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Everything posted by toggle

  1. urgh, ive been on an aweful blind date before. Basically when we met we had to rush off to the nearest pharmacy for a pregnancy tester (which I almost had to pay for!) Throughout the whole meal i was "invisible" as she had a waiter running backwards and forwards passing on messages between her and the chef who she knew. Later on in the day she had to run off and have her period in the public toilet; only to come out and tell me in detail about it. Another one... not so much a date but still meeting a girl who I never met before. We decided to take a walk through the local park and we sat down on a bench, only for a group of about 5 guys to come over and beat me up because i dress differently (im a surfer/skater). .... that was quite embarasing afterwards - with the humiliation of just getting beaten up but also the fact i had a bruise appearing under my eye, lol.
  2. I dont wish to use myspace, I have many reason why i hate the place, i do agree with you on the photo thing though. Plus i don't really find it a place where people meet each other. If anything im just really confused where to meet someone; Sure i can meet a girl if im out on a gig or at a club or something; but she would not match me as that whole scene is not me.
  3. Heya, I have a problem, you see im 18 (19 this year!) and i've never been in a relationship; but i really do want to meet someone. When i do go out they are places that I would not expect to meet girls, specially not the type I would settle in a relationship with. For example; im a drummer in two bands and we gig, and although I get interest from girls they are not the kind I would be attracted too - or the type I would date. I am considering placing a profile on an online dating agency; just worried the kind of people on there are either over my age or just odd. Plus i wouldnt like to date someone overly outgoing, and would imagine most people on those sites are.
  4. Hey all, I can't believe this thread is still going to be honest, it's been over a year now since these thoughts where going through my head and a final decision was going to be made on my 17th Birthday and yet I turned 18 last Friday. So I'm guessing you all want to know how I'm doing huh? Well….. I feel…… great! Yep that's right, I feel amazing! For my 18th Birthday I went on holiday abroad alone surfing in the Canary Islands (Fueturventura) and it's changed my life already, my confidence and my whole outlook, tonight I am even meeting up with an old friend from school also I have joined three!! Clubs. Ok, granted I haven't been as depressed the last 2 months but being on holiday alone knowing no one really brought me out of myself, I really have come to see the beauty of life and to be honest…. No one really does care who/what you are, life's too short to be worrying about self consciousness; believe me! I've wasted almost my whole child hood over worrying what people think of me. I know what I am saying people have probably heard millions of times before, hell I even heard it a lot myself but until you experience something first hand you really see what people are on about. And looking back now, I really am sorry to all you people here and specially one person who I remember personally as a great friend "Hazel_Eyes" how much of a over-reacting, self pitying person I was. I guess I can still understand my reasons and motives behind why I was so depressed at the time, the main one being just so alone at the time and the stress of work getting on top of me. I decided I needed to make a change and really sort something out, hence I booked a holiday, joined some clubs, contacted some friends from school and generally really made an effort and im happy that it's payed off. I know the text that I have just wrote is very choppy it's because I am in work at the moment and rushing since I have quite a lot of backlog to catch up with, just wanted to give you dudes' and dudettes' an update as you have given my so much support through the past year. Maybe I will be on later on in the week and talk then. Getting evils from my colleague at the moment accross the room as she's seen me numerous times flicking back and forth to enotalone today Evil lady, let me go on the internet in peace! *searches for large heavy item to chuck at her* until then… Toggle
  5. thanks for your help, I will book an appointment with the doctor and see if he can give any advice, or maybe some kind of medication/vitamins. Someone mentioned it was a lack of a certain vitamin in my boody and to eat lots of Bannana? Its just really painful and really annoying, im not going to cancel the holiday as it means alot to me, plus its my 18th during the week i will be away. I have not tried swimming in a while so i might take a trip down to the local lesiure centre, because the time i was doing all the swimming and suffering from cramp was when i was going through a stage of trying to be healthy. Meaning i would eat less, mainly living off salads lol plus i was almost in the gym almost everyday with swimming everyweek. It could of just been putting to much of a strain on my body.
  6. hi all, i have a problem when i swim i suffer from cramp maybe 3 times an hour; as you can imagine this is very painful and very annoying! I spoke to the life guard the last time i was there and he said my technique in swimming is fine, it must just be my food. Only thing is i am eating the same type my of food my sisters and friends eat yet they do not suffer from cramp. I also exercise alot, exerising on cardio equipment and with weights for some time. I need to try and fix this problem as I have booked a holiday Surfboarding. I really do not want to be out at sea and then getting cramp, as this several times an hour could really ruin my holiday plus even threaten my life (you tried swimming with cramp in both your feet?)
  7. sure my email address is email removed so you can add me to msn if you use it. i got to go to work now though
  8. hey, I have not been on here in some time, im surprised this thread is still up and getting hits. I want to thank you all for your help and i guess you all want a update on what is going on. Well i got talked out commiting by a close friend at the time, because i felt that there was somethign worth living for, things have steadily been going downhill though.. making things worse my parents have started to notice my depresseion and keep talking to me about it, which is making things worse. dam i g2g ill talk someother tiem!
  9. Thanks for all the advice people. Ive tried to take my mind off and do other activites, and to an extent it does work... yet when ever i meet her all the feelings come back and I am back at stage one. what do i do in these situations? as i do not want to break contact.
  10. Hi all There is someone in my life that I am hopelessly in love with, to me she is perfect. Unfortunately she does not feel the same way and I know the only option I have is to stop feeling this Attraction towards her. Here's the thing, I've tried; many times. I've tried thinking of all the bad things about her, tried thinking of someone else, tried avoiding contact; I really have tried everything. The problem is I face is every time I see her and she talks to me all my problems and worries disappear, and my heart goes all weird like a tingly rushing feeling, and throughout the whole day being with her I feel like the happiest person alive and wishing I could make her that happy person to. Any Ideas? [/u]
  11. hmmm i can understand where your coming from about finding the person you found who was perfect as rejecting from someone so special and involved in your life can feel terrible as something similiar has happened to me recently. But, how is she perfect if she split with you? well? that doesnt make her 100% perfect, and im sure there are other things that you didnt click with... True, it is VERY hard to forget someone that you love, maybe even impossible BUT for the sake of yourself you need to forget, as you mentioned in your first post that is exactly what you are trying to do... Think of it this way, why keep thinking about someone that broke your heart, destroyed your trust, killed your dreams and make you feel worthless, this makes this girl… not perfect anymore...right? Maybe you could concentrate on all the bad things when you think of her (as long as you don't start hating her, heh) but… just remember, she isn't perfect because of the pain shes inflicted. but id defiantly try going out and things and void her as much as possible for a while... Im not sure on your situation but, if she wants you she will contact you If you want to talk anytime PM me, or add me to msn [link removed[/email]
  12. to take your mind of her try getting out and doing activites, if you get urges to be with her.. think of the reasons why you broke up and things i know its hard, but theres a reason behind it all somewhere
  13. do you remember the reasons why you broke the first time?
  14. heck i know, last time was for good... yet she promised me something that made me change my mind but, she couldnt really keep it yeah your right, ill speak to her tomorrow, i know its immature, ive been feeling like that for ages! damit... o well, i just didnt want to sound like a jerk, thas all wish me luck
  15. well we speak about it lots, i want to just say to her its either me or him... but i feel like im being mean and pressuring her into a descion... plus would that really lead to a healthy relationship?
  16. hi all, I have a bit of a problem (enthasize the word bit well, this is the problem, A girl who I am in love with currently has a boyfriend of about 2 years, this relationship is in a rocky state at the moment. She has told me that she has deep feelings for me in the past, but cant take actions on them until a descion with her boyfriend has been resolved. Well, a few months back she told me this.. and i wanted to enter a relationship with her, she told me she couldnt so i had the feeling of being used as in not good enough, i felt at this time i couldnt be friends as it would be too aqward. So, we had no contact she was always on my mind but i thought about it and would like to become friends. So we became friends for a a couple of months. Then it happened again! this time was more emoticans involved, and i was at the point of being... me or him, because i feel like im just being pulled along for the ride.. the other night she told me she loves me and wants to be with me, and will tell her boyfriend that its best being friends. So, this is great for us to start a relationship togther, then... i read on a post on this forum she is going to continue the relationship with her boyfriend.. sooooo she just pretty much chucked what she said back in my face, and right now i feel like... was everything she been saying how she feels for me are lies? right now i feel sick... this must be at least the 5th time she has made me emotianly fked up, i really need to get her out my system as i cant continue like this... am i being used? am i just a "back up plan" incase things dont go right with her boyfriend?
  17. This is really stupid but there are so many things that remind me of her... This morning i was listening to my music and "Perfect Day" and "Goldentouch" came on (what a coincedence!!) and these songs remind me so much of her.. Plus today its been snowing today (I remember being with her in Camden when it was snowing) all morning and i just cant get her out my head! I know that to her im nothing, and shes probably not missing me at all... but she meant.. Means, so much to me... I just wish i was different, wish i was someone/something that was needed this is really buggering up my brain... i need to forget fast
  18. Thanks for all the quick replies.. Ive been trying.. so far ive started playing guitar again (writing songs and poems) to try and take my mind off, but they all seem to be about her! Also Ive added an account on a website called faceparty.. hoping to find new people, although I don't think ill find anyone so great.. Im trying to think of the future, as nothing will progress if I keep thinking back at the past. True, I think if things had of been different I would have been the happiest guy alive lol and I woulda tried my best to make her feel the same.. i just thought she was…… so perfect, and I still do! Its like thousand pounds, and the next day someone steals it… you cant just "not forget about it" it sticks with you.. Urgh, I wish I wasn't me sometime!! I screw up at everything! Whats wrong with me??
  19. hi all, I need some help... I fell in love with somone, who i felt truly connected too.. yet, i learnt that she didnt have much more feelings for me than someone to be there for her when everything else in her life feels like crap. So yep, have been used... and for once i felt that the feelings i was recieiving was original.. Tbh, even if she turned around and said to me she loved me and wanted to be with me.. i wouldnt.. i couldnt, why? because weve been through too much and its too late. I cant no longer be treated as second best, lifes not fair.. im ALWAYS treated as second best... am i not good enough to be first? ever? yeah i think so... and for once i thought i was.. i thought i was the the best to someone.. and its heart shattering to find out, your nothing more than no-one. I need help with forgetting this person.. ive already intitiated no contact which isnt really helping as she is always on my mind.
  20. .........weird i never knew it was particles off food i just thought it was a infection like any other desease... ive had it a few times, and you just need to see the doctor to give you medicine.. my sistr had it quite alot and had to have her tonsils removed
  21. Walk Away Blind to see, the hidden truth the darkness frontation, the emptyness unbalanced emotions waver in pitch despite and despair long to be near the darkening emptyness of everlasting often sees light of so much promising unable to retrieve what longing to hear the flames of life, soon burn into thin air Commiting so much pain, mentally scaring all for the love, the love of another the pain, the sorrow, the tears will pass with another promise breaking my heart alone again, in a world of reality no more living up to virtuality to rekindle the flames of guidance i must be strong, to ignore the past break the contact, and walk on by only to look back and to see the great thing that was left behind its for the best, the best for me tomorrows another day who says what this changing world will bring
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