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  1. It seems as if you've studied up on this. I have as well. Several years back, I went through a period where I questioned nearly everything (my faith, my sexuality, religion and spirituality (not the same thing), my worth, my mortality, etc). I hit bottom and it happened because I was open to possibilities and open to what life (or God) threw at me. I have come to realize that God doesn't send us to Hell for what we've done, but for what we are, sinful creatures. Evryone starts out this way, it takes a radical change of lifestyle (not entirely by you) to revert to God's intended nature for humanity. God will put that desire in you (it sounds as if He has) and a person to help you find the answer. I am a professed Christian, not a Lutheran, or a Presbyterian, or a Calvinist, or a Roman-Catholic, although I worship at churches bearing those labels. Religion, to me, fills in the gaps and offers a place for fellowship, worship and teaching, nothing more. Religion as an institution is not bad or corrupt if it is handled correctly. Unfortunately, it rarely is for long. Continue to search for Truth, it will find YOU.
  2. Firstly, my friend, other guys are not "better than you". I persued the same type of girl for several years and suddenly came to realize that that was not what I was looking for. I changed my perspective and my approach and won the girl of my dreams (life is NOT 100% blissful, but its a lot better with her by my side). She is the first girl I've ever dated, and I met her when I was 24, you've got time on your side, take it. If you have been talking with a girl since April and don't feel as if you're getting to know her, you don't like her, you are infatuated (I was here once too). I used to write out everything I wanted to say and wrote songs and poems to girls as well. My advise is to not worry about girls who are "pretty" (just on the basis that they are "pretty"), chances are, you will grow to love someone who loves you, If everyone was attracted to the same thing, Brad Pitt and Pamela Anderson would be the only people getting any! She will become MUCH more pretty than her physical body and light years prettier than any run-of-the-mill hottie on the street, I guarantee it. Don't lose your faith in God, when I hit bottom, His love was all I was sure of and He pulled me through. Your time will come, and you will appreciate what you have much more because of your struggles. Let us know how you are doing, PM me if you'd like. Good luck, brother.
  3. It looks to me like "Mary" wants you as a friend but also doesn't want possible boyfriends turned away because you are always talking / being with her. I completely understand this situation, it took me coming right out and asking my friend if she was interested for me to know for sure. She told me right off the bat and, although it hurt alot, I remained good friends with her because what we had was worth alot to me. Good luck - Mark
  4. It looks to me like "Mary" wants you as a friend but also doesn't want possible boyfriends turned away because you are always talking / being with her. I completely understand this situation, it took me coming right out and asking my friend if she was interested for me to know for sure. She told me right off the bat and, although it hurt alot, I remained good friends with her because what we had was worth alot to me. Good luck - Mark
  5. If you go with him (I'd go with coffee, its less formal and is easier to talk over) don't tell him how much you need / love him. Ask him if he's happy with his space, because you feel as if he loves you. That way, you're not trapped and neither is he. Ask him if there's anything you can do to make him feel more comfortable in the relationship. Kind of dance around it but give him the opportunity to spill the beans about how he feels (that's the only way you'll find out, because it sounds to me as if this guy is a feelings-balled-up-inside type). THEN you can lay yourself on the line.
  6. Sweetheart, do yourself a favor and take him back. You want to and it looks like he wants you to. If he doesn't want you to, he will make it clear, but it is clear to me right now that he does. If it turns out that he is playing around with you. You will know the truth if you tell him how you feel. Did you complain to him and ask him to do a thing or two differently, that he could've fixed while you were away? Just a thought, I would never walk away from someone I loved without NEEDING to fix things or look things over. BTW, thanks for the PM. I'll be happy to check back more.
  7. It sounds to me as if he loves you. Whatever space you gave him was enough and he realizes he wants you back. Sometimes guys ask for space just to see if he will get it, never fully intending on taking it. I hope this helps. Contact me if you'd like. Good luck - DizzyDance
  8. I would recommend submittibg a profile on link removed . it takes a little time, but hopefully, you'll net someone eventually. You can say whatever you want on those profiles. I would recommend posting an email address, that way you're not forcing the guy to pay. My girlfriend and I met like this and I have never been happier. You will find a good match if you take plenty of tests! Have fun, and good luck!
  9. Bingo! Well put, Brando's lovechild. I was the same way for a while. I have managed to find someone who makes me happy very recently and I had to change my approach a little (but never sacrificed my integrity) to get her. Don't hang on her every word, she wants someone who will have a life apart from her for a while and one who will allow her to do the same. Part of this seems to be a desire to have something else to keep one stable should a break-up occur. Be patient and talk casually, good luck. Let us know how things are going.
  10. First off, you are not gay. Men have let you down and you find tenderness and good communication appealing (as most women do). I am a man, but I went through a period of questioning myself and my identity and read several books and talked to alot of people to get this resolved. Being nervous around men (if its the same kind of nervous I have around women) is a good sign. You will find your way, good luck. The only other advise I can give is to persue a relationship with a guy, many men enjoy the refreshing rush that comes from being pursued. And don't go for the cookie-cutter "hot guy". Find someone you consider to be a good person and of strong character. I did this after being burnt several times and I have never been happier. Let us know!
  11. 15 is a difficult age. Listening to music is much safer in the mind of a teen than talking to "square" parents who would want to (God forbid!) help. I myself was listening to groups such as KoRn, Tool, Marilyn Manson and Nine Inch Nails (not exactly the embodiment of family values) at that age. Your son will talk to you (or his father) when and if he is ready. Do not worry about why he is listening to Eminem, he is very charasmatic and has deeper meanings behind his lyrics than his nay-sayers give him credit for. Good luck and God bless.
  12. buddy, you need to relax, I am 24 and just went on my first date ever this past Friday. You are not "too ugly" to find a girl.
  13. Well, I did fine last night. A little too fine, actually. We didn't go "all the way" but we both kinda regret where it went, this being only our second date. We both very much enjoyed our extra-kinky time togather, but, being ardent Christians, we will be trying to repress our urges in the future. Thanks for everything, people. I'll probebly see you in the "OMG we went too far" or the "premarital sex" forums (LOL).
  14. I'm willing to bet he likes you. Anyone would be a bit taken aback by such a powerful poem! Let him sweat a bit, he'll call you.
  15. Thanks guys. I woke up and felt alright about it. Still nervous, but alot better. I asked her at the time if she was kidding and she kind of stopped and said "no, I don't kid about this kind of thing". Wish me luck!!!
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