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Everything posted by tattoobunnie

  1. My buddy went on a bang fest when she got separated...her now ex hubs didn't touch her for 3 years. I'd just have fun...focus on fun and meet up when you can and feel like it. Other than that, don't sweat over it. He's just not a deadbeat, so he looks hot.
  2. Or just do your due diligence and ask for their success rate. It's also up to you on how things turn out...they aren't magic genies. If you don't listen to their advise and suggestions, that's your loss. Sorry bub, but why should they do it for free? You get what you pay for.
  3. I didn't get married till my 30's...what are you trying to say? 🤣 I had a buddy ask a woman, "what's wrong? You look tired," as a way to break the ice. You never ever ask a woman that...sometimes, they just always look like that. Some people always think they are suave because they are social and have friends. You will be surprised that the same combo does not apply to dating success. New tactics, different results.
  4. My buddy's ex would always get drunk and talk about how he's going to propose. Then, the next day, while sober, say he never said that. This went on for two years. She dumped him and now happily married to an awesome man and they have two kids.
  5. Tinder is BS. Hotness comes from within. I guarantee you just need the right opening. Work with a professional matchmaker. Have friends and family set you up. It's a numbers game, really. My buddy who is built like an Adonis and looked like one too would have women THROW themselves at him, and he never ever got the giant hint they were giving him. I think because you've been single for forever, you have ZERO game. Trust me, you need the wing man, the lady friends who adore you and have the right person for you. You need professional help, and not like there's something wrong with you...you need someone to teach you how to date. I guarantee under you have a 2 ft hump and have half your face gone and limp because half your body can't move, there is someone out there for you and I don't mean slim pickings.
  6. Ummmm...yes, love is shown it's 1000x more. With this guy, it's like watching paint dry. He will never give you what you need, and he doesn't make you happy, nor is he a partner in life for you. It's 95 you, and 5% him for effort. SNORE! You can do 1000x better. You are just use to him.
  7. Because he doesn't want you breaking his stuff.
  8. It's so they can run a background check on you, if they want to hire you. Common procedure for decades now.
  9. He told you that right away, so he can get you to not feel weird about splitting the bill, or do treat you / treat me way, and to not expect expensive gifts. When they tell you how the ex-wife messed them up, it's their way of saying they will never let you do that, and will treat you completely opposite of the wife which includes getting married.
  10. Make a new friend. Be a friend. Hang out. Take it slow. See where it goes. It's not a relationship...you went on one date. Sounds to me like you are scared to get back out there.
  11. Be scared of him. Not people who actually care for your welfare. You getting maned or killed is much, much more worse.
  12. Now that he feels he's trapped you, you are finally getting to see the real him. It will happen again, whether to you or your kid. And with making up, you have told him it's okay to get violent with you. Please reach out to any family and friends, and move in with them, and let them know what happened, verbally, by email, any time stamping. You are in a dangerous situation that will only get worse. Abusers usually build up slowly the abuse. So they fry and mess up your brain thinking that you deserved it, little by little. Gaslighting you into questioning how you are at fault. Please slowly start bringing things to where you are moving, as to avoid a major blowout. Then when he's at work, have your friends and family help you move what you need, and leave for good. Love isn't violence. 99.9% of a good thing is good, but it takes just one bullet to end a life.
  13. Tell her to check out https://www.wondrium.com/...perfect for learning piano.
  14. Did you get a sleep study? Sleep apnea can cause so many problems and in fact increase anxiety in those that already have it. I have had it all my life. I finally got diagnosed in my early 30's, got an oral appliance, and it beyond life changing. (I don't use a CPAP, never have, and I have severe obstructive sleep apnea) Depending on your level, there are even non-invasive surgery options, in and out the next day. Book a babysitter, something to do, hikes, dinner out, date nights, and reconnect. It can take some time to get back in the groove, so just enjoy it. Or ask family to watch them even for two hours to have dinner in peace, or time to workout and get some stress out. You anxiety isn't helping you or her and is making you unattractive...but this doesn't have to be you...you are stressed, the sleep apnea, which I 100% bet you have is not your friend.
  15. For the all the measures you know about to prevent pregnancy, next time, try condoms. Please actually trying learning what passive aggressiveness actually means. And one night stands are where you didn't know each other before, and didn't plan to date or see each other again after. You hooked up. You chose to hook up. I have been wasted many times, and still didn't sleep with people. And you also had each other's numbers. Calling it a drunken night stand is your way of trying to avoid accountability. Try rephrasing things correctly, and you may be able to gain a different perspective. All the worry in the world won't make time move faster, or your heart warmer.
  16. My MIL did this to her son, my hubs, several times over the years. Move for a guy she never met in person, and she dumps him where she can till she comes crying back how it didn't work out. I am mentally hugging your nephew with all my might. SHE SUCKS. Please let the dad know. He's not safe with her.
  17. I few months after I broke up with my now husband when we were teens, he started dated my buddy. I found out going to her bday party, and I was so mad, I wanted to punch him (which I didn't of course). But I would never ever think I needed an apology for that choice. You did nothing wrong.
  18. Retrain your brain. Put a rubber brand around your wrist, and ever time you want to text him, snap yourself. It's like quitting any addiction. Block his number and delete it. Let me save you another year of heartache. He will never want to be with you. Don't take it personally...he's just not the one.
  19. I'm impressed that a dog was able to join this forum, and can type. Joking. You are not a dog, and should not be treated as such. Your life is on the line, and it should not be test of devotion. If you don't have a solid plan as in engaged, picked a date, and planning a wedding, *** would you move. There are so many logistics involved. NO WAY!
  20. He had no idea who you were, but looked like you were following him. Reminds me of the movie Knock Knock with Keanu Reeves.
  21. After I got my restraining order, it was right away. They move onto another honey they can start the process again with. If you can order these, order one, https://www.amazon.com/s?k=pepper+spray+for+women&sprefix=pepper%2Caps%2C101&ref=nb_sb_ss_deep-retrain-ln-ops-acceptance_5_6
  22. HIs actions are not narcassistic. Simply, he is not into you. Treats you poorly, and you accept it, and he can get sex out of it. A narcissist plays the long game, whipping out "I love yous", moving fast, sink their hooks into, make you doubt your own reality, so they can control you. This guy wants to see other people while hooking up with you.
  23. I wasn't head over heels, OMG, church bells ringing when I gave birth to my son. But each day that I knew him, I loved him more and more each day. But it is proven that absentee fathers do not form the same immediate bond. When they are born, the hormones are so beyond strong that when you hold them, biologically you really start bonding. If you wait weeks to months to years, you don't have that. Smell is powerful. I find with both my boys, any person they met the 1st week of their life, they always had a ease with them. Anyone else who met them months later as a baby, stranger danger in the beginning.
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