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Everything posted by prevch

  1. oh by the way VERY few rebounds work out ever. In fact 80% of relationships period don't work out haha that is the way of the world.
  2. hmm this post proves one thing there is no PERFECT way to handle a breakup. Man life is tough. I am doing NC for now but once I heal I am talking to my ex prolly just to say a casual hello
  3. i see i see. actually I just stopped caring and that seemed to help a lot
  4. I am sure she cares for you man and trust me I bet she has a new boyfriend. A lot of girls are too weak to be on there own. Rebound guys are rebound guys that's all there is to it. anyways I hope everything works out the way you want it to
  5. well the action was that she took the time to write it on her away message knowing I would see it so I guess that counts right I have let her go if she wants me great if not then I am moving on I have a lot of stuff to fix with me anyways
  6. yikes that would be horrible if they were. I can't imagine that the lyrics would be for him but then again I have been wrong before. Well I will give it a shot with the lyrics thing thanks
  7. Well I had another topic on here awhile ago [link removed click here to read it anyways, I talked to my ex like two maybe three weeks ago and since then have been doing no contact. I think about her constantly and I am guessing that she thinks of me from time to time considering we were so close and had such an awesome relationship. anyways today I was on ICQ, an instant messaging service for those not familiar, anyway I was on ICQ and I saw her name online. I did not send her a message I just read her away message and it read: "There's always that one person who will always have your heart, you'll never see it coming cause you're blinded from the start, know that you're that one for me" Lyrics from that usher/alicia keys song "you'll always be my boo". Now I am guessing that that message had to be geared towards me because she knows I get on ICQ from time to time and she wanted me to see it. I know she is with someone else right now but do you think I should contact her? It is really hard for me to decide what to do. Any ideas?
  8. you're right. I empathize with her though I know what it is like to be 18 and not know what you want. It just seems really unfair. But I guess that's life.
  9. Probably a silly question, but as some of you know my girlfriend of 3.5 years broke up with me out of nowehere. She is now with another guy and they have been dating for two months or so. She is only 18 so I think she may just be going through a phase. We had an awesome relationship do you think we have a good chance of getting back together? I miss her like crazy. What can I do? I just started no contact but I hate it because I want to talk to her so bad. I am really depressed. any ideas?
  10. hey man I feel your pain. You think she may be playing a game sort of seeing if she still controls you. I think one of two things need to be done. either 1. you get back together fix things etc etc or 2. cut off all contact completely because I know you love the kids but this will only mess there head up. Try not to bring the kids into it. I know that is really hard but it is prolly for the best. hope it works out for you man.
  11. well ya definitely need to follow your heart. If you don't pursue do you think you will always wonder?
  12. ultimately what her mom thinks doesn't mean much. She may take what she says to heart but still she will follow her heart
  13. same here man I am in the same situation completely. she will prolly come crawling back but give it time. You may not get back with her but think how gratifying it will be if she comes back begging Seriously dude my situation is almost a carbon copy. she is prolly just going through a phase. Trust me dude, she thinks about you even when she is with this other dude.
  14. he'll/she'll come back once they sew there wild oats I am guessing. Same thing happened to me just give them space even though it kills. Let them contact you.
  15. I'm guessing she broke up with him because she is a confused teenage girl. She wanted to go experience what else ws out there and then she realized that was fun for awhile and now she misses him. You probably put him through hell when you broke up with him trust me I know the feeling. Your best bet is to call him on the phone and ask him if you could meet somewhere and talk. It means more in person. If he asks why you want to talk just say "because I want to tell you some things" or something like that. Tell him you will buy him lunch it will be hard for him to turn it down. I hope it works out great for ya hun. I am going through something like this myself except I am the victim (the guy who got dumped) and my ex does nto want me back....yet. She may never want me back but I hope she will someday even though I am mad at her. It has only been a little over two months though. Stuff takes time. Anyway, give him a call. If you wanna talk more or need anything else you can pm me. best of luck!
  16. try not to go to the library at all costs You may not like your ex but you will be doing yourself a favor by forgiving him. It takes way more effort to hold a grudge. I know how hard it is trust me I know, I am working on the same thing myself. Just forgive him and love yourself and eventually time will make you feel good.
  17. seems like you are just a little scared. I say go for it man a lot of it sounds perfect. Go for it give it an honest chance and maybe you can find true happiness with her.
  18. stay away!!! This guy cares about what's in between your legs and not what's in between your ears. Do't get hurt.
  19. yah man you don't know what you have until it's gone. Sorry man but you did bring it upon yourself. Give it some time then contact her and try to reconcile but if she does not want you back you cannot blame her right?
  20. I am sorry to hear about your situation. You are better off than I am you are best friends with your ex mine wants nothing to do with me (ouch) anyways I see a lot of hope in this relationship. You two obviously enjoy one another's company and you need to tell him how you feel but offer a solution to the problem. Your kids may not get along but that's because they are kids. Remember you are the boss. The kids will act according to what you think is appropriate not the other way around. By letting the kids control you you are letting them spoil themself. Don't let them get away with being rude to one another. show them that treating everyone, regardless of who they are and where they come from, is how your household will be run...PERIOD. Tell this man you love him and I am sure he loves you too. But tell him that you need to get this kid situation under control. By not putting your foot down and showing your kids who is boss you are honestly doing them more harm than good. Not sure how your parents were but when my parents wanted something done I did it because if I didn't there were severe consequences. You love your kids so don't buddy buddy them, parent them. In no way shape or form am I saying you are a bad parent because it sounds to me like you are a great loving parent, but I don't think that your kids or his kids should control you. I think you can make it work. I hope it turns out great if you need anything else pm me.
  21. Sounds to me liek you love this girl and are trying to talk yourself out of it. Maybe I am nuts but man if she can change you the way she did and it think about the changes (her in another form) obsessively it is pretty clear to me what you want is her. Maybe it is time to settle down with someone who will always put your happiness first. In any case, don't let the element of surprise hold you back from love. Talk to her man, see what happens. I think you may be into her subconsciously. anyways, best of luck.
  22. thank you for your advice. Yah we have been together forever we basically grew up together. I want to pursue a friendship with her but right now it just seems really hard. I think I am just going to wait a while and try to get my head straight before I try to be friends with her. It is really hard right now. I hope she realizes what she lost because as stated above I love her more than life. Sheesh 4 years is a long time to just get thrown away. Well thanks for your advice I am trying my best to move on. Anyone else have some wisdom for me?
  23. Well here goes My girlfriend of almost four years dumped me a little over two months ago. She was acting a little different before she dumped me and we talked a little bit but did not really get anywhere. anyways a day after we broke up she is with another guy and sleeping with him like two days later. So obviously I am pissed. Basically she and I live in the same apartment building (not the same unit the same building) so when she got her new boyfriend I had the lovely pleasure of watching them walk around with each other. I am 20 and she is 18 so I am thinking she is just going through her 18 year old stage of wanting to try something different and see what else is out there for her because I know she loved me and I know I loved her. Had you asked her 3 months ago if she would marry me she would have said yes in a second. We had an awesome relationship always spent all of our time together, found each other attractive, I loved her family she loved mine. I just lost so much when she dumped me like I lost my best friend and my lover. I know it sounds pathetic but I still cry to this day over her. I have been miserable everyday since she left. I professed my love, wrote a six page letter, got a huge boquet of flowers bought her a ring and did all that and that never works but now she acts as if she does not care whether I am alive or dead. She said hi to me in the hall a few days ago but I just ignored her completely. It is really hard though because I honestly love this girl more than anything in this world and I don't know how or why she would throw away four years of a good relationship for nothing. Should I just keep ignoring her? I actually am moving out of the apartment building because I want to get away from her cuz it just makes it that much harder to be near her. I got a really good job so I am moving about an hour and a half away. Gosh I know this is pathetic and very typical but I just don't know what I should do. She was so rude with the break up she would not even talk to me when I called her. I have no clue what I could have possibly done wrong. I am handsome, funny, smart, honest, young, successful, I don't cheat, and I was always a gentleman. We have gone through this sort of thing a couple times before and we always end up back together, but we have never been apart this long. I lost a huge part of me when I lost her and I can't understand why she doesn't feel the same way. Is it possible to love someone one day and not the next? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I really want to move on but I just don't know how.
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