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  1. I think a diploma in business management would likley be useful to you and get you at least entry level positions in many companies and you could probably move up from there. If you want to continue and get a degree I would say go for it, you can never have too much education.
  2. Agreed, might be infected. See a doctor asap.
  3. Thanks for all the input everyone! For those that asked, the choice of schools are the University of Western Ontario and UBC. I'm currently in Ottawa. Professionals I've talked to say that the program I want, Library science is good at both schools. So like you say, Raykay, neither choice would necessarily be a bad one I just have to make up my mind and decide whats best for me. Anyway, thanks again all. Any more advice/opinions on the matter would be welcome.
  4. Hi, O.k, I need some input. I have to move away from home to attend grad school. The program I want is not offered at the university in my home town. The two options I have are: 1. Move to a small town a 6 hour drive away from folks. I have never been to this town before and don't know anyone. 2. Move accross the country, over 3,000km to go to school in a big city where I have some extended family. Both schools are excellent. As you can see my greatest problem is moving away from my family who I am very close too. I guess I'm really worried about being alone or lonely. I feel like I'm in a real catch 22. Has anyone else had to make this kind of decision? I've done the pros and cons thing and don't see a clear answer so I'm hoping another person's opinion can help.
  5. Have you ever tried free writing? Thats when you sit down with a blank piece of paper and a pen and without thinking write for 5 minutes nonstop. Don't think about writing just write. You don't have to write about the current piece your working on. Don't worry about wording things properly or sentence structure or grammer or spelling-just write. It sounds stupid but it may really help. Free writing also gets easier the more you do it, some people make a point of doing 5-10 minutes of free writing a day.
  6. It sounds like they really care about you and have forgiven you. It looks like you've found the family that many of us wish for but may never have. I know your telling yourself this is too good to be true but maybe it isn't. Don't feel like you don't deserve it because you do and you deserve love and affection just as much as the next person. If they've forgiven you its maybe time to forgive yourself too. What I'm trying to say is don't sabotage yourself. If they are bringing you back into their lives that means they care for you. Even if you never get the chance to live with them again wouldn't it be really good to have people like that in your corner supporting you? I think so.
  7. Here's a lame one: This guy goes up to my friend and says "Are you from the jungle?" Girl says "no". He says "then where did these pythons come from?" as he (tries) to flex the muscles on his arms. As lame as it was I think it worked because she thought it was funny.
  8. Have you talked to her about her drunken behaviour when she's sober? I mean if she tells you when she's drunk that she loves you, what does she say the next day after she's sobered up? There's no hard and fast rule about the truthfullness of what drunk people say. Although, IMO, I would trust a sober person over a drunk person.
  9. Wow, you've really been handed the short end of the stick-on more than one occasion. Unfortunately, what you've experienced is not uncommon, I've experienced it myself. As a possible option: Since the union has been so useless: Would it be possible to take the demotion (if it comes to that) and then start looking for work elsewhere or start getting your business planned out and ready to start. When you get a new (better) job or you can start your own business, leave with little notice and go straight to the top with your reason for leaving, forget about your supervisor. Point out that during the time you were employed you went to the trouble and personal expense to obtain extra education and qualifications outside of work hours which would be of benefit to the company had they bothered to put those qualifications to use. Also mention the bullying and idle gossip that poisioned your work environment and prompted you to look for work elsewhere. A book called "What colour is your parachute" might help with looking for another job and prep for interviews and starting your own business for that matter.
  10. Sounds like your in-laws get a kick out of raining on your parade. Let them say what they like it doesn't change the fact that its your money, its your life and now its your house!!! Congrats. If the opportunity arises, tell them politely that you appreciate their concern but the papers are signed and you and your fiance are happy with the house.
  11. I'm job hunting right now too. It does suck. Even if your doing all the right things, when you don't feel good about yourself it's hard to market yourself to employers convincinely. Maybe try to focus on how great it will feel to actually get the job you want. Imagine the exact moment when you get the call saying you got the job and how proud you'll feel and how happy you'll be. It will be a great moment, so put that though in to your mind and write another cover letter. Happy job hunting.
  12. devious, I've been really hung up on what a mess I make of my life too. I'm always sabotaging myself and beating myself up over the decisions I make later. I just finished reading a book on this and the bottom line of that book was that not all decisions you make a our age are permanent so don't worry about it or over-think these things. Everyone makes mistakes, like the other posts say.
  13. LOL For some reason this thread reminds me of that cheerleader sketch on SNL that Sheri O'Teri and Will Farrell used to do. They would end their cheers with: "Sex can wait. Masterbate" Unfortunately, I have no constructive advice to add. Except this thought: If you are good person in every way, why would God fault you for trying to get rid of a little sexual frustration?
  14. Agreed. Sometimes its counterproductive to study for hours on end. Its better to break up the study sessions into shorter blocks of time with short breaks between. The thing is though that you have to be really hard on yourself and tell yourself that a fifteen minute break is not going to turn into a four hour break. Also, don't think you can sit in front of the T.V. for fifteen minutes and go back to studying. It won't work. Someone offered me this advise once: Keep it SMART- Small, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time Specific. I guess it means make small study goals and stick to a time frame so that you can achieve the goals. Hope this helps in some small measure. geo
  15. I can see why you are so torn between wanting to stay with your dad but also wanting out. On the one hand your dad has been there for you when he was able and of course you both love each other and you want to be there for him and you want him to be there for you. But on the other hand, his addiction is really harming himself and you and your brother and the relationship that you all share. Did writing out the pros and cons make the answer any clearer in your mind? You mentioned that you have a friend. Have you spoken to this friend and his/her parents? I'm going to do a bit of searching on the web for more info on this. I'll let you know what I find. Stay strong.
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