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  1. god has given you life...the only one that will give you a chance is yourself.ill give you a FACT OF LIFE.and that fact is that if you keep at somthing long enough...no matter how pointless it might seem..and or you dont seem to feel that you are accomplishing your goal..just remember to stick at it and it will pay off..you are 13!!!life will show you what it is that you are ment to do...and if it doesnt?then do what you love.no matter what it is.....JUST DO IT!!!
  2. that voice in your head is that punk as s satan...for real...that is his job..ive been where you are now...my pain got so bad that i could nolonger keep it inside..and one day 7 years ago i exploded in rage and went on a one man crime wave that lasted 4 months.57 burglarys.and i violently assaulted certain people that had wronged me.i was released from prison last april.i studied the bible and that stuff is real..you can beat satan with gods help..hey im not a saint or a true christian...but trust him,and dont let satan try to fool you when you ask help from god..he knows that god is the truth.he hates you and me with a passion and he wants to kill every last one of us..and if not get us to kill ourselves..do you know why?because we are made in gods image.hey,,,life is to short as it is.dont waste your youth like i did on drugs and anger.most of my true friends our dead now.im still a young man.and ive already served 3 prison terms.theres alot of beautiful things out there waiting for you...and take the pain life gives you.you will get stronger and wiser.dont hurt the people that really care about you.if you did that it would devistate them beyond words.ive been through that kind of grief before and its debilitating.to where you cant even stand up.just find some private time to talk with god or jesus as you see him.no words.just you and god in thought and prayer...remember that satan cant read your mind...but he can put things there.you will make it......god bless!
  3. she wants her cake and eat it too.and there is no anger or rage comparible to a cheated boyfriend.
  4. satan is doing this to you..satan and his slimy little resident demons that hes assinged to you.fight back...you know who to call on...
  5. dude... no matter what,you will always be that little girls father.do you want her growing up calling somebody else 'daddy'?not to mention the emotional scars she will bare if you check out.think about it........pull yourself together bro.keep a stiff upper lip,,(ac/dc).when you see your ex just dont say any of the things you say,just dont!
  6. HEAD GAMES!weather this guy does exist,or doesnt exsist,she is playing head games.most likely,to get a reaction from you,because you are not acting like a person that has been dumped acts.men are prone to react instantly to any situation.thus,you are not reacting accordingly.which is very confusing for her because normally it would be"oh whos this guy"?are you having sex?etc etc etc.stay cool.
  7. i got dumped nearly 2 years ago,and my ex strung me along up until recentley,when i put a stop to it.every time before i put a stop to it,she became very sweet,and caring and sometimes we had sex,but when i would start to feed into her game she would pull the plug and send me on another emotional rollercoaster.the fact is that these people dont know how to love the way they said they did at the start,im no saint and i wasnt perfect.she did some things during our relationship that made me feel very disrespected.and she was completely unaccountable for her actions.you ask why i hung on as long as i did?well...i still dont know?but i finally told her good bye.and low and behold she will call or e mail me.im nolonger going to answer any of them.my point being is that neither you nor i ran away...we tried to make things work,they are the ones that ran away....now it is time for us to move on!!!!!!
  8. i disagree....the guys a loser,and not to mention totally selfish.no,he hasnt moved on...he just runs away...like most people do.he leaves her,,,comes to you,,then leaves you and goes back to her.etc etc.how could you ever trust him again anyways.he could care less about how this is effecting you.the only lame answer he has for you is fu##### pi##### me off"you are making him angry?sounds just like my ex.i cant believe i still wanted her after all of the grief she put me through.no,he hasnt moved on...he just ran away like a coward.hes a loser!you should be glad hes gone...and you will eventually.if you talk to him again .tell him to go and #### himself! good luck
  9. well bro.. in her eyes,,and most women view kissing as a very intamate thing.even more so then sex.weather you were drunk or sober.you lost her trust.some people get over those things easyer then other people do.for instance,say the tables were turned?would her excuse of being drunk make you feel better about it?shes waiting for you to accept responsibility and tell her why you really kissed this woman from work,or ,shes set in her ways about it and she is very hurt.my ex broke it off with me almost 2 years ago,accept she comes around every now and then and sometimes we sleep together and she will be really nice until i feed into it,and then she gives me the ax all over again.nc is the best thing,then you will know,good luck.
  10. well bro.. in her eyes,,and most women view kissing as a very intamate thing.even more so then sex.weather you were drunk or sober.you lost her trust.some people get over those things easyer then other people do.for instance,say the tables were turned?would her excuse of being drunk make you feel better about it?shes waiting for you to accept responsibility and tell her why you really kissed this woman from work,or ,shes set in her ways about it and she is very hurt.my ex broke it off with me almost 2 years ago,accept she comes around every now and then and sometimes we sleep together and she will be really nice until i feed into it,and then she gives me the ax all over again.nc is the best thing,then you will know,good luck.
  11. well bro.. in her eyes,,and most women view kissing as a very intamate thing.even more so then sex.weather you were drunk or sober.you lost her trust.some people get over those things easyer then other people do.for instance,say the tables were turned?would her excuse of being drunk make you feel better about it?shes waiting for you to accept responsibility and tell her why you really kissed this woman from work,or ,shes set in her ways about it and she is very hurt.my ex broke it off with me almost 2 years ago,accept she comes around every now and then and sometimes we sleep together and she will be really nice until i feed into it,and then she gives me the ax all over again.nc is the best thing,then you will know,good luck.
  12. yes it would bother me,but not as much if she would have told me before i had to call and find out..the dinner was over at 9.00.if it was truly innocent she would have called you long before 130 am!
  13. yes it would bother me,but not as much if she would have told me before i had to call and find out..the dinner was over at 9.00.if it was truly innocent she would have called you long before 130 am!
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