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  1. I'm not sure if she likes me back even though we have that eye contact.
  2. There's a girl in my class that i actually like, but this girl just came to my dms to improve our language and then we stopped learning and just started talking about everything or playing games and started talking in our native language because we are arab.
  3. I'll probably be able to do that next year
  4. no this is on discord, recently in the last week we stopped talking in the language we learn or talking about anything that related to the language we are learning and we started talking in our native languages (we are arab)
  5. we both are student in the univesity
  6. No, the beggining of the chat was to only try improving our language because we were both in a group to learn a language
  7. We know each other because we are both trying to learn a language. and I posted on a group that I want to studying partener and then she sent me a msg
  8. I text a girl every day for hours, and she responds. However, sometimes we struggle to find topics to discuss, which leads us to play games or eventually find something to talk about. The issue is that she's not my girlfriend yet, and I'm hesitant to express my feelings for her because I'm unsure if she's interested. We haven't met in person because she's from a different country, but it's still possible for us to meet since we're not too far apart. Should I stop texting her every day?
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