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Everything posted by hardcore

  1. a soul mate is some one that makes you feel whole . someone who can make you smile even while you cry
  2. this is it you see. it is killing me . love i fear has been lost to me. as i feel the beat of my haret. like a grain of wheat. i have been reaped. spare me not your pitty. for tommrow will be sh-ty. when i wake. no longer to see your fase . i fear my haret may brack. no longer to here such a sweet reply. i fear i have ran out of time. o sweet bell of mine . maybe if we were the same maybe we wouldn't play this game's maybe i push to hard maybe you are just out of my reach. whow i fear the nigth but not as much as the morring ligth . to awaken not bye your side o sweet bell of mine. is there nothing i can say to sway your way. befor you leave . never to come back any more . low i feel as i roll on the floor . praying that you will not leave. so i am left alone. all thow i shed no tears . i feel the cold bitter nigth air. come apone me . how bitter sweet it is . for just another love lost. this is just a poem that i wrote by harcore
  3. so how is evey thing now still doing good i hope
  4. it sounds like to me that maybe you had a cell wall rup ; or could be kidneystones eather way you must go to the doctors your doctor or go to Er could be one of thes things thats the best case . but there is no real way of knowing so go to the doc's ok let me know how you turn out
  5. i don't think foot ball is worth it i never finshed high shcool becuse i was raped up in the arcades i was dam good at mortal kombat i even have a award for a contest i enterd
  6. hardcore


    i don't know what to do anymore i am at a lose for word's but when haven't i i have meet many pepole all of witch say i am a nice guy but i know they don't feel the the same i geuss it is true then nice guys do finish last . but the one's that really know me say im a mean littel old man who will burn in hell . i am so confused . i have a ? to ask . were do we go when we have no were to call home . others call me a loner given love about much chance as winning the lotto . i have spent 7 years totaly alone i just find it hard to deal with pepole aging hope you can make something out of this becuse even i don't know what the heck im saying at times just killing time i think. i meet a true friend on here she rated me as a 7 . and my personilty as a 10 i don't know just wanted to see what you migth say . thank you ad have a good day.
  7. i really don't know what to say other then in time things tend to work them self's out i wish you the best and god speed .but even i am confused hope you can understand sorry aging. 8)
  8. i wish you good luck on you voage to find the one they are out there its just hard to find believe me i know
  9. bad boys allways hen trust me hes a quote from a friend of mine a long time ago
  10. no they do not work sorry i would wrigth a littel more but its 12;50 and i have alot of work to do
  11. we are all fool's when we fall in love becuse love isn't real how about that its outof the bag there is no love only a need to populait thats all there's nothing wrong with you you just need to pair bond with some one and be done love is not real its a lie something we tell are selfs to get sleep at nigth but im here to tell you its all fack . but maybe you have to learn that out your self.
  12. im not much for words but here go's . in the beging god made man from clay and man wander this eath alone so god showed pitty on man and cast him in to a deep sleep and removed one of his ribs or part of his soul to make him a partner there for the completed each other the were one of the same body and soul . what man in this world wouldn't want to be complet . the feeling you get is one of safety and one of great love . but now adays pepole don't believe in such things only one nigth stands that go nowere . but just leave you there with a gun in your hand saying why dose it allways happen to me . o im sorry i got caried away there well thats just what i think . just a tougth.
  13. i must say i liked it that is all since i have dawned a new fase i have not muck to say :scramble:
  14. don't worry im sure there will be a good guy in your futher
  15. didn't read all the post just the top half and i have to say don't feel bad i don't have any goal's or dreams eather but im ok i geuss sep' for the voice's in my head
  16. lose the friend and don't judge any books bye there cover
  17. wow i loved your poem it give's me hope
  18. sounds like you need to spend more time with him and less time worrying about your ex . look maybe if you spent more time with him he would see that you want him and not your ex but i don't know any thing im just a guy
  19. sorry guy's im not much of a speller if you know what i meen . were's spell check at on here .thanks i hate the world you are my greates friend
  20. here i am i am just a smpile man. with just a simple plan. to live life to its fullest . if i can . but there were may days. and nigths that i felt. incompleat. until she came in to my life. i felt i rathed died . but she has showen me the ligth. and i fell for the frist time like i am alive. but alass i fear love has never been there. for me you see . but given time i think . this will never end . so i give her my haret and hope and pray. that she will not lauge and turn away. but aging i say . to the one that holds me dear . i will allways be there . when times are tougth and they will. look no futher for i am there. ready to hear. ready to take care. becuse you hold the key's to my heart. and my heart is forever your's p.s i wrote this poem for the one i love but i posted it for all to see becuse i am not afraid to show my love for you . yours truly steve
  21. thanks i think i need to get help or something
  22. another great poem i wish i was as good as you but i am not mainly becuse my lack of spelling i think but you all ready know that your friend and allways will be hardcore
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