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Everything posted by tattoobunnie

  1. Your dream is about losing control, your footing, your sense of self is being sacrificed. I believe dreams are both prophetic and, or things you need to work out in your brain. But cleaning out the closet could also mean you are making room for new thoughts, moving past a wrong you may have made. Can I ask what else happened? For a few months now, I keep having dreams that I am unmarried with no kids, and annoyed that I have to sign up for online dating sites. But my hubs wasn't someone I broke up; I just wasn't myself. When I wake up, I am relieved to remember I am married with kids. Last time, I had these weird break up dreams, was probably 15 years ago; the guy breaking up with me with a current BF, and he'd be cruel in the dream. I had them for six months, and he did break up with me cruelly that actually brought me to enotalone. Oddly today, I was looking up what they could mean just minutes ago, then I noticed your post. And really rich chocolate right before bed also makes me have vivid mean, crazy dreams.
  2. I have found a great way to save money; drop the deadbeats. He doesn't see how any of it is his fault and his problem. This screams 100% DEADBEAT.
  3. One of my oldest buddies went through your situation exactly. She never went to his place for an entire year or met any family or friends. Turned out he was married with kids. How you move on? Two options. Block his number and any social media. Giveaway whatever he gave you. Or get revenge, and text the person who kept calling over and over screenshots of your messages together because POS like this guy shouldn't be allowed to have cake and eat it too. Most people will say to just block him, but I appreciate revenge, and have always felt better, even decades later thinking about it.
  4. He meets your kid for the 1st time, and is a complete cheapskate, and presents himself as a cheapskate. Lady....RED FLAG. He had plenty of moments to win your kid over or be gracious, and he choose to put in zero effort to do so. Absolutely, DO NOT MOVE IN with him. If you SIL treated your daughter like this, you'd be calling him a cheapskate too, and definitely not like him.
  5. I am more bothered by the fact that she questions why you would help save another human being's life. Keeping in constant contact with your ex thing, I'd side with her, but not helping someone live, I would not want a person like this in my life. She is not the one for you.
  6. I'm first generation born in the US, with countless Chinese relatives that came over here. Some changed their name to an American first name. Others kept it, and give themselves nicknames for people to easily pronounce. I have an uncommon American name, with origins in Spain, and even though, people don't always pronounce my name correctly since there are several ways to say it. When people mispronounce your name, just correct them, and have them say it back to you. And keep correcting them, but not in a bit$hcy way, because it just happens. But trust me, it's not just your name people mispronounce. I have the Welsh spelling for my 2nd son, but we pronounce it the English way because we use the English way; we were lazy too. People just are bad at lost of pronunciations. My mom puts in a lot of effort to pronounce people's names correctly, but it's actually super hard for her since she was an immigrant, granted a zillion years ago.
  7. I think you may also be reading too much into the email. How was it demanding? Did it say, "why didn't you finish it?" OR "Why wasn't it finished?" The latter wouldn't need an apology, since they aren't wondering why you didn't do it, more like, "I need to know the status of this project." Speaking as a boss; they asked a question. You fixed a project now in your department, and answered the question. Why would they apologize? It could also be what you translated as demanding was really an inquire and need to know.
  8. Speaking as someone who has mentored and been mentored, it's always volunteer, and no one stands to benefit monetarily or as a boss. A direct boss isn't your mentor. Usually are people in different companies, volunteering their time because lifting others up is its own reward. 10 text exchanges is not a lot per day by any means. I read through what you consider flirty, and eh, I am not seeing it. And you generally meet together in a private setting to go through your work and life goals. And also speaking as someone who's hubs was texting with an ex a few years ago for a few months: Things you want to look for. Late night calls and messages. He's getting updates to his wardrobe and new exercise routines. Leaving the room to answer this person's texts and calls. But if he's not doing that, perfect time to check in with your hubs, and go, "so I noticed you have a new mentor. How's it going? What's her story?" But if is getting late night calls and messages and leaving the room and updating his look, then go through credit card statements, and look for receipts for lunches, dinners, gifts he didn't mention, but should have. And emotional affair if when he is withholding intimacy from you, and giving it to someone else. If you feel fulfilled in your relationship, and still intimate, while their texts really don't sound intimate in the slightest other than what you would already tell a coworker, then just have a conversation. If you are too wigged out to ask, take several breaths, calm, calm, calm down, relax, then ask him. As a boss for several decades, I have had zero, zero attraction to any of my staff. Like none. And not for nothing, it's lawsuit bait. So is your hubs that much of an idiot or not?
  9. My hubs said he was sure about wanting to get married one day, but didn't want kids. We are married with two boys that are the best things in our world. Your guy said that he's not ready now; it's not the same as saying he never wants them. I didn't start having kids until I was 32 turning 33. So, I think you aren't listening to what he's saying.
  10. Yes. My buddy's biz partner broke up his family by having an affair with wife. Or somethings small, like my hubs, every time I bring up our buddy, my hubs loves to share something gross he did as a kid. But ultimately, there is no way your buddy would have known that you slept or went on a date with one of her friends since you both never met her before, so there is no way you would know her friend was connected to her. She probably showed a photo to her buddy like you did with yours, and her buddy was like, "oh, I've hooked up with him before," or "(insert whatever she might have said)."
  11. I guarantee she has friends like her too. Ask her to introduce friends to you! My hubs and I have an old buddy who said he liked me first all the while me and my hubs were asking about eachother. We are all now happily married with kids. I really believe in your case; things will work out. Emma and you just were not meant to be.
  12. Me, Hubs, and our eldest have ADHD. It can vary, but greatly be the same at the same time. It presents differently in girls since many mask it in an effort to show how good and capable we are. You don't out grow it, but you can pick up tools along the way to help, or you mask issues, which really causes burnout. My hubs and son are considered "twice exceptional since they have ADHD and are both genuises IQ wise. People think it means you're hyperactive, but it really is attention regulation; we hyper focus on things that we are interested in because it triggers a production in dopamine, which we have issues producing, hence medication. Honestly, hubs and I medicate ours with lots of coffee, which doesn't wake us up, it makes us happy. So, really, clutter or organized clutter, no matter how you tell them, yell at them, or ask them to clean up, they see it, but can get so overwhelmed, that they will find everything else in the world to do. But if they have motivation, like myself, like guests are coming, you for damn sure, they house will be cleaned. I can write a novel, so instead these are the best channels I have found to explain it: https://www.youtube.com/@HowtoADHD https://www.tiktok.com/@adhd_love https://www.tiktok.com/@connordewolfe And we are also missing the topic of comorbidities like ADHD and being on the spectrum, which is possible, but not always the case. Neither of us take prescriptions for ADHD. But keep it mind, ADHD can also trigger depression because we are regularly blamed or told we are lazy, "have so much potential," not doing as you're told, stupid. People can be unkind to neurodivergents. But I will tell you the good part is that we can be sweeping romantics (from the impulsiveness), amazing attention to detail (from hyperfocusing), always able to remain calm in a crisis, which before I knew I had it, people were amazed how I could stay calm while everyone else in crying and screaming, and I am getting our buddy to the hospital, or after an accident, because our brains kick into high gear with the slightest injection of adrenaline which makes us focus. And, ADHD people find eachother. It's the way our brains see things. I have found at least 65% of my very best friends have ADHD, and not cuz we sat around one day asking eachother about that. Just have fun. If you like eachother, and over time find you have similar or same life goals, that's all that matters at the end of the day.
  13. So she still treats you like a little girl? If a person is treating you the way you do not want to be treated, you let them know you won't accept it, and leave. Not sure how old you are, or if you have kids, and were treating them like your mom did, or still live with you mom, but if you don't feel your mom is able to treat you well, then don't take it. My mom use to hit me to discipline me until I turned 12, but unlike her, her mom beat her every day. My point is, people can grow. Different generations did different things for disciplining their children. I use to hold it against her, but I have learned how to move on from that. And, you learn to figure out how you want to do things with your own kids, and just do it. No one can change the past. But you can choose whatever you want in your present life.
  14. I thought my mom was cruel and abusive and withholding and I hated her when I was 12 through 30. Now with two kids of my own, the damn woman was a saint. We never realize how much we take from our folks until you get the same drama, crap and ordeal from you own kids. I read what happened, but they sound like dramatic threats to get you to comply. Sounds like my mom, really. Is she Asian too? 🤣 Go ahead and talk about what you think happened. Because there is a little kid inside of you still blaming her for an event that molded how you are as person now. But it doesn't mean you need to keep letting your little kid self call the shots in how to be as the adult you are now.
  15. So you liked being thought of like his mom? And you're not allowed to be happy? He doesn't do anything that makes YOU happy.
  16. Don't do anymore of his laundry. Stop making his lunches. Don't make him breakfast or dinner. Don't buy clothes for him. If he wants to eat, he can cook. If he gets mad, tell him "get a pan to cook, or there's the door" As scary as you might be, he won't leave. He's just gotten used to treating you like a doormat, and being a child you take care of.
  17. Another neurodivergent quality. Misinterpreting or not picking up on social cues, and full-on honesty. Instead of working on your insecurities, you look for ways to make her seem like a bad person. All friends and loved ones can have different interests, but you still show up and support them.
  18. If you are disinterested, you answered your own question. But maybe you should chill. You are hanging out and getting to know eachother. You could be dating for six months, and years, and it still doesn't work out. And, yes, your expectations of only dating for one month, can still be awkward. This is why you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket.
  19. Volunteer! Volunteer with non-profit groups, get on a committee. Make connections. People of wealth or affluence always are on committees or boards of non-profits. Helping to fundraise or use their skills and know-how. People who just work are people who just work.
  20. Welcome to every relationship where there is a full-time working full-time mom, cuz even if you work full-time, you still have to feed, clean, care for, tend to little people put to bed, wake up, plan their schedules, work with yours, and make time for yourself if there is any. It's not hormones or low sex drive. It's called being touched out by little people after having to working in a currently toxic environment in the US, where they are constantly being described as "groomers" I mean, do you pitch in with their afterschool activities, pack their lunches, do their laundry, fold and put away, clean the bathrooms, dishes, and vacuum without being told, make the playdates, cook dinners, lunches, breakfast, pay bills, create the list and get the groceries, plan romantic dates and schedule childcare? Nothing shrivels up that libido like a partner doing just the minimum, while needing to be reminded, then applauded for everything they do. You want more sex, do more so she can be in the mindset to get her freak on. Or else it's just a pile of dishes and laundry and work that's just clogging up her headspace.
  21. Oh Seraphim, I'm so sorry. How scary and overwhelming.
  22. Your expectation of a full-on emotionally intimate relationship after only dating for one month is super unrealistic. If you want excitement, rent a smash room, go skydiving, learn archery together, axe throwing. She's not there to entertain you. Who misses a person after one month. People who are diehard in your face love bombing all anxiety driven fireworks, that's a trainwreck and red flag.
  23. This is funny, but it's also not a joke. So after you've been on that journey to learn to love yourself, hit the Home Depot 🤪 https://nypost.com/2023/01/26/single-women-are-shopping-for-husband-material-at-home-depot/amp/ It use to be sports bars and steak houses, but with the pandemic, guess it's Home Depot is the early morning
  24. None of us can fix this for you. If you don't like yourself, why would anyone else? You need to fake it till you make it. Meaning, who is a person you like? What does a person you love do? Who is a person that you would love are? And go be that person. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE at this point. A person who goes and travels to cool and foreign lands? I person who helps others? I person who never takes "No" for an answer? A person who loves her friends fiercely? Well-read? Be the badass. One of my most favorite movie quotes, "Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around."
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