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Everything posted by tattoobunnie

  1. Hit it, then, quit it. It happens. Anyone would said I got back together with an ex, and broke up again is a prime target to make a getaway after doing the deed. He sweet talked you until he got what he wanted. Nothing wrong with one night stands...but if you don't want them, don't have them. A person sees how little it takes, and puts you into that category.
  2. Around 3PM, have a snack, protein, cheese, eggs, nuts, what have you. After work, go hit the gym for an hour at least 3 to 5 times a week, and take all the empathy and take it out on weights or a treadmill. Commit to this for a month, and you will notice a 100% difference.
  3. Once a guy told me he was attracted to me, but not beautiful. I have realized over time that I'm HOT, and that guy was speaking about how he felt about himself. This guy is a buttmunch that I would drop faster than a pile of bricks.
  4. All relationships have ups and downs, but when you are right for each other, to be honest, it is extremely much easier, healthier and happier!
  5. Go to Rover.com and find a dog sitter. I have worked with several, and now my current one also watches my kids after school on some days, and we love her. You're ex is selfish. Forcing you to walk on egg shells, keeping you on hold. She is an unhappy, and will never be happy. and you can do better, and will do better. All the anti-tradition mumbo jumbo is a cover and a way to buy time while they waste yours. Don't waste any more time on this loser.
  6. So if you ever have kids or get really sick where you need help, if you say anything that you didn't realize you were supposed to walk on eggs shells about, you'd be okay with him locking himself in a separate room, and just ignoring you at will whenever and for whatever for the rest of your life? I'd move in with family or friends, and just be done with that lop-sided cr*ptastic situation. What he does isn't love; it's manipulation...you realized you were made to apologize for asking his opinion? People like this only destroy your self-esteem slowly and surely the longer you stay.
  7. I think you have long-term PTSD that you may benefit from Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). I am not a doctor, so you may want to discuss with your therapist about this. But I am surprised you haven't been given any tools to work through this emotions when they pop up. My son's therapist gives him exercises to do when he gets a "Blue" (All of nothing, the world is ending thought) Thought. Things to do if he starts to feel a certain way. Breathing exercises help. But ultimately, learning to love yourself is the biggest difference. Parents who only show you instability sets up a horrible foundation for you. And trying facing your fears. So what if he cheats? When you explode into pieces or evaporate into dust. Cheating is a statement about the cheater, and not a reflection of you. It's not the end of the world if someone does. You kick them to the curb, pick yourself up, and move forward with whichever way you decide is best for you.
  8. I really want to clarify...no one is trying to pick on you here! We have been through these situations before and got out through the other side; and your boyfriend is not a good person. I would take a moment and listen to what your mom has to say. She's still paying for things for the family correct, like utilities and living expenses and food? It's not like she's out partying and gambling. If you don't like living with her, get a job, save some money, and move out.
  9. Men who want to control others will date someone young for a reason.
  10. I thought you were away at college? And from your previous post, You were only 18 when you got together; your much older boyfriend is grooming you to accept an emotionally abusive situation. Sorry, but send di*k pics to other women does not make him a good guy. If you live under her roof, you need to also listen to their rules.
  11. I wouldn't be bothered by this at all since it's his kid. But, why now after three years is it a big issue? Are times tough? Annoyed the relationship isn't progressing, so finding reasons to breakup? If it's a money issue, I'd ask the boyfriend to pitch in for gas and insurance. If it's a relationship issue, ask, where is this going?
  12. So the uncle uses his nephew as a shell to hide money from his ex-wife...and the nephew, your ex is totally cool with this. Hiding assets with another adult doesn't help you evade taxes - it's to avoid splitting of assets when divorcing. You dodged a bullet because that guy will do the exact same thing to you. And that di*k pic...wow, I would have thrown his phone down a well. Any man who calls you a B and N word because he got caught will always be a CHILD.
  13. After only one month, your expectations are extremely HIGH. Sorry, but you need to need to take a deep breath, several, and relax, you're coming in needy, and I get why you are, but it's not his fault, and you can't take it out on him. Get a hobby, hang with friends, don't sweat over it. Think of him as a new friend you are getting to know. Go on dates with other dudes. Have fun! You're trying to jump ahead too quickly. Just focus on having fun!
  14. I run a Cub Scout pack, and work with over 50 different families, all with different dynamics, and how they are to responding with emails, texts, phone calls, social media posts, at meetings. And why I add this, is because there is no professional expectation; since it's not work, half have a super whatever approach when it comes to money due, whether if they have the money, or waiting on pay day. Or even after 5 emails and in-person direction, still are clueless. I find if it has anything to with loaning money to friends or family, think of it as a gift, and don't sweat over it. If you can't leave it for a few days, don't do it. Every family member has gotten me their payments for a variety of things, but a bulk is never ever ever the same day or even week. Just they got it to me. And if $70 breaks your bank, you need to learn to say "no" to people.
  15. There are two reasons why, and they both are not good. 1) He thinks his time is more important than yours 2) He's deflecting because he's been misbehaving. Either way, he is disrespectful. You both didn't schedule a call together, so it's not like you are standing him up. He randomly calls, and shows little concern as to why you might have missed it. It's all about him. What a chore.
  16. My youngest won't hold, kiss or hug dad, and will yell for me to do something instead of dad, and he loves his dad a lot. It's a control thing/developmental phase that will works its way out. It's showing love, making choices. I wouldn't take it personally at all. It's like one day they love cantaloupe till kingdom come. The next week, it's an abomination. Really, don't take it personally!
  17. I have always wanted kids, but could never picture it, until I started dating my now hubs again. My body literally ovulated for an entire month; I thought something was wrong, so saw my gyno, and yup, ovulated for a whole month with spotting (sorry, TMI, but SCIENCE!). It think it's super hormone driven like you found your mate. And I really wanted to marry and have kids with him. I find in many cases, when they aren't ready, it's because they aren't feeling it for the one they are with.
  18. What do you love about him other than he's supportive of you because it pays for him to stay a giant child, while you bust your a$$? He can't consistently work He's not bright He's has medical issues that interfere with his life You never have room for your own issues He isn't a partner in any aspect You have to tell him what to do Just because you married your childhood sweetheart, it does not mean you owe him the rest of your life. All he does it take and take, while you have no room for you to be you. And yes, a good relationship is a good partnership, that yours isn't one. Plenty of amazing fish in the sea. He was who you were 12 years ago, and while you grew, emotionally and physically, he remains a stunted boy. He's not the one for you. Divorce isn't always filled with malice. You need a partner, not a broken bird.
  19. SNORE...Tomato, tomato, tomato. She sounds so basic and boring. You can do a million times better, and will do so when you drop that pile of bricks.
  20. So your husband actually apologies when he expresses his feelings in an agitated way, and he initiates and plans getaways for the both of you without forcing him to do so, and he fiscally supports you to go back to school? I'm jealous here! Sometimes it helps to remember to breath, and take a moment to think are you also thinking about where he's coming from. Not to invalidate your feelings, but he should be able to get on the soapbox from time to time, and just vent, and feel safe to do so. I would take a step back and check in from time to time, and also count your blessings.
  21. Go to a Tapas place, so this way, you can eat a little while having some wine together.
  22. You will never ever ever get with a good guy if you have this man in your life. Never ever. You have tunnel vision, and plenty won't even try because this guy is in your life. A back up plan, and he will never ever give you what you really want. I call my friends that are women, my girlfriends, so don't read into that. I rekindled things with my now husband at 32, and got married at 33, but I starting making room in my life for someone before we got together again. And that means getting rid of deadweight. Your current on/off guy is deadweight. Be brave. Learn to love yourself, and find a bigger problem in life that learn to be by yourself and make yourself happy.
  23. You are suffering so much PTSD, and that is why you are second guessing yourself. He had years to gaslight you, so please block him on everything, and give yourself some time and self-care. He is going to try to sweet talk you back, but don't fall for it.
  24. I have owned and co-owned businesses for 16+ years now, so I can tell there's several things you can do to save your company: 1) Diversify your portfolio. Even Robert Mapplethorpe took landscape photos, and they are amazing. Don't just trap yourself with one thing. You can also do commercial buildings, the town for surveying purposes, for stock photography companies, hospitals, medical centers, corporate buildings for their marketing. 2) Review your social media and online business listings, Bing, Google Business. Make sure everyone can see your portfolio, and have several easy ways to reach out to you. Make sure to sign up for several Chamber of Commerces around the areas you work with. 3) Create a referral program that they both get a discount if the referral works with you. 4) Create a bulk program like packages (5 homes for this price, 10 homes, etc) 5) Take some free or low cost courses through your library for marketing and business and if your town has them; sounds like they will only benefit you to take them. 6) You also chose a tough time to start a business! 7) Have faith in yourself, and if you don't, fake it till you make it. You will always meet naysayers, and even if you feel you suck bad, chin up. You still need to get your sh*tshow rolling!
  25. Some people throw around the babies and marriage topic to get you to spread your legs faster. You're just next in line for them. I saw toss this one back, and move on.
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