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Annie's Journal of Dating and Body Hair Removal


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So, I went out with 5'7" guy tonight. He was 5'7". He's from out of town. He said he liked good food and beer, so I suggested a belgian beer restaurant pub, and he liked it a lot. We talked a lot. Ultimately, no chemistry. We hugged at the end of the night and said bye, but he didn't ask to see me again, and I didn't offer. I did offer to split the check and he said ok. So - he has a lot in common with Logan - both studied the same thing in college. 5'7" guy is now a student teacher (not getting paid anything) and living with his parents. Which is fine, I understand that's just what you have to do to be a teacher, but it also again made me feel like he was unsettled in his life. He also wants to move out of the area (like me) but he seemed less sure of what the next steps are. He's also 29, so I'm 5 years older. So, not a love match. Maybe he'll surprise me and ask me out, but I doubt it.


Edited to add: His profile also said that he was looking for a girl who's really quirky and with tattoos and pink hair. That's not really me. Plus my outfit tonight was pretty conservative.

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i got a text message from him while i was sleeping saying that while he thought i was a great person, he didn't think that we "flowed" so he suggests we both continue to date and meet others, and that he wished me well. I sent a text back this morning saying that i agreed, and wished him well also.


Today: cleaning, maybe finally doing my taxes (running out of time!!) and going to see a play this afternoon.


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I've been staring at these forever but I took the plunge and bought a pair online (plain black flats). I just went through my closet and threw away 4 pairs of worn out shoes, and now I need new black flats. I hope that these are as comfortable as they say they are! The price tag was scaring me off, but if they're comfortable, then they're worth it.

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I have tieks, they are ok. I wouldn't say they are extremely comfortable (seriously no better than your average Tory Burch flats - I have sensitive feet and get blisters easily if the shoes aren't super comfortable - hopefully you're not as sensitive) but they are ok. I think they are overpriced though. Next time look at Tods. Also if you're kinda just wearing casual sporty type stuff on your days off and just something to wear to brunch etc, look at Sketches Go Walk. Super, super comfortable. I literally live in those and my Nike's because when I don't have anything professional going on or don't want to dress up, I can wear those with yoga pants, track suits or jeans. I call it my 'young beach mama style' lol. Yes, at 34 I am young and don't care what anyone says lol.

Hope all is well in the world of Annie

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Hi Petite,


Ugh, that's too bad. I was hoping that Tieks will be miraculous for the price. But, maybe at least they will be better than other comparable ballerina flats? I like wearing them to work and yes, around town. I'll check out the Sketchers Go Walk collection and Tods, thanks for the recommendations.


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I bought these last year and they were super comfortable, but I wore them so often that I wore them out and just threw them away.


Things are going ok in my world, hope things are good in Petite's world too!!

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Annie, are Zieras made for women who have wide feet? I clicked on your link and the shoes look like they would be comfortable. They are a tad pricey but I am looking for shoes that can work well for people with wide feet. I have been having major issues find flats or small heels since I have flat feet.


Glad to hear you are doing well.

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Annie, are Zieras made for women who have wide feet? I clicked on your link and the shoes look like they would be comfortable. They are a tad pricey but I am looking for shoes that can work well for people with wide feet. I have been having major issues find flats or small heels since I have flat feet.


Glad to hear you are doing well.



Yup, they are definitely made for women with wide feet. They are pricey, I agree, but good quality. You might try ordering through Zappos and seeing if they would work out for you? I found them in a comfy shoe store in person and tried them on.

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Hmm, first time hearing about Tieks. I wanted to know where they are manufactured. They say they are made from the finest Italian leather, but then when you look to see where it is made, it says "overseas". Seeing how they the advertising kept saying "Takes three days and 150 steps to make", I thought where it was made and what those steps are would be more transparent. Looked more and found that it is manufactured by Gavrieli Ltd.

Manufacturing areas are Taiwan, India, China, UK, Hong Kong, and Thailand.


Just info for anyone who may care.


Curious if it has the manufacturing info on the box?

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haha, very international shoes!!


Guess what - they arrived today! So fast. The packaging is very pretty (teal box and the box is closed with a flower-headband so that is super cute). I will give it to my nieces. And it came with a personalized thank you note from them. so that is a really nice touch. Teal is also one of my favorite colors.


The shoes fit me perfectly and the leather is a high quality. We'll see how comfy they are after 5 hours though....


I'll probably buy another pair of Ziera's at some point. When I bought mine new, I felt like I was walking on a cloud. After a year of heavy wear, they weren't comfortable anymore, so then it was time to go...

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So, Carol and Bill are still dating (once a week or less, roughly). he still doesn't call her his gf. but he invited her to Easter dinner with his parents. Carol said his mother is just like "Bunny MacDougal" from Sex and the City (lol). So, she's obviously the main woman in his life, if she's coming to Easter dinner.... but they still don't have anything really clear. I wonder how this is going to end. I told her that this can't go on forever, like they can't be here 20 years from now doing this. She says he treats her better than any man she's met (he's very gentlemanly, holding open doors, pulling out chairs, etc...) Not really surprised with Bunny MacDougal as his mom that he's an old-fashioned kind of guy. But yeah, I don't want to see her get hurt. I do hope that he's just going slow, vs. jerking her around until he meets a "better" woman.

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LOL re Bunny. I remember meeting a Bunny-like mom of the boyfriend. I was in my mid 20s and I think it was the first time I had (1) heard the word "untoward" spoken out loud; and (2) been served such a small portion of food at a family dinner -and the seconds I was given was even smaller.........

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Of course Bill is waiting around for the perfect woman! We have too much experience to believe otherwise.


She told me a few months ago that they had a sort of conversation about this, and she tried to pull out of him what he was thinking. I don't remember the exact words she told me, but his gist was that he really liked her, but wasn't sure if he wanted to commit to her. But he understood that by doing so, he was risking losing her too.


That was after the xmas card ("you're a fun person to do things with!") and the v-day card ("you're a special friend.") (They did not have a V-day date, however).

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She told me a few months ago that they had a sort of conversation about this, and she tried to pull out of him what he was thinking. I don't remember the exact words she told me, but his gist was that he really liked her, but wasn't sure if he wanted to commit to her. But he understood that by doing so, he was risking losing her too.


That was after the xmas card ("you're a fun person to do things with!") and the v-day card ("you're a special friend.") (They did not have a V-day date, however).


It just seems pretty obvious to me that he's not that into her but doesn't want to be alone. He can be a gentleman and still be emotionally unavailable to her.

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yeah.... that's basically how i see it too. but there's only so much i can say. she's a good friend. i don't want to be the negative nancy, and she's going to do what she wants to do. i think she knows how i basically feel. i just hope she meets someone else soon, instead of getting her heart stomped on by bill.

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I know. Carol's sister read those notes and wanted to punch him.


I would too. Sheesh! It reminds me of that "Seinfeld" episode where Jerry and Elaine start sleeping together again, but just "as friends," (HA!) and it gets all complicated. Jerry gives Elaine CASH for her birthday and writes something like "To a great pal, and MORE" in the card. Needless to say, Elaine is furious. If a I was seriously dating for any length of time and had been intimate with on many occasions wrote "You're a fun person to do things with" in a birthday or Valentine's card, I'd be pretty pissed off.

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If a I was seriously dating for any length of time and had been intimate with on many occasions wrote "You're a fun person to do things with" in a birthday or Valentine's card, I'd be pretty pissed off.


Yeah, those cards just ooze romance. Nothing says loving like, "You're a special friend".

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