure her friends are not there to screw things up, and find out directly as possible what HER feelings are in relation to you. (As in not her friends feelings imposed onto her mind). Try not to tell her how you feel and act as nicely as always. Good luck! -GG
  2. I disagree with acts12's advice. There may be other fish in the sea...but sometimes our lures are a little dysfunctional! I don't think there's much better way to spend a short life than wishing some girl will like you-because when one finally does it will be all the better (not just another break up when you are with a girl you don't really like that much). Best of luck! GG
  3. Looks like you got it made buddy. Just be as nice (preferably more) as you have been and pay attention to her when you do something. Try to build on what you have learned about her as a friend, but drift away from things that she has shown interest in but doesn't really want to do (E.G. paintballing). Congrats n good luck!
  4. While I don't approve of your actions, I wish you luck finding someone new and more understanding of your needs.
  5. Her sister needs to leave you both alone. It isn't her business and if her dad can't handle something as simplistic as this, then maybe he really does need to go. From what I'm getting out of this, the only reason anything would happen to her dad is because the sister told him, and thus whatever happened to her dad would be the fault of the sister, not your girlfriend. You should help your girlfriend to impress her values and opinions on the situation onto her sister-this should ease each of you's stresses. Good luck! -GG
  6. Don't tell her. Probably the worst thing you can do that I can think of. Wait until she shows some interest in you at the least.
  7. The guy should always pay, unless he's 'economically challenged.' It just doesn't seem right if the girl pays.
  8. Don't try to get her to like you. It won't happen-trust me. Try to move on and give her up. It'll be easier for both of you in the long run. At least she's willing to help you. Best regards!
  9. Instead of "Let's be friends", it would be nice to have a "No, leave me alone
  10. I don't support self-surpremism as a form of social power or confidence, especially when there are SO many people better than 1 person at any given time, but hey- if you want a false sense of positive self-image to blind you when you need reason and moral, that's your business.
  11. Physical attraction is possible at first site. Whether that first site is from a sober, awake, otherwise unaffected person is up for debate. Emotional attraction is not possible at first site, nor often second or third site.
  12. Start over. This can be a new place, a new place to live in, a new environment away from the one you currently hang out at, whatever. Craft for yourself a realistic idea of who and what you want to be. Find reasonable changes you can make to move towards this ideal. Think of yourself as a person with these characteristics and you will actually start to become more like that person. You aren't a loser...millions of teenagers have gone through half the crap you have and killed themselves or failed in life..you are showing a genuinely non-loserly quality by doing something about it and posting here. Just remember we're all rooting for you here! Best wishes! GG
  13. Be nice and give him the benefit of the doubt. Guys can change, though we do seem to be obsessed with sex at times. Sounds like if things get out of control you can handle yourself. If you like him, take a shot.
  14. 100% of the times (ok...once) that I have ever asked a girl out I asked her if I could talk to her in private for a second. This will excite her and I figure the odds are 4000 to 1 if you ask her when she is surrounded by less than 3 friends/people. You need confidence? Go to a local high school and look at the people that are together and how much better certain aspects of you are than them. Even with how bad I look, I can always find someone I think is worse than I am...and it actually helps.
  15. Material wealth can be lost, and regained. Intelligence can be developed, but what you acquire from intelligence (knowledge) is lost and gained, the mesaure of success of that intelligence. Tony Hawk can retain his skill with practice or he can lose it while on year long vacations and has control over when he wants to get it back. Beethoven's talent can fade, but come back. All of those things can be reacquired after they are lost, continued after they are stopped, and redeemed after they are condemned. When you lose the love of someone, it hurts and nothing can stop the hurt but a new love to make you temporarily blind before you are hurt more(in my experience, of course). Tony Hawk can break his skate board, but get one just the same model. You can generally get any material possession back just like it was. With all those example, things can replace things exactly. Not the same with love. You can not get someone the same as someone you have lost, but your new skateboard can be just as good, if not better for skating than the old one. The adaptation of Beethoven's work can sound grander than the best performace of the original score. I really hope this helps. GG
  16. If you're good looking, take the shot. Never know til you try. If you fail, maybe you'll gain a friend. Good luck....
  17. Rather than give you the standard BS about how she might like you, what the signs are, question the circumstances/situation so I can give you a positive answer, I thought I'd just tell you the simple answer that people seem to afraid to give on this forum: No, she doesn't like you.
  18. It is fine to ask them if they are taken and you don't know, provided you are respectful and sincere when you find out they are. Their self esteem will go up and any girl deserving of you in a relationship will respect that you asked her and probably be nice about it. The best way? I don't know...never done it successfully.
  19. It's good for guys because it gets the whole male ego going when their girl's scared and they're not. I like it when she's holding on to me during scary movies or whatever because she's scared. Plus, guys feel that their gf's feel more protected if they don't act scared (open for verification on this issue)
  20. I like smaller ones myself. Not only are big boobs a turn-off to me, but I find generally when someone has big boobs they tend to have a certain ego about them when the topic is brought up and that is awful.
  21. Take the hurt now, or it builds up. You go, or he does. Either way, she'll live a better life for it. Best wishes -GG
  22. Alright, I feel that the more intense, love involved and at least mildly successful relationships have been addressed, but what of the ones that last less than 2-3 months? What is the point of those? Arguably, I suppose you could learn from those as well but after you've had 3 or 4 of them how can they still teach you anything you didn't already know?
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