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Everything posted by creid

  1. I don't think you should go back to a relationship where she is the one controlling how you guys feel. Like the marc said she doesn't deserve you. Why go back to someone who doesn't even respect your family. I also agree with you in the fact it would be really easy in getting in another relationship cause it's so comfortable in them. It might be best to ask nicely to just not contact each other. If she doesn't want to respect that I would get caller ID. It's not fair when you are finally able to be content she wants to disrupt it. Good Luck you're gonna need it! Creid
  2. Girl I got Mono in 6th grade by myself. Just go to the doctor and make sure you and him sleep alot. Cause Mono makes you really tired. I believe I missed about 3 weeks of school. It's really not that bad.
  3. That is a good one...if you desperately have to do it do it, but don't leave a note saying it's from you. If she has a brain then she will call, and be a friend about don't start spouting your love to her you might scare her away. Just say you thought she might like them since they are her favorite. She will know you still think about her, but not obsessed with her. Personally if I was a guy I wouldn't do it cause I wouldn't want to put my heart out there to get crushed if the flowers thing back fires. It's all up to you. But if you desperately need to send flowers both of you, you can just send them to me Creid
  4. Boyfriends/Girlfriends come and go, but friends stay with you forever.
  5. Ok awhile back I posted a topic about my ex. How we are always around each other and he only wants to be friends..yada yada yada. Anyway I have just started coming to grips with being "just friends" well I am getting mixed signals alot of mixed signals in fact. I know we shouldn't get back together cause we have to much stuff we have to situate with ourselves. I was wondering how long would be the best time to wait and then maybe start discussing getting back together or should I just move on and not think about it?
  6. No I agree with most of what you said. I really don't feel used...(I didn't mean that to come accross) I just felt that he didn't want to put the effort in. I've talked to him about it and we both agreed that there could have been things we could have fixed easily to make our relationship run smoother but neither one of us did. Anyways I'm getting better with it. I still don't want to be friends, but I'll get over it. Maybe we were meant to be friends and I'll come to realize it in due time.
  7. Yeah I miss him he was like my best friend while we dated. I know our relationship would have rock if he had put more effort in it. I mean he never wanted to take me out on a date he just wanted to hang. He never did sweet things. It was like I had the title of girlfriend, but I was more a friends with benefits you know, didn't have to put the effort in but had me around. I don't know he's just a punk.
  8. I mean we had some fights and miscommunications as normal couples had. It wasn't anything we truly couldn't fixed he even admitted he was a bad boyfriend. I think he just got tired of being in a relationship. He says he's not over me, but he doesn't talk about reconciling anytime soon. I'm keeping my options available, but there are none that are around me at the moment. I'm very independent from him I don't have to be around him we just end up all the time being around each other.
  9. Yeah I'm kinda of just in a loop about all this. I want to be his friend, but I could never see him date one of my friends I just couldn't. He told me he wouldn't date our friend cause he doesn't like her that much and he also values my friendship over hers. But he's the type of guy who usually gets a girl in the end kind of thing he's a good guy just immature and doesn't know what he wants in life. He's trying to be single cause he's never been since like 8th grade (he always had gf). I'm trying to move on, but there's no one else at the moment, he's never had a problem finding someone, I seem to all the time. Anywho I know it will work itself out in due time I just wish it was soon.
  10. Yeah it's gonna be rough waters for a bit, but it's better to do it now cut him loose and make him let you go. In fact I'm going through this right now my ex broke up with me and he wants to keep that door open. I love to be around him he makes me laugh, but I won't get over him until there isn't a door anymore. Sadly though all my friends are his friends. I can't get away from him. In fact I just posted a topic if you wanna look at it giving some advice on this if you have any would be awesome.
  11. I dated this guy for like 7 months and then the relationship ended on his note not mine. It's been about a month and I still can't get him out of my head. Anywho, well thing is we have the same friends I go to the same college with him I see him all the time. We are part of a group that I don't want to drop cause he's in it. Now sadly enough one of my good friends fell for him and she told she never would. He says he doesn't like her and isn't going to date, but he did lead her on bottom line. I'm tired of feeling this way about him he has so many flaws that I should see reason why I don't want to be with him. But I can't stop loving him I've known him for 6 years now and we have always been close and by dating him it has ruin our friendship. In my heart Ex-boyfriends or girlfriends can't be friends and he still wants to be friends. I know the only way to get over him is no contact, but that means I have to alter my whole schedule and everything, I feel he isn't worth that much to cause that much change for me can anyone give me advice to get over him without loosing my friends to him?
  12. And also it's not fair to your new man in your life that you have to split up your time between them. You have to close the door with your ex so both of you guys are able to move on. In the end it will make things alot easier on both of you guys.
  13. I feel in my heart that Ex's can't be friends. Not until both of you are truly over each other. Now if you guys aren't dating anybody of course you can be friends. But when you get into another relationship it is hard to remain good friends cause you are actually moving and are happy and they are not. Maybe you guys shouldn't keep in close contact and pray that everything will work out in due time. It will help him heal more with out having to see you happy and he is not. Good Luck!
  14. creid


    they have these things called invisilines....I think that's what they are called. Anyway they are like retainers they are clear and help straighten your teeth. They are made for adults who don't want to get braces, but want straight teeth. Anywho I think you should look into these if you wanna.
  15. Then don't. Express your doubts and say that right now is not good. Cause you seem that you are just now getting your hold of your thoughts. It might be best not to get re-engaged for the sake of having to break it off again if you guys don't change. You both have to change and see this situation as "what I can do to improve instead of what I want from you?" Change not just for each other, but for yourself mainly(her too) and see where that takes you guys. Good Luck.
  16. Best to heal fully before trying it again. Don't let him beat around the bush ask him straight up "why are you really calling?". Don't let him play with your heart. Good Luck
  17. You just constantly got to keep working at overcoming the shyness. Try working on topics that are comfortable to you like reading types of books, getting on the computer, yada yada yada. I mean talk about somethings you know you like or don't like that might open up the door for the 'feelings' to be expressed. Don't give up on this. Maybe you might feel more comfortable talking to him on the phone or on the internet about feelings cause they are not staring at you intently for an answer. Good Luck if you need some good topic ideas pm me I got a few up my sleeve that will keep you guys talking.
  18. I think that what she did drawed the line for you (throwing at you in front of your family). I think you should tell her why this is coming about, that she has pushed this so far and you can't deal with it anymore.I feel you should give her the ultimatum meaning to stop this or you guys are through. She needs to get her emotions in order before she can take a step down the aisle with you. You say you guys have been on breaks and that still hasn't helped, you guys are even taking couples therapy and it still seems you guys are having issues. It's hard to let go better to do it now than do it when you're married and have children. I'd say go with your gut. Good Luck I know making a final choice is going to be tough.
  19. It's hard to see your ex for the first time after the breakup. You gotta keep your head on your shoulders. When I saw my ex after we broke up he was laughing with all his friends and kinda looked at me from time to time when we were all hanging out (be thankful his friends are not your friends). Sadly enough he may even ignore you, but don't let that put you down. You can have fun even if you're around him and he doesn't talk to you (if feels like the fun is sucked out of you). The best way to get under his skin is to show him you are FINE without him. The thing is you will be who wants to love and not be loved in return? I'm not trying to say 'make him jealous' you don't have to seem like you are getting with every guy I mean show him you are independent. Be beautiful, be funny, even be sexy, don't let him control how you are feeling when you see him. Good Luck
  20. Girl I think you should strut yourself. If he happens to be at that club oh well you so many other potentials who are going to be there also. Let him see you having fun(now not a in a slut way) and that you are totally independent. If he happens to be the "wow you look great" reply back "yeah you too", don't pull him in a corner and confess your dying love to him. Guys always WANT what they DON'T have, remember that. If he's like let's get back together...don't he's got to earn you back. Play hard to get and keep staying beautiful and fun and that boy won't have a chance you even might find somebody else during this time. Remember no body wants to buy the cookie jar when you're giving the cookies away for free. He has to earn you back...if you even still want him by the time Good Luck girl strut your stuff!!
  21. Long Distance Relationships seem like the hardest to do. It's hard to keep it going swell when you don't see each other all the time or anytime for that matter. You say you broke her trust, trust is what is needed to get past the distance issue. I mean she should have full confidence in you and you in her. Communication is going to get that accross. Stop the minial arguments that can swell and blow. I know when I argue I'm extremely stubborn and only see my way half the time. Thing is I have to cool off to realize...my way wasn't the best. When you see one of these issues coming trying to stop or slow it down ( I really don't know how that can be accomplish other than changing the topic). Show her you can be trusted is hard when you can't be with them to see your actions. You'll find away if you really want to be with her. Good Luck
  22. do you know the girls interest that you are talking to. go with that and maybe put in something about yourself, be sure not to hog the spotlight. Believe me girls think the shy guy is actually kinda cute.
  23. No No I'm fine I wrote that a long time ago. Everything is all good here. I'm so indecisive on things and I doubt from time to time. When I wrote that it was when I started college and wasn't quite sure where I wanted to go with my life. Oh and I'm also a girl.
  24. I wrote this when I couldn't stop changing my mind on anything like...I had...doubt or something Doubt You've always been a thorn in my side a pain in my neck I tried to get around you, but you are a brick wall A nagging voice you have become to me Changing my mind when I thought it was set You plague me You make my faith feel tested Making my soul wary I can't even read without you disturbing me When talking to friends you still are there Will you ever go away? Doubtful
  25. You guys have been together for awhile you guys should be able to trust each other. Just got to swallow your questions that sound like your spying. He will definitely notice and might even comment on it. But like the other guy said it's Communication that helps the trust and honesty be there. Tell him how you feel, and ask how he feels about you checking up on him. Ask him what is most appropriate and what's not. You just gotta talk!
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