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  1. Well because you where ignoring her she probably thought you where playing hard to get and is now messing with your head, but she more than likely likes you. All you need to do is go up to her and tell her that you didnt mean to ignor her and tell her how you feel and she probably won't be werid anymore. Hope that helps.
  2. He might like you but hes probably shy. Try going up to him and asking him why you havent talked lately and tell him that you would like to hang out more again.
  3. Yes, it possible for people to change but its not instant. It can take days, months, even years to change depending on the person and the problem. Mostly, you have to find your target result; what you want to change and find the ways to change it. Once you know what you want to change about yourself you need to go out and find the ways for you to do it. For example, if you want to be more friendly, try being polite to people and saying hi to more people rather than hiding. BAsically, you need to look out of your box. Hope that helps.
  4. Well yeah its possible for men and women to just be friends. If your husband is okay with it then its good, but if you feel that the relationship is too strong between you and you male friend, you should tell your friend that because of your marriage and your feelings for him that need to break it off.
  5. Its not rude if your nice about it and help them pronounce it.
  6. If you want to make a regular thing of calling her, call at least once a week; not too latebut not at a stupid time either like dinner or whatever. If you see her at school, you could ask about your calling plan. The closer you become, the more freedom and leway you'll get with the phonecalls with her.
  7. It really doesn't matter what kinf of ring you get since the expense of the ring doesn't mesure the love you have for her. Getting a customized one might be meaningful but it also might be expensive. If there is really truw love, then the ring won't really matter.
  8. Try writinga letter; it'll get her off your mind and she'll know that you care. Its up to you wiether you what you want it to say, but being to personal might scare her.
  9. Okay I like this girl, I'll call her Kiva. Anyways, Kiva and I where close and everything; she even made me go on her with dates with her and her BF at the time which was weird for me. She always look at me and I could see a sparkle in her eyes and a truly happy smile which wasn't like wide or anything but it was real andI could just tell she was happy. Basically, after that, I started liking her too much and I waited for her after class and so she told my friend, 'Jamie', that I was being weird. He told me and I was uber crushed. After that, we wernt as close, I stopped being around her so much, and we never called eachother except a few times I called her but the convos where never as long as they use to be. Anyways, 2.5 five years later, I still have a jones for her and I really like her. We see eachother off-and-on (not as much) in town and she gets happy and her eyes widen and she seems to get happy but she also seems to keep her distance, and shes never without a BF. I got desprate and wrote her a letter but nothing happened, but after the letter I've seen her but we never talked about it. She was just happy and and her eyes widen and stuff but we jsut talked about "hey whatcha do'n" kindda stuff. I know her number and everything, but I havent seen her at all anywhere. I've seen her once at church but I blew it beccause she was in teh baby room. I dunno if I should call her or not. Do I have a chance? A better question is if I see her, should I tell her all this crap I have inside for her?
  10. Sometimes, a guy that seems nice can actually be a jerk. They would only act noce to get a date and then some. Its hard to tell if a guy will really be the guy your looking for until after a few dates. Sometimes, the woman can assume the guy is a jerk because that guy doesn't meet their requirements. IF the guy has a few character flaws like an ego, self-centerness, and other stuff like that then the woman usually brushes them off. The thing to remember is if you can tell if the guy truly loves you or cares for you, the nyou should give them more chances but if they just seems like totaly jerks out there for themselfs, then your right to dump them.
  11. Well this kinnda stuff happens naturally and whatever feels right when you do it should be done. If you really feel so dumb, you can talk to your BF and tell him that you don't know what to do and not to make fun of you and maybe tell you if your doing anything wrong.
  12. This might not sound like a good idea now but maybe you should consider it; you should tell her how you feel. I know this sounds hard difficult and almost like relationship suicide or something but if you feel so much for her, maybe you shoud tell her. Okay, like if she doesnt like u that way you might not be friends but if it hurts you this much not being with her, then by telling her you'll be able to let it out and no matter the outcome, you'll feel much betterwith yourself for doing it. However, its up to you since you MAY lose your friend but if your willing to take that chance then its the best choice. Other than that, you'll have to live with not being with her.
  13. Well she seems to like you more as a friend right now. Sometimes, when a girl punches and pokes a guy, its usually a flirting thingbut not always a "I like you" thing. Flirting can be like to losen ppl up and make convo and not just to express likingness. I wouldn't suggest asking her out again since a month is kindda short, but try hanging out with her more often. Try to get her number and talk on the phone or something. Usually, a good way to get girls is to tell them a complament every week, like "Your hat looks nice: or something, and every week the complament should get more personal. Around the 4th week, you should tell her how much u like being friends then you might become closer, and when you get close enough you can ask her on a date. Don't go too far or she'll liek you as a friend. Hope that helps.
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