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When you get the bill you should try to negotiate. One time I was forced by my university to go to the ER when I got sick on a trip. They did almost nothing, and bill was 600 $. My mother called up and said she's pay them 100. The guy said, how bout 150? Deal! (And I know this is a common practice). Feel better soon!

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So, I'm not a medical doctor, but I'd really avoid going to the ER with the flu unless you have the complications listed on the above page, or if you are pregnant. Because there's really nothing they can do for you (except give you tylenol or something to reduce the fever). Unless you have some other symptoms/complications like shortness of breath, etc.. or are in a high risk category, it's just a waste of money and time to go to the ER, and then you can spread it to other people too. I don't know what are the options if you don't have insurance. See if you can get on it. Or if you can't, try to go to an urgent care clinic/same day clinic. The cost is a lot less too, and they can usually see you faster as well.

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Have you tried signing up for obamacare? It's an open enrollment period right now I think. If you have a low-income, they have some pretty crazy low-price subsidy combos that will have you paying almost nothing. Last year when I wasn't working, one of the plans rang it at less than $50 a month after the subsidy, maybe it was even less.

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I second what annie said. There is nothing the ED can do if you have the flu or other viral illness. All they will do is run up a bill for you and give you some meds for the fever (that you can buy yourself OTC) and then etll you to go home. Doctors tell patients, unless you're pregnant or have a serious underlying condition, don't go to the ED if you have a fever that is less than 105. Try to manage it with meds (advil, tylenol), drink liquids, and get some rest and if it persists, go to urgent care.


I do avoid going to the ER unless I am bleeding profusely, have a gunshot wound, got bitten by a rabid animal, septic, having trouble breathing, or having a HA/stroke. Last time I was there, I was vomiting everywhere which I could have handled myself but I was a week out of getting my stomach cut out so I was in serious risk of having a GI leak. I had to get a bunch of imaging done. So in that case, the high copay was well worth it.


I really would look into the healthcare exchange. If you are low income, the premiums are pretty low because the government provides subsidies.

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Sophie - They have a self pay plan (almost all hospitals do for low income people) were it either reduces the amount to 50% or in some cases and some hospitals, out right negates the entire bill.


Renny - Because of the State I live in no, I don't qualify for it. I'm a few weeks from hopefully qualify for insurance through work though.


The only reason I went was because my fever refused to break below 102 over a 12 hour period and the chills were getting worse to the point I ended up waking my uncle up at 3 AM to take me to the hospital because I just couldn't control the shaking enough to drive. Pretty sure I scared the crap out of him because he's never seen me that sick. I'm still running a small fever but it's only been hovering about the 99-100 range for the last few hours. No more chills thank God. We got home and I was so drained my uncle literally had to carry me into the house and into bed. My aunt kept bringing me water and making sure I took my meds on time. Poor Jasper knew I wasn't feeling well, he stayed cuddled next to me the entire time I was in bed.

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I did not get out of bed yesterday. Not because of the flu but because of the worst period cramps of my life. At one point I forced Jasper to sleep against my abdomen for his warmth because I just couldn't get up to find the heating pad.


The kids all have a favorite spot to sleep in. Luna sleeps on top of the shoe rack, Shafowax has claimed the top tier of the cat tree, and Jasper moves around my bed like a sleeping toddler.

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God that flu kicked my butt. I slept for like 48 hours those first few days - so much so my uncle came and woke me up to check on me at one point. Tonight is my first night back at work - fun.


An old high school crush contacted me on Facebook. We dated - briefly - back then and it was very much young, puppy love. So he contacts me and is all 'you were my first love' and blah, blah. I ended up shutting that down ASAP because while it's nice to hear 'you're beautiful' and 'your smile lights up a room' - OG isn't looking for a relationship. At all. I've been in a relationship since I was 17, minus the 3 months between my ex M and L. Time for just OG.


That and the guy had ENA red flags like crazy. No thank you.


I'm going to my very first SCA event next month! How I've known my uncle for over 20 years and never been to one I don't know. My aunt and I raided her garb closet and found a few things for me. So excited!!

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It was cute, and apparently he had been trying to find me for years but couldn't because I changed my name when I got married. But he was just too forward and clearly held fonder memories of me than I am of him.


Sherry - yep. M and I broke up at the beginning of Nov. 2009 and L and I met beginning of Jan 2010. And while I in no way regret our relationship or the speed with which thinks progressed, this time around I just want to be by myself for awhile. I guess there is a difference when going through a breakup at 21 vs 26.


SCA is were you dress in period clothes (think Tudor era for an easy reference). Most people have talents they use within the SCA (my aunt does scrolls, my uncle makes swords and what not).

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Good on you for doing you. I think it's really important to take time just for yourself and work on whatever you need to before even thinking of getting into anything.

You're at a great age to grow, learn, and really get to know yourself and decide what it is you want and need in life.

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Thank you, Petite. I really do feel like it's a clean slate for me to start over in every aspect.


Last night at work was eventful. Ended up being a shown a customer's penis on his phone - without me asking. He was completely drunk. I texted my third shift counterpart after the encounter and he found it hilarious in that of course we always get the crazy customers on third. Always. Never fails.

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I am soooo tired. Sunday night I worked 10 PM-6 AM and then stayed over until 10 AM because we had someone call out sick (and I apparently am a glutton for punishment - that or a dedicated employee). Then I worked last night from 10 PM- 6 AM for the SAME person to call out again. I stayed until 7 when I had to leave and take my cousin to school because there was just no way I could make another 12 hour shift. I have to work tonight and then I am off for 2 blessed days.


Not much else going on, really. Still seeing the therapist weekly (although we've talked about going to once every two weeks) and she's happy with were I'm at, my out look, etc. She said if it was anyone else she would be worried at my progress but knowing me and from past experiences on how I heal from a major crisis, she thinks I'm right on track.


The kids are all doing great. I am going to have to take Jasper to the groomers because I've noticed the fur on his back half is slightly matted, almost as if he's not grooming back there. Old age catching up with him I guess. He did fall on my head the other day. Apparently there is a stray cat who jumps on the outside windowshil of my bedroom. Jasper noticed it and was trying to get to the inside windowsill to get a better look and completely being a klutz (like his mom) fell and landed right on my head while I was sleeping. And it takes a lot to wake me up from a dead sleep - my aunt hammered nails in the wall right outside my bedroom one day and she said I never stopped snoring - but apparently a 15 lbs. cat falling on my head will wake me up!

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I think you're doing alright!! I mean, you were married and in a relationship for a while, that's not going to go away overnight. I mean, the divorce hasn't even been final for 2 months. How much faster would she expect someone else to recover??? on top of that, you moved and started a new job. A divorce, a move, and a new job are among the 3 most stressful things in life, you got hit with all 3 at the same time. I think you're doing just great.


Just keep moving forward. I hope you find a job with some better hours soon!

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I guess in a way it has went away overnight. I haven't cried over him since the beginning of November, right before my trip down to M's house (I don't count the breakdown at the wedding in December as over him because it wasn't, it was a nostalgic breakdown) and unless someone brings him up in conversation, I honestly don't think about him. Before my mom mentioned him today when she called (she apparently ran into him over the weekend) I hadn't given him a thought in over two weeks).


Of course the emotional ramifications from how our marriage ended won't go away over night of course. There are sky high walls around me right now and it's going to take a very persistent man to chip away at them.

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