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Annie's Journal of Dating and Body Hair Removal


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Yes, very fuzzy! Good thing I didn't have any experiments to do last week! On Tuesday, I'm going to have a burger and fries or onion rings and a piece of dessert and it will be magnificent!I went to Di Bruno brothers today and bought the cheapest balsamic vinegar there ($14). The most expensive was $50.

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how do you reduce it and what do you do with it then?


On the stove. You just boil it down until it thickens. It becomes sweeter...it's awesome on strawberries...or ice cream.


I would guess that reducing it increases calories...so double check that

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5 lbs down. Maybe more, but not less than that. It's hard to tell because my scale at home is very unreliable. The one at the gym says I'm 5 lbs down, so let's go with that. Tonight was my cheat meal, I had a burger, fries, and then a donut. I couldn't finish all the fries. I also get to reintroduce some carbs and eat previously forbidden foods like tomatoes, lol.


I feel nauseous though. Maybe ate too much/too fast/or stomach just wasn't used it it? The last 2-3 days, my mouth has been tasting strange, I think it's the ketones I'm tasting. Yuck. Hopefully my meal tonight helps get rid of that.

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Ya that def sounds like the ketones! That's awesome. You burn tons of fat in ketosis. I did it for 2 months a year ago and dropped 30 lbs. Can't do it anymore though cause I'm just not dedicated enough. I'll eat low carb for about a week then break it off. Try to get back on and cheat. Keep up the good work tho sounds like you've had some great progress!

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i've called/emailed/texted my landlord about some issues (including the ongoing mouse issue) and he's been basically non responsive. I've started calling him daily. He lets it go to voicemail. He texted me today to email him. Which I did. no response. There is a hole in my wall that needs to be patched up. I'm so frustrated. I'll send a letter tomorrow with a certificate of sending, or whatever it is at the post office. what a slum lord.

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wow, just googled his name and found out that he and his brother own and manage a local chain of restaurants with all sorts of legal problems (owing a quarter of a million in back rent, accusations of not paying their workers backpay, even doing cocaine in the kitchen!!)

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wow, just googled his name and found out that he and his brother own and manage a local chain of restaurants with all sorts of legal problems (owing a quarter of a million in back rent, accusations of not paying their workers backpay, even doing cocaine in the kitchen!!)


Sounds like the mouse problem will be very low on his list

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Google what your rental options are. When dealing with my bug problem, I discovered that I can't do something like withholding rent because my complex is making efforts to fix the issue. But if you have record (like emails, phone calls, and a certified letter) of attempting to contact them regarding landlord issues, then you may have reasonable rights to withhold rent.

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Well, I contacted the city. They said they will have someone inspect the apt in the next 3 weeks. They said if there is a problem, they will issue him a violation. My lease agreement says that he agrees to fix problems around the apt in a timely manner, which he has not done, at all.

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ugh, i know... i think I should move out when the lease is done, if he doesn't break my lease for me.


So... the scale has not budged the past week. It is very annoying because I am doing everything right and following the eating plan. My period is supposed to start this week though, so it could just be water retention, but it is so annoying. gah.


went to Carol's and my favorite brunch spot today. She and bill are still in limbo. She was complaining to me for a while, i told her that she doesn't have to wait for him to make a decision, she can tell him that this isn't cutting it (the lack of any status). I don't think she's asking for too much after 7 months. I think he just likes to have all his options open and doesn't want to commit to her. She could be more forceful about it and just cut it off, but she does really like him.

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Things with the landlord have gone significantly downhill. He said I called too much (only because he never dealt with any of my issues!!!!!) now I'm breAking the lease and moving ASaP. Looked at a good apartment today. Also contacting a lawyer because I do not want to be on the hook for 6 months of rent!

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Things with the landlord have gone significantly downhill. He said I called too much (only because he never dealt with any of my issues!!!!!) now I'm breAking the lease and moving ASaP. Looked at a good apartment today. Also contacting a lawyer because I do not want to be on the hook for 6 months of rent!


I'm really sorry to hear all this and I don't blame you.

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Does Carol struggle getting dates? I wonder if she "hopes" for this guy due to lack of prospects.


Yeah, Carol does struggle with getting quality dates. she did Tinder for a while and found that she could hook up with super hot men, but it was always a booty call - some still call her!! Bill is more of the "quality date" guy, in the sense that they have nice dates together (restaurants, theater, wine tasting) type dates, and see each other roughly once a week.... but he's dragging her along. I think if Carol had another guy who was looking to seriously date her and were to pursue her, she wouldn't bother with Bill (although she likes him a lot!). I think she's really struggling, because they go out, have fun, have a nice time, have great dates.... but then he's not really willing to take it to the next level.

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Wow, that escalated quickly.


Yeah, for the past week, I've been calling him once a day, and he's just let it go to voicemail. I've tried calling, texting, emails, no response. Sorry, on friday, he told me to email him, so I emailed him, no response. This morning, I finally got a hold of him and he told me I've been calling him waaaay too much, that i complain too much, that no one else in the building is complaining, that he's sent out the exterminator many times. I'm like, "well, you haven't returned any of my calls, that's why i keep calling, and i still have mice!!!" he said I need to be quiet, and i'm like the boy who cried wolf, no one is going to take me seriously if i keep complaining ( !!!!)


anyway, he said, 'you live in a nice apartment, in a nice neighborhood, and if you don't like it, you can break your lease and move out. just send me an email." so i said, "ok, i would like to break my lease." and then i sent an email a few hours later saying i will move out no later than May 31. and i already saw 2 apartments this afternoon.


I told him to apply the last months' rent to May.


5 minutes after he got off the phone, he texted me saying he can get a handyman out here on thursday!!! he knows he's in the wrong, and he just doesn't want to pay for maintenance.


So, i contacted an attorney, i talked to his secretary, i hope to hear back tomorrow. But seriously, this is ridiculous. I have NEVER had to call a landlord 20 times (even 2 times!) to get an issue fixed.


I found a cute apartment today, 10 minutes walking from work. A little more expensive than what i'm paying now, but electricity and gas are included.

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