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I have to wait til Monday to call the Health Department, which is the only place I could go fo free. And for some reason they are closed today. :s I could have swore Thursday was the holiday....


they could be closed due to local/state/federal budget shortfalls. I know the DMV here is closed on Fridays now due to budgetary issues.


Good luck with the cranberry juice with the UTI.

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Hey OG,


Just read on another thread about you not being able to be American + something else ... just wanted to say, I hold three citizenships including US citizenship, not a problem. I have several friends who have been naturalized and kept their original citizenship as well. When my (American) mother got married, she acquired another citizenship - not a problem. Not sure where you are getting this info from but the US most definitely allows multiple citizenship.


And little plug - being a US citizen is AWESOME. People clamor to be American. This is not even about thinking anything about what the country does, but there are a huge number of work and lifestyle opportunities in the US that do not exist in other countries. I would not give it my citizenship unless necessary, because you never know when you'll need it. If you voluntarily renounce your citizenship it could be very hard for you to ever live or work in the US again. A family member gave up his greencard once to avoid paying double taxes, and the authorities were very suspicious when he applied to get another one when he moved back to the US. It's hard to get back in if you get out, particularly if you choose to get out.


See this:

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I agree with sophie...I also wanted to add that I have a friend whose father is from the UK and his mother is from Canada. They both hold dual citizenships so father is both American AND English. It works out for them. My friend goes to the UK all the time without a problem because of his father and of course, they all live together in the US now.


It's definitely possible.

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Yeah, we found out today I can hold two. Everything before we were reading before said you couldnt unless one pare-t was. So I'm def all for taking British nationality. The reason I was going to have to give up my American is even living abroad o have to pay taxes so it would be taxed in England and America. No thank you.


But my tax person is looking into the specifics, I may not have to if I make below something or what not. I have no desire to return back to America so if I had to give it up I would be fine with it.

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I would still keep the citizenship so you could more easily go home to visit family in the future if you'd like.


It's also good to keep it in case...let's say...something went south in the UK, government-wise, and/or maybe CS finds that he lost his job (or whatever) and his best shot would be to find work in the US. If you have your US citizenship intact, it would be easier to take your family back to the US, even if it's not permanent.


It's definitely good to have options!

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It really all depends if I have to pay taxes in both countries. If I don't no problem but no need for me to be working just for taxes if I can drop my American citzenship. I mean yeah it would be a great fail safe but I don't need the actual official documentation to still raise my kids with american heritage, you know? One of those things we are going to have to play by ear.

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If you're making under a certain amount, I think you don't have to pay taxes in the US, but you'll have to see. What sort of job are you planning to hold in the UK when you get there? I encourage you to look into keeping it though because as sophie said, it is hard to get back in and I've found that to be true even for visits, not staying back in the US permanently.

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Yeah we think if its under w certain amount you don't but they also consider CS's income. Pretty much anything I can get to begin with job wise. Well when I come to visit if I have to give it up I woul# just need a visa like CS gets to visit. I can understand the sentimentality and everything but just bc I may give the citzenship up doesn't mean I lose my American identity, you know?

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Oh of course. I wasn't talking about sentimental value at all though, just the safety of having that option and the ease of getting visas and getting back to visit family.


You were born here so by that definition, you'll always be an American, whether you have the right to live here or not.

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What about going home? If, for instance, and god forbid, your mother became sick? Or if things aren't quite what you expect in the UK and you'd like to live in the US? Anyway, you are your own grown-up person and can make a good decision, but I would encourage you to think very carefully about it, because it's the sort of thing that's very hard to reverse once it's happened. I think you only get taxed on income (your income, not married income) over $80,000 or so, so perhaps it wouldn't be a problem.

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Well if mom got sick I would just come over, same as when cs visits. I can see why having a American passport makes it easier but in that situation a lot of things could stop me from coming back. Do we have it to fly over? What about the kids?


Yeah, my tax guy said he believed it was 80,000 plus what CS makes if I'm there no longer than 330 days. He is checking into the specifics though.

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^^yes, thank you my other half.


The party was GREAT! I got to my uncle's about 11ish Friday night and stayed up til 4 am talking to everyone and was awakened by children at 9 am. Gah. Went and picked some rum up for the Starberry Daqs, got ready, and the party started! I made the first batch of Daqs a little to strong on the rum side though so it wasn't long before I was feeling the effects of that. Second batch was not that strong. My uncle also made a bonfire so we were all sitting in chairs around it, drinking and chatting. At one point (before I had started drinking) I leaned back too far in my chair (I think I was on a hill) and ended up falling back. Needless to say everyone had a laugh at that....


There was one friend who I hadn't seen since a party in Nov of last year (same birthday party they hold every year) and she commented how great I looked and how I was a completely different woman than I was last year. Said I was more confident with myself and seemed really happy. I was like yeah, the love of a good man will do that to you. I remember the party last year. I was so broken hearted and drowning in it just so I wouldn't cry in front of anyone. I ended up going to bed super early that night because I just wanted to sleep and not deal with the pain. This year was completely different. You know I'm not religious but I thank whoever or whatever is up there every day that I managed to find CS. He really is a wonderful man and God knows he puts up with A LOT from me...


I got home today to find my webcam have arrived. YAY!!! I set it up (which is a wonder considering my lack of techno skills) and downloaded skype to the computer. Then of course (in purse CS and OG fashion) we couldn't get it to work at first. Ended up it couldn't read my sound card and I had to restart the computer for it to work. It finally worked and CS and I had our first conversation via webcam. It was a little weird at first (as is anything new) but I really liked being able to see him while we talked, made it almost feel like he was lying next to me. We will def. be using that more.


So now I'm just sitting here, thinking if I really want to take a nap or bother with going to dinner when it's done considering I had Arby's when I got in. Hm....

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When my husband was away for work for a few nights we used the webcam. He had his on in his hotel while he worked and I had mine on while I studied.. it was just like having him in the same room (minus being able to lunge at him for a hug and kiss every now and then). And we left it on for a bit so I could sleep (I find it very hard to sleep on my own) - so the webcam really helped.


I think you'll find it a lot easier to cope with the distance with the webcam.. I can't believe you guys managed for so long without one!

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Looking at it from a logical standpoint (aka boring, traditional) I can see why they would have said that. They SHOULD have thought it, but it sounds like they were pretty blunt about it. Have CS's sister and her fiance been together for quite awhile?


I know when Alex and I get engaged, there will be a lot of "finally's!" and that makes me kind of sad. Women are weird. I'd prefer to be crazy in love with a surprise proposal early on, when family thinks you're nuts. Half the time, family doesn't approve of much anyways lol.

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I think they have been dating for 6 years-ish. She's like a year old than me I think. I mean, I can understand the whole 'we were only dating 4 months PLUS in a LDR when we got engaged' thought. I really can. And the only family member's whose opinion matters really never had anything bad to say. It's one of those situations were I can see me and certain family members not getting along (mostly because I'm a American and very frank and I don't like how certain ones have treated CS his whole life) and it's kind of like well... I'm more than sure people will cozy up to me once I start popping out babies. Always goes down that way.


Yeah, I mean, even if we hadn't goten engaged when we did, I think our plan was to not go more than a year before getting engaged (the whole LDR thing). Logically I know people who are in a 'normal' relationship (and longer) compared to a relationship like ours has more standing and it's just rubbish really. One of those times I hate that there is a 5 hour time difference because he's knocked out to the world and I'm just annoyed. Gah.

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Exactly. But people do look less at a relationship like ours because we don't have those years and years together or that physical contact all the time. They don't see the perks of it where because of the distance and not always being there our trust and communication as to be a 1,000 times better than a normal relationship or how we can manage time together and both still have a social life. I'm just in an annoyed mood tonight with the world, lol

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