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Everything posted by tattoobunnie

  1. You will never ever ever get with a good guy if you have this man in your life. Never ever. You have tunnel vision, and plenty won't even try because this guy is in your life. A back up plan, and he will never ever give you what you really want. I call my friends that are women, my girlfriends, so don't read into that. I rekindled things with my now husband at 32, and got married at 33, but I starting making room in my life for someone before we got together again. And that means getting rid of deadweight. Your current on/off guy is deadweight. Be brave. Learn to love yourself, and find a bigger problem in life that learn to be by yourself and make yourself happy.
  2. You are suffering so much PTSD, and that is why you are second guessing yourself. He had years to gaslight you, so please block him on everything, and give yourself some time and self-care. He is going to try to sweet talk you back, but don't fall for it.
  3. I have owned and co-owned businesses for 16+ years now, so I can tell there's several things you can do to save your company: 1) Diversify your portfolio. Even Robert Mapplethorpe took landscape photos, and they are amazing. Don't just trap yourself with one thing. You can also do commercial buildings, the town for surveying purposes, for stock photography companies, hospitals, medical centers, corporate buildings for their marketing. 2) Review your social media and online business listings, Bing, Google Business. Make sure everyone can see your portfolio, and have several easy ways to reach out to you. Make sure to sign up for several Chamber of Commerces around the areas you work with. 3) Create a referral program that they both get a discount if the referral works with you. 4) Create a bulk program like packages (5 homes for this price, 10 homes, etc) 5) Take some free or low cost courses through your library for marketing and business and if your town has them; sounds like they will only benefit you to take them. 6) You also chose a tough time to start a business! 7) Have faith in yourself, and if you don't, fake it till you make it. You will always meet naysayers, and even if you feel you suck bad, chin up. You still need to get your sh*tshow rolling!
  4. Some people throw around the babies and marriage topic to get you to spread your legs faster. You're just next in line for them. I saw toss this one back, and move on.
  5. Because she left her kids and the house, any judge would grant you temporary full custody of the house and the kids. She sounds like a perpetual, selfish loser...I would call a lawyer asap.
  6. I FB message one of my mine when his mom passed away recently. He was floored, but grateful. Even though we are exes, I still really care about him, unlike the rest of my exes. I loved his mom too. I told him I really wanted to go to the wake, but thought it'd be weird, but he said, it wouldn't have been at all. If you had an impactive relationship with the mom and still care about the ex, then go like he's a friend.
  7. She is constantly accusing you of loving her ex more because she herself is projecting her guilt onto you. She sounds super duper basic if you ask me.
  8. Your sanity has no price. Doesn't matter if you lose money on a hotel or flight. You can't put a price tag on inner peace. Watch this.
  9. I blocked my neighbor a few weeks ago from texting me. She's on medication that is known to make people paranoid. It started with asking if I have another man over (and it was my hubs), to everyone in the neighborhood are going to all text me about my decorations, to you could have killed my dogs by not telling me you were getting a new fence (even though my fence guy was trying to tell her, when she quickly slammed the door in his face). I would not respond, because it enables her bullsh*t bully behavior. I would take a break. And if you compare them to guests on a Jerry Springer show, who's trapped under a pile of issues, and you have to pay them to help you move, you aren't really friends. Friends help eachother move...it's the friend code.
  10. Sounds like she was looking for a way out by picking this fight. She could have said, "I could ask if I could have it back," and just left it at that, "or let me see if he'd considering exchanging it for something else that isn't as meaningful to me." Just keep in mind, a gift is gift, whether you make it with your bear hands, the recipient can burn it, sell it, or rip it up if they want, unless you stipulate it's on loan, and can be picked up when it's being scheduled for a showing.
  11. I'm Chinese. We're still celebrating Chinese New Year. So bring him some oranges, and tell him and his family, Happy New Year! Ask for the welder's info, and let him know you have concerns about the weld, and you'd appreciate him coming to take a look. And in most cases, he'd probably fix it, or explain why it's okay. It's that simple; just be honest. I used to teach welding when I was in college, so if you have a pic, that'll help too.
  12. So you didn't help much with chores or the baby for close to a year and a half? You nit-picked at her with spending something on herself, regardless of all the hard work she's been doing. Sorry buddy, it takes more than to get a marriage back on track. It takes more than just groping her in passing. Plan dates (real ones) with reservations. Plan playdates with the other moms/dads. Plan fun things to do with the family; zoo, museum, craft event at the library, hiking with a baby carrier or stroller. You realize it's not about money - it's about respect and being a true partner in taking care of things and your kid together. Not a one-sided lump you thought was totally cool by her. Telling her she sucks for not putting out so easy is not going to work in your favor.
  13. That's what friends are for! No need to apologize. Just give them opportunities to be on their soapbox when needed. And make sure to check in on how they are doing if you have been stuck in pity party for one for a long time.
  14. Ask her to coffee or brunch. Was she to sit on your lap to express interest? She showed up and talked to you. You think she's pretty and liked her style. Just ask her out.
  15. You can hoard garbage. Hoarding is an accumulation of any item, whether things or garbage. He can function in life, and cannot be emotionally faithful. You should ask yourself why you stay with a broken bird. You cannot fix this, and you should never be his shrink.
  16. I think how he reacted was childish and selfish. I got COVID as my New Year's present, but the moment I felt anything, I took a test, and made sure to keep a mask on and stayed in my room as much as possible even while caring for my two little kids. They, along with my husband did not get it. And because I was vaccinated and boosted, I believe this is why my symptoms were beyond mild, and even then, my main priority was to make sure they didn't get it. He had symptoms, and still went to work. I would be really upset knowing that he didn't care about other people, and only himself. You had to fight him for your own safety. He was reckless, unfair, and dismissive of your needs and request.
  17. Put a kabosh to your two hookups. It fogs up your brain, and the long-term game. Save your swimmers for the real deal. It's a numbers game, so don't lose hope. What has helped me is writing our a list of 10 character traits you need in a person, and let it guide you, "kind, book smart, generous, empathetic, confident, etc". It'll happen if you make room for it in your life. Having side pieces is the opposite of making room for it in your life.
  18. It's a work trip. You can't really be yourself on a work trip regardless if you have some free time. I would be supportive, and stop busting her balls. Lower your expectations for a vacation for now. Age 17 is plenty old enough to watch the 14 year old, and have grandparents/aunts/uncles come stay or pop in, while you do a Long weekend trip. Get an Air B&B with a hot tub or whatever. And ultimately, you're just jelly. And btw, her boss doesn't need to consult with you over their company.
  19. Mortgages aren't rocket science; like at all...I mean, anyone can figure out a mortage. I think you want to go there just to show how better off and well you are doing without her. But trust me, it will ALWAYS be about her. You could be a multi-millionaire doing a TED talk, and she'd still make it about her. I would seriously just not go. Your mental health is 1000% more important, and the mortgage is a way to make you feel guilty to manipulate you to get there, which enables her to think she's won.
  20. 100% true. I would rather have happy and cohesive parents as a child. Not one where a parent is choosing others over eachother.
  21. Cuz your mom is a jerk to your wife. And I wouldn't want to not be with my kids either. 5 days is a long time to spend with someone who's a jerk to you, 3 to 4 times a year. If you want to see your folks, go to visit them on your own. Then, save some money, and take one of the 5 zillion trips you take to see parents to go on a real vacation that doesn't involve anyone's folks.
  22. My see my one set of in-laws once a year, if that for two days, and they only live a few hours away, and I love them. And my FIL, haven't seen in a few years cuz he's 3000 miles away, and a nurse working with COVID patients, and he and his wife are awesome. And you guys vacay with your folks for 4 to 5 times a year for 5 days??? WOW. And 2x a year for your only annual trip to her folks? That is way over the top. And to boot: Try taking your wife and kids on a real trip, a real vacay, where your mom isn't someone stirring the pot obsessively. You do realize, you married your wife, your wife is your wife, and your mom is not your wife. Stop with the massive travels to just grandparents. I get you like seeing your folks, but is it more important than your marriage, cuz I am exhausted just reading about how much you vacay together. Not sure how old your kids are, but for the littles, Puerto Rico and Hawaii are super nice. For older kids, Costa Rica. If you want a different result, try something different. Plan trips that have NOTHING TO DO WITH EITHER PARENTS or YOUR IN-LAWS. Break up the cycle.
  23. You do realize the mortgage thing is an excuse for her...the bank will help her step by step. For my MIL, if it wasn't funerals, it was the dentist, the eye doctor. At one point, it was gardening, or moving her hoard of boxes and boxes to more and store storage units. If your grown siblings are to be taking over the mortgage, they should be the ones to go with your mom, not you. I would just cancel your trip. And let your adult siblings take care of the mortgage - they are old enough to learn, and plenty capable. You can have your siblings visit you instead. And change your number, or block her. I use Call Control app, so it answers, and hangs up for you, so they can't leave a voicemail, and you never have to see that they've called. It also works in conjunction with QKSMS+, so it can block text messages.
  24. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! I am very sorry to hear about your situation. COVID has been so completely isolating for many, and many are still not right even though some places have been opening back up. My hubs had a hypertensive crisis from the stress, and my eldest son has an adjustment disorder from the pandemic, and still in therapy for it. I stress for you to pick up bike riding, even if it's cold out. Going hiking or taking scenic walks, every single day...everyday. Go with your mom or dad if he can take a few steps, or if he can be taken with assistive equipment. Or with friends with masks on in the park. If you can, also keep a journal. Text people you haven't connected to in a while, even stupid silly things. ((HUGS))...taking one day at a time when you can is okay too. You can also try this method. Go out normally for something outside, and leave a change of clothes outside your home to change into. I know many people who've had success, nurses, medical professionals, essential workers, who still work, and have someone fragile at home. I know this is touchy, so I won't go into it, but get vaccinated...it does help some to not pass it on.
  25. He's just not the right one for you. You just need to keep this in mind. Put away all mementos. Block him on social media, all forms and email and phone.
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