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Everything posted by tattoobunnie

  1. Lookup The Landmark Foundation...hear me out. Haven't taken a class in 12 years, so while some will say it's a money grab, I honestly know it's why my mom and I have an open relationship now after decades of me hating her. I was able to ready mentally for my marriage, and why my eldest brother has shot up in awesomeness with all he does now. And we all have The Landmark Foundation to thank for it. It's changed how I am with employees, friends, meanies, and the world. The 1st part is a weekend, and it was hard, but I would not be where I am today without that weekend. I mean you can look in the mirror can call yourself a rock star every day, but it doesn't address the actual issues. Good luck on your journey to learning to love yourself, and "finding a bigger problem."
  2. Cancel. Learn to travel for fun on your own, and sign up for all the things and adventures. Traveling with the entire family when you don't have kids, no reason. Just do your own thing, and have fun.
  3. Sign her up for tons of email newsletter for weird stuff. But other than that, since it was 3 years ago, revenge is a dish best served cold. She obviously is so jealous of you; I'd move to someplace awesome and start fresh. She will still be a shi**y person, living a sh**y life. Sorry she is such a POS.
  4. I am completely heterosexual, and there are some women porn stars I see by name, and know it's going to get me off, and I watch it. I have zero romantic interest in any porn stars, nor do I want to be friends with them. I am happily married with kids. Sometimes, ya just want to masturbate quick, and everyone should have a right to get off the way they need to as long as it isn't illegal. Some people love feet. Others like to peed on. As Freud says, the only wrong way to get your freak on is to not have any sex at all.
  5. Sorry! I thought this was a vent on COVID thread 🤪 My hubs has to deal with this on the regular since he needs 90 days scripts, not 30 with his work travels. I once spent 12 hours calling everyone under the sun back and forth for albuterol for my youngest having an asthma attack. Not fun.
  6. Since COVID, customers think it is okay to yell and curse at our customer service reps. They take all their sh*t feelings of not feeling any control in their own lives out on them. They honestly treat them like garbage if they don't kowtow to them. Some have also picked up saying, "their order got lost," as a grift because they try to get away with it. They don't get penalized for trying with credit card companies when really the merchant gets stiffed. You have the people who don't think it exists, so can't still grasp it still is causing issues with lack of resources and manpower on the manufacturing level. Endless Karens and Kyles.
  7. I would sneak an annulment claiming you didn't know he was a deadbeat. He won't become a better man or husband. And it's not your problem.
  8. That man is a child predator. Now, there's the internet, and more ways to connect with, find, and abuse children. Him telling you it was part consensual is him brainwashing you into thinking it's also your fault. You were a child, and did nothing wrong. You were abused. I'm sorry. There's a special place in hell for people like this. I know you just want to move on, but a part of you does not, and that's why you told your boyfriend. He is disgusted, but not at you; what happened was disgusting. I would tell you mom. That person should not be in your life.
  9. I have had someone called CPS on us. My kids ran to their bus stop without dad one time because they thought they saw it driving by. 24 hours later, one of my neighbors decided to lie to CPS claiming one of my kids were hit by cars a few times. First of all, if that happened, the police would be filing a report. The look on their face when they came to the house, and saw him in perfect condition, and them apologizing for wasting our time. I cannot confirm which of my neighbors did it, but I welcomed CPS with open arms. It sure is a waste of time, but if you have nothing to hide, it's not an issue. That little kid is not safe there. You did the right thing. The abuser will fill her head with nonsense. Just say, I know you are mad at me, but please let me know if you need anything. My door is open for you and your son.
  10. 27 is a PERFECT time to start again!!! Best time ever! Your 20's are all about learning to spot red flags. Your 30's are for discovering and taking no for an answer for you wants and needs. Your 40's are for no longer taking no more crap and living your best life. You've never met his mom who's a hoarder btw. You've never seen how he handles himself as a man in his own home, or how he is with her. You've never met his friends or rarely have sex. Girl, grow some self-esteem. Life is way to short to stay with a dude who can't get it together. It's one thing if you've met his mom and friends, but for all you know, he could be married with kids. Or he will never make you a top priority, as in never meeting his moms or friends. She runs the house...not you.
  11. Sometimes, a relationship is not the right fit. It doesn't matter how much you bend yourself to make it fit, it sounds like it's no longer a fit for you.
  12. I work full-time, with a hubs that is away for a week to 7 weeks at a time, and have two young boys that have their own schedules, sports, scouts, therapy, etc, and I volunteer. My folks also lives 20 minute from me, and I never believe they owe me babysitting. Rarely or a handful of times throughout the year they do. And I love my folks, and they love me and my kids. You choose to have kids. You choose to not like any outside help. Quite honestly, you do your due diligence and interview them, call up their referrals, and see how it goes. There are plenty of loving and kind professional sitters out there; the anxiety you have for any of them is a you problem. It's fine to feel this way, but it just looks like you are taking it out on your In-laws. When you think no one else can possibly watch your kids except one set of folks, your In-laws, that's on you.
  13. If she want to prioritize you, she would. But are you prioritizing her needs as well? She's going to school, and there are times you just need to be supportive, and not make everything about you. You are also not married, so she should be make decisions on what is best for her and her family.
  14. Try being accountable for your own actions. Trust issues and explosions of anger is on you, and would upset anybody. He isn't your punching bag.
  15. As an aunt and an elder, I never expect anything in return or thank yous from my neices or nephews. You give because you want to. If the fact they don't say thank you or write you letters that bothers you, you don't have to send them anything. I'm sure they'd appreciate time with you instead.
  16. Did the kids explain why they don't want your partner there? Do they not like them?
  17. The OP's story reminds me of the characters in BEEF. One of the main characters is so codependent on his little brother, he always does things to hold him back, which holds him back. Quite honestly, I know lots of twins, and they don't live together, and have their own families and interests. What you have is just a dude who doesn't think of you as top priority. Imagine another 4 years where you are still an after thought? It hasn't gotten better in 4 years, it won't in another 4.
  18. I once had a boyfriend ask me why I was weird sometimes. He was just the absolutely wrong guy. Sorry, but in a strong relationship, you should be able to feel however you are feeling, treated with validation and respect 365, 24/7. If some dude told me I am never happy, I would tell him that it's impossible because he is sucking all the joy out of everything, and to take a hike. You will be instantly relieved and happy once you give him the heave-ho. Then block everywhere, and change the locks.
  19. I know this is what cemented in your mind as to why they split, but this was the last straw, and that's what you let yourself see. Or because they are good parents, this was all you ever saw. Conflict and fighting is good to do in a relationship once in a while is because that's how you also learn to work through something together. If she is still upset over something in January, it also means, you've been dodging the conversation as well. I would ask him why she sees parents treating the kids as unforgivable. It could easily be cultural, or her parents always made her feel horrible is she didn't foot everything. But if you avoid talking about the tough stuff, you will never grow together. If you are too worried about an argument leading to a break-up, both of you should write letters to eachother, and read them to eachother. This way, you can also be careful of your words, and not bite your tongue at the same time.
  20. You just answered your own question. Anyone can mask their insanity in the beginning to gain your trust. Little by little, they dig their claws in deeper and deeper
  21. NDAs are designed for situations that would affect an individual's means of making a living, or a company's trade secrets. It is not for making people hush for unless being a virgin is part of how you make a living. If you don't want people talking about you, don't let them record anything, so then it's a he said, she said thing.
  22. Congratulations! I knew a bulk of it was just nerves talking, where you convince yourself for so long that you can't do it, or don't want it, or don't need it. Then, they are here, and they transform you. Welcome to the dad club. You're in for one of the best years of your life 🥰 Albeit, maybe with less sleep.
  23. Nope. Look up histrionic personality disorder. That's her to a "T" Keep blocking her, and blocking her. Her narcassistic behavior is just seeing how many rings or phone lines it takes for you to talk to her, so she can "win" you back. There's no cure. You are suffering from PTSD, so as lonely as you may be, you are vulnerable, and unfortunately this nut job preyed on you, and has her hooks in you. It takes time to process that kind of stuff.
  24. Both my mom and my hubs got me men's jackets for xmas this past year. And I returned them, but I wouldn't think less of them. They both took forever to pick the best possible one. I am just super duper picky. As far as the paying for everything, if she's not a student, and you haven't brought up future talk then at all, then eh, she's just used to you paying. But if you plan to get serious about her, have an open talk about your finances, and where you plan to be, and make fiscal plans to be together.
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