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Everything posted by tattoobunnie

  1. He had no idea who you were, but looked like you were following him. Reminds me of the movie Knock Knock with Keanu Reeves.
  2. After I got my restraining order, it was right away. They move onto another honey they can start the process again with. If you can order these, order one, https://www.amazon.com/s?k=pepper+spray+for+women&sprefix=pepper%2Caps%2C101&ref=nb_sb_ss_deep-retrain-ln-ops-acceptance_5_6
  3. HIs actions are not narcassistic. Simply, he is not into you. Treats you poorly, and you accept it, and he can get sex out of it. A narcissist plays the long game, whipping out "I love yous", moving fast, sink their hooks into, make you doubt your own reality, so they can control you. This guy wants to see other people while hooking up with you.
  4. I wasn't head over heels, OMG, church bells ringing when I gave birth to my son. But each day that I knew him, I loved him more and more each day. But it is proven that absentee fathers do not form the same immediate bond. When they are born, the hormones are so beyond strong that when you hold them, biologically you really start bonding. If you wait weeks to months to years, you don't have that. Smell is powerful. I find with both my boys, any person they met the 1st week of their life, they always had a ease with them. Anyone else who met them months later as a baby, stranger danger in the beginning.
  5. Oh, good point...my hubs is a white dude though...and he's always been the same way. I've helped friends move cross country. Over 10 friends move. And I volunteer my time with two organizations along with a more than full-time job with little kids with special needs. I've always been this way; helping others when I can. I find so many people in my life have helped me, so I put out the same energy. So it's not so much that he can't drive her to the airport...it's that he won't. I could never see a future with someone like that.
  6. Yes, but he can also take a bit of time off, or go to bed earlier. I have driven my folks all hours of the night and in rush hour, and headed off to work. My dad would move mountains for me. My hubs has driven 3 hours in a blizzard just to see me. Maybe I have been spoiled, but I can never expect any less now. Last minute is one thing or not at all to some. But weeks in advance, and dating for one year and it's a once in a blue moon thing...him telling her no says a lot more about how he prioritizes her.
  7. Even when I am mad or pissed off at my hubs, it never feels like a nightmare. Unless she apologizes for overreacting, I would be outie 5000. Umm. Didn't realize you were in a Hallmark movie.
  8. Our airport is 60 to 90 minutes away depending on traffic. My entire family, my hubs, we never say no to each other about getting a ride even at all hours of the day...why because it's just a given. I honestly would dump your guy in a heartbeat. You're not asking for a kidney, but imagine if you needed to. Good time Charlies are boring.
  9. Um, welcome to the club. Rejection is rejection...did you honestly think the movie Fatal Attraction isn't based on actual scenarios? Yup. That's it. You can be sad about it all you want, but it only takes one to make it right. You are the common denominator in why they didn't work out. Not saying you are always being something wrong, but they just weren't the right fit. Trust me...I didn't get that honestly till I was 31. So hang in there. Chin up; You may think this is a blow-off statement, but one day you will, and you will realize how relevant that statement is.
  10. One, your folks aren't doctors, and I guarantee one of them has it. It's your life; help yourself. Education yourself on the misconceptions of drugs used to treat ADHD...not everyone with ADHD needs medication, nor a psychiatrist. But get a diagnosis helps you in many, many ways...at schools, in life. Check out https://www.youtube.com/c/HowtoADHD, it really helps me with my one kid and even myself and hubs.
  11. You can't be a part-time liar. He's just a liar. You only know what you caught him doing, and that was shared with you on a silver platter by his ex. He was emotionally cheating on you for two years before he lost his job. Not blocking his ex on Instagram is the straw that breaks the camel's back. You will never feel safe.
  12. Virginity as a concept was invented as an attempt to control (female) sexuality. You are perfect as you are whether you had sexual penetrative intercourse with one person or a 100. And, sex doesn’t have to be defined as penetrative! A person who loves you, which you deserve, doesn't care. Also, why is he telling you about his sexual adventures with others. When he tries again, just put your finger over his lips, and say these words, "shh...I don't care."
  13. People who keep the same FWB always have one foot out the door. When you want a real chance at finding the right person, or seeing if someone is right for you, the backup plan has been given the heave-ho. She couldn't last two months without her FWB? It's okay to casually date many people in the beginning, but FWBs are a different situation. She is the one that needs to grow up. Can't always have your cake and eat it too. So the guy is stuck wining and dining her, while she's porking someone else. NO THANKS.
  14. Well, if your sister, nephew, dad, cousin are telling you you have some issues to work out, maybe try listening. I don't know what you are posting on social media, maybe you are posting hateful things. The common denominator here is you. I am sorry to hear you are feeling low, but maybe try sending a baby gift, and saying, "I'm sorry for being the biggest Sh*tbag, and I hope one day you can forgive me." Don't make it about what she said...be accountable for yourself. And just because it was a year ago doesn't matter. It was the last thing you are known for by her son and her and everyone else. Stop getting in your own way, and make amends. None of the "I'm sorry you feel that way," or "I only said it because you said this" lame apology. You can only control yourself, so you can apologize for your behavior. No more victim or excuses. Just because you are in a rut does not mean you get to drag everyone else down with you. Good luck at the new job.
  15. Congrats are in order (is your eggo prego?)?! If you are normally loving...she may just be busy, and just give her a call directly...if she's always like this, wait to tell her when you see her, or she calls.
  16. It's the equivalent of being married and visiting a prostitute at lunch on Wednesdays. Sorry, not a generational thing...she's just a deeply insecure commitment-phobe who is trying to gaslight you.
  17. You will be surprised. Kids value many things, and it isn't always tangible like backpacks. But I get what you are saying. Vacations, going out to eat, bday parties, summer camp, college, aren't free.
  18. Nope. She's not the one that's marrying them, nor paying your bills, nor sharing genetic DNA with you. She chose a deadbeat, and that doesn't have to be your choice. 30 is still young. Get Happy Hour drinks at Steakhouses. Bring a single friend(s) or friends that get it to be your wingman. There is absolutely nothing wrong with choosing a man who can make a nice nest.
  19. If a man keeps pressuring you to sleep with them, it's a giant red flag that your comfort, or need to feel safe and loved are not a priority to them. If they are pressuring you period, don't go out with them. Just say, "it's not working out." Don't keep going out with them. The reason why you dump them is because you know they aren't quality guys who wanted to learn more about you and for you to learn more about them first. They only think with their pants, and you know they do this with every woman, and are a dime a dozen.
  20. Since my hubs has never gotten me jewelry ever, or even tried, the first thing I look at is a woman's hand, to check out their rock (diamond). I am so beyond envious - anniversary diamond bands, engagement rings, diamond rings. I will have to wait for my mom's passing which could be like decades from now for her beautiful, beautiful engagement ring. I have huge rubies and emeralds, but I love the sparkle in that BLING. But, there is no way I am spending money on a diamond ring (🤣) So, in short, yes...if the person you are buying for wants one, then yes. I would honestly ask what they prefer. My hubs would never think to ask me or look for one, so I think it's more of an effort thing too.
  21. Nope. I remember after each relationship, I am giving myself every mental health condition under the book. Then, over time, you start to work through things, and onto the next chapter. Almost all of us have to kiss SEVERAL frogs to find our prince. When you are truly ready, they find you.
  22. I tried with no success, and still feel like a *** thinking about it. Lived and learned though. Sometimes you just have to hit the bottom to say you are done yourself.
  23. Get the backup. Return or sell the other one that doesn't fit. 3 to 5 lbs won't make the dress fit. I have been to a dozen weddings where the color scheme was similar, but the dress styles were the bridesmaid's preferences, including for my wedding.
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