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Everything posted by tattoobunnie

  1. I have ton plenty of crazy sh*t, even when it ended amicably, so I won't judge...it takes a while to figure out who you want, what you want, what you need, and what you won't settle on. But no need to hate on this woman - she did nothing to you. I repeat, she did nothing to you. And this guy, he's not the one. To get him out of your mind, block him on everything. Delete and block his number. Throw away all mementos, including good ones. You've built him up in your head and put him on a pedestal. But he doesn't deserve it, because he's just some dude who isn't the one. You may not get this now, but learn to love yourself, and don't accept anything less than a man who thinks you're the best in the world.
  2. So why haven't you divorced this 100% deadbeat father who put his own kids out on the street? Stop trying to think he'll come back, or forcing a relationship with him and the kids. He's a total deadbeat. You should get the house, alimony and child support. He is a liar, and they will garnish whatever he makes. Stop feeling pity for a man that ran out on you and your kids and kicked you out.
  3. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt 😀 This forum has seen me through some dark days. Thanks for posting!
  4. Maybe two months. Always be honest with how you feel and your needs. If he can't handle it, he's not the right guy.
  5. Those who don't ring in the new year together, do not stay together. Honestly, he can just say to your family that you are a friend, and have you over. When my hubs and I were dating, I told him that when he wasn't planning on coming because he didn't think it was a big deal. And boy did he jump to drive down (we were 3 hours long distance at the time) after hearing that. 10 years married now. If you don't ever fuss, they won't know any different. I'd huff on this.
  6. I am borderline OCD and have obsessed looking up my exes in the past. Sometimes this is how we process until we one day just move on. If you want to know why she blocked you, just asked, and then say goodbye. Even if she gives you a bogus line, at least you can put it to rest. And eventually work it out of your system.
  7. Ever heard of self-sabotage. You chose to be late. Most likely to avoid the what if with your nana. I get you want to get the chores done, but you already made plans in advanced to meet them, and you could have also done these chores any other time and day prior to that day. Figure out why you are avoiding your nana.
  8. NOPE!!! I know you're feeling like a big bag of Dog-Doo, but self-care is important. I know it's hard to make yourself a priority, but you cannot mess with diabetes and your teeth. Keep the appointments, because it can take forever to get new ones in this climate. I put off self-care over 8 years, and wind up with severe sleep apnea and needing surgery. Canceling necessary appointments is a slippery slope into depression. Go, and get them done.
  9. Can't say it's like ADHD or sensory disorder since some of it sounds more behavioral. Look up Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) Get a evaluation done for her by a mental health professional and or developmental pediatrician; early intervention makes a HUGE difference! Health conditions isn't labeling by the way; it's a diagnosis that you find a treatment for. And btw, get a new daycare provider; the one you have sounds awful.
  10. I sold my wedding ring. And, celebrating 10 years this weekend.
  11. It took you 11 years to get a diagnosis, and I am sure you've been to several doctors within those past 11 years, so why are you only fixating on this social worker. She didn't mistreat you by saying "you don't have autism", and it wasn't her job to diagnose you. Did something happen recently that made you decide after 8 years to get revenge? How are you feeling in life now, that you are looking to one-up someone who's been out of your orbit for 18 years?! And even if you do send it, nothing changes for you or her. What we learn about autism grows each day. If you want to make a difference, advocate for autism acceptance, because, one there is nothing wrong with you! And two, you help others learn about themselves.
  12. Wait...how does she not know about in after THREE YEARS? Doesn't their daughter ever talk about you, which may mean, the kid doesn't know about you? So, how do you know if either of them are real? Enough with being the sugar momma, and get with a man that treats you.
  13. If he has zero inappropriate texts or emails, then chalk it up to it being for his spank bank. It's a screen shot, not a downloaded or shared pic. If he hasn't been acting off or weird, I'd let it go.
  14. I think you expect way too much out of this DUDE. He's a dude. They are horrendous at inviting people out. He's not your boyfriend. He's your friend. There is always a ring leader of the group, and that is the person that brings everyone together. Your friend is a friend who is not good about sending out invites. And btw, it's his wife sending out holidays cards, not him. He's a dude. Either you like him or you don't. But don't put your beliefs on how he should be on him. And it's not a statement of him on your friendship. Almost 99% to 100% of all men I know are horrible planners, including my husband.
  15. Narcissists aren't liars, but manipulators. There are several types. But they will use your weak points to use against you to mess with your brain. Unless you made a legal document, what you both did won't hold up in court.
  16. Delaying legal separation or divorce with a narcissist is dangerous. They will be moving money around, looking for dirt to dig up on you to show you as incompetent. They are interview lawyers, plotting to take your kids so they don't have to give you a dime with child support or alimony. With a person like this, they broke you down and fried your brain, so you become naive and crave any possible sign of things going in a good direction. It's not...you are giving them time to find a great lawyer to screw you out of everything, including custody just to spite you.
  17. God forbid you visit an art museum or watch an R rated film. Not sure what more you need to hear other than she thinks you're a depraved child who can handle himself in the world. She's a ton of bricks you should drop asap.
  18. If my husband, my kids dad died, I'd be moving in my parents too. Just because they are school aged does not mean they can just take care of themselves, and, or be left home alone. If you had to ask, and are swayed by your friends who have no idea what it's like to care for children, nor have to deal through loss of your children's other parent, go find someone your age without kids.
  19. One, let you husband handle his own family. Two, stop expecting them to be Hollywood grandparents or doting Insta famous aunts doing everything possible where your kid revolves around them. She doesn't. Three, if they can make an event, they make it. If they want to make back handed statements when they're there, let them...their behavior is all about them losing relevance and attention, so don't take it personally. Four, focus on the welfare of your own kid and your sanity. It's okay to just say, "you can't make it."
  20. My eldest bro gave his wife a diamond band for their 10th anniversary, which she now wears instead of the original one. Maybe he can get you a new wedding band for your anniversary? My mom got a small diamond engagement ring from my dad, which her parents heckled him for, so he wound up getting a 2 carat one from Tiffany's, and a few years later got her a 3 carat one which she sold a few years later after that. And she wears neither of them, and instead, cocktail rings or other gem rings she got traveling. My point is, found out why he's upset if you wear the band or not. Because a ring doesn't make anyone keep it in their pants if they don't want to.
  21. Every breakup is a loss, and everyone grieves their own way. It's only been a month, and she can do whatever she wants.
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