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  1. but i dont wonna be hanging aorund with anyone that goes to the arcade as they are usualy all piss heads (no offence) but my idea of fun isnt going out and partying so its hard to find ppl with my intrest (im a computer geek)
  2. same applies to them all, damit im a social misfit
  3. ok this may sound stupid... im 17, and never had a g/f i dont believe it is because i am ugly, ive probably been asked out around 6-8 times and hints thrown at me about 5 times but too blind to see them. For example tonight i was walking back from KFC and a girl was smiling at me in a car. So...this is my problem... i cant either see hints being chucked my way or im too shy to take them up about it. Also the ppl asking me out...are not the peaple i want to go out with..... Most of that happened in school, now i have left school i have NO MATES so i can not go out down the beach or things coz i have no1 to go with, thats why i think i have been depressed latley as i stay in every blimming day and have been for the past year. So how or where do i meet someone? coz i know im gonna be one of these social misfits that get onto 25 and still a virgin ("girls" dont assume that means im a sex hog, just that i dont want the mokery of a virgin of that age)
  4. i cant join in the conversation as i am to shy.. also i dont have anything in common, they are all talking about how pissed they got the night b4 and stuff when i dont do any of that. Im not jealous that he talks to ppl, i am just angry coz i feel like im being used and look like a plonker. Today, he started tlaking to someone and that person was someone who used to bully me in school!
  5. hiya i placed this here as i did not know where else to place it. But this is my problem and has happenbd several times: I sometimes go to lunch with a work colleuge that is aorund a year older than me (im 17). When we are out at lunch sometimes he sees someone he knows and goes over to chat with them, so i have to go too. This is not that bad but is when that person hagns around with you for the whole lunch (also today the person was someone who bullied me at school) yea, thats right, several times this has happened and i have nothing to say, while there chatting away i just plod along behind them not saying anything and feel like im being used. even though my colleague is a all right and i dont mind going to lunch with him but this is really annoying and he asks whats wrong everytime we go back to work coz im pissed off. what do i do?
  6. there is no places like that where i live in the UK
  7. i went to da gym last night, im trying to lose body fat and then gain muscle to tone off. its anyway g2g to work cya l8rz
  8. hello is a good starting point
  9. unless... say if you walk somewhere everyday and everytime u leave at that time you see a attractive girl... each day you see eachother then one day you smile...then one day...you say "hi" and *hopefully* she will say hi aswell. once this goes on for like 3 days, you stop and say "can i have the time please" then you start chatting about stuff like "where can i findsomewhere to buy ....... this DVD" after about a week hopefully you start chatting more often and then swap phone numbers coz i really want a g/f but since i am a social misfit it seems i cant find anyone at nightclubs and pubs coz i h8 them. I started the gym the other day and there was loadsa attractive girls there, but unfortunately i worked out a "bit" to much and i ended sweating like a bitach lol, also my face turned bright red coz i was so hot, lOL! so i promptly left.............. lol i looked like this little man.....
  10. ok, i aint read all the posts as there is loads and im at lunch atm But im going to the gym tonight and trying to lose weight as im going vegas in october. I weigh about 10stone 7 and am about 5ft 11 wihcih i know isnt that bad but im size 34 waist and kinda big bum, lol so basically i wonna go back down to a 32 and lose the fat on my *butt* lol so ive been eating less than normally for eample, Lunch: Tuna Jacket Potatoe and Dinner: Chiken Salad or summit. With some mixed nuts (around a handful) And im planning to mainly use cardio when i go to the gym such as *hiking machine thingie* *running machine* and prob rowing machine. Hopefully these will focus on fat burning? as thasts what im mainly trying to do until i get low enough to *tone up* does this sound a good way of losing weight? as im 17 and every takes da piss outa me wanting to lose weight as i dont really look that fat (i wear baggy clothes) but i know i am and i would like to get to an ideal weight. BTW i used to eat KFC and things nearly EVERY day so i think i must have a kind high matabalism to stay 10stone 7lbs eating KFC and MCdonalds everyday! so salads and things will be a big changE!
  11. but im only 17 :S so sitting in coffy shops doesnt apply to me. I was thinking along the lines of like say if you was in a park and someone came along and sat down next to you, then started talking. would that be odd aswell?
  12. Hiya ppl This question is proablyb aimed towards girls as its advise im needing Is it "ok" to ask a stranger out on the street? I know it sounds weird but the other day some girl came over to me and said that she thinks im attractive and would like to get to know me and asked if i wanted her phone number, i said in so many words that it wouldnt work because of the age gap (im 17, she is 15) (the real reason is because i didnt fancy her). But i thought this was really nice and i was quite gobsmaked. so if a girl could answer this.,.. if a boy came over to you in the street and said that you was attractive ect. would you have a fit and just storm off? ignor them? or accept? Because this seems the only way i think im going to be able to get a g/f as i dont go clubbing or anythign as im a social misfit but i think i could summon up the courage to talk to someone on the street.
  13. heya, im back sorry i aint been on for a long time but i just recently posted my current feelings on my other post in the suicide category. people really think im hot? wish someone round where i live would think that of me
  14. hiya people, long time no see, eh I havent been on this site in a long time. At the moment i really dont know what to type, im sitting here with thousands of things going through my brain and nothing coming out. its weird that several months ago i was planing suicide next week during the past month i have had my ups and downs, right now im down, depressed i guess and there is half of me saying to finish it all next week, and the other half of me not to. I cant explain why i feel depressed. Personaly i think im nuts, i honestly feel that i am going crazy i cant help keep putting myself down, my life has been put downs and abuse from school, work and family its like i have no escape. Right now i feel like i have no future and there is no point in me living. I'm getting to the stage where i am scared to leave my room, im scared to go out into town or down to the local shop, its really stupid but i get to cousicous of what i think people are thnking. see why my life is so pathetic, i cant see a future for me.
  15. nenez im sorry to hear of your loss, your brother seemed to be some kind fo a guy. Im really sorry that i don't know what to say in the situation but i give you my condolances (i think that means summit important, i see it on movies, heh) Im Sorry... ToGgLe
  16. but thats what im scared about, i might get 6 months down the line and another event might happen or i start thinking again and i get depressed and suicidal again.
  17. hiya ppl, i'd thought i'd bring this topic back up because its my topic and where all my original suicidal thoughts have been jotted down. When looking back on how suicidal and how depressed i was around 3 months ago was a lot more serious than i is now, even though i still feel like i want to die. But i must admit that this site has helped me alot, through reading peoples topics and posts i have gained additional ways on thinking why not to kill myself. one of the things i think may be making me feel this way is because of work. I know it may sound stupid and people might say "how can a 16 year old suffer from stress" but i got a job that around 400 people reliy on me it becomes pretty stressful, spcially since the job im doing is for like adults at the age of 30s and im doing it and just came out of school last year!! (talk about commitment. hehe) But also, wouldnt it be 'more' stressful for a kid in theory? because if you think about i am not fully matured and i dont have the "mental" experiences in dealing with this kind of stress! A thing that keeps me from being depressed that seems will never go away and i need help to cure is wherever i am, in a supermarket, or a sweetshop or somewhere where i am forced to go to i am always thinking "i hate it here, i wish i didnt have to come here again, if i died i would never have too again" and the scary bit is when i go home and the same thoughts are traveling through my head. everytime i am asked or dragged out my room i wish i didnt have to go, and i keep thinking to myself if i was nto alive i wouldnt ahve to. Since being on the site it seems each fortnight i accomplish a goal or a section of my depression that helps and i seem to analyse and discover a reason why i feel this way. This is making me happy, somedays i feel like dieing, but some days im reasonalby happy. it seems to be a steady process but each fortnight or so i am definalty getting better, and this site has helped loads. in a way im scared though that i might be lighting up this dark tunnel a bit at a time and one day when i get to then it is going to be seeled or a creeping darkness that will nefver be lite up, im scared that i amy never be able to be happy, or escape form depression. I am also finding it helps when i talk to someone, i was speaking to my mentor who gave me advice and reasurance. Thank you all enot, u seem to be helping! (i have to take my pic off as A) im ugly, HA and B) i dont want anyoen to recoginise who i am) "my new quote = Live for tomorrow, not for Today
  18. wow thatnks for the compliment (blushes) ive never had a girlfriend, always thought i was ugly, main reason i wonna die im fed up with being alone
  19. yes true,. i agree with your last post that there are millions of women out there, but u know what, Not every one of those million love/fancy or even like me, and once youve foudn that special person its hard to find anotyher person like it. (in my case ive never found that special person or never will, or if i find my special person she wont find me special coz im ugly and have no confidence and stuff) In my experience you cant help someone without experienceing what they have gone through. Its all well and good that you r telling ppl not to die because there are many options, but there MAY be many options in YOUR situations and life but not in others..
  20. dragon slayer i want to tell you summit The thing that only keep me alive latley is because i am tryning not to worry what is or is not happening in my life at the moment, I know its hard not to think or to dwell in the past of what has/has not happened but i find the only way i can stop myself from suicide is to think into the future. I believe in fate so i hope one day, that special event is going to happen. My dream is to have a loving wife, kids, house, car and stable income and thats all what keeps me going, The future. So im giving life one more final chance, and i think you should to. the saysing "everyone needs a second chance" why cant life have one to?
  21. HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH "tears to my eye" sorry i saw your avator of the little moguire driving the car lol well true god is in a way personal oppionins but if you think about it, is there really any proof that god exists cmon, think about it.
  22. thank you, thank you so much earthfairy you have answered the question, the reason why i keep myself breathing, and i think you have unlocked it. I myself do wish for a family, house stable income kids ect and thats why i think i try not to think of the thigns that are/are not happening each day. I believe in fate and i am waiting for that special thing that comes round the corner, i dont know how or when it will happen but thats what i guess im living for. THANK YOU!
  23. O BTW, sorry if this spoils all your fun to people out there but god does not exists
  24. erm.. well im on a relationship site because i dont know/couldnt find any sites or forums about suicide + the main reasons why i am killing my self is because of relationships, well, lack of relationships. also many people out there dont relise how hard it is to speak to someone about your problems. Also another thing that people dont relise who try giving help to suicidle people is that some of them DO NOT WANT HELP in some cases and feel that there is no hope and just want to die. right now, i dont feel i can or want to talk to anyone, i just want to die as the problems that i have is things that cannot be changed by speakign to someone. p.s i am not asking for help to live, i am asking for help how to die. + if im being selfish to my family killing myself, arnt my family being selfish not letting me r.i.p
  25. hi again people as some of you might have known i wrote a post some time ago called "29th july, my birthday" or summit along those lines. well i was asking you some advise. Im researching the "best way" to die. im thinking of pills now as someone mentioned to cut wrists u need to cut like 2 inches in which is mega deep so ... WHAT is the best pill to overdose on (counting factors like painless, quickness, uncounciouse, effiency, easy to obtain) + i dont wonna jump because its to public so please get back to me about pills, thnx. p.s Admin pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease dont ban me or delete this post. im seeking help and this is my last resort.
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