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Everything posted by HeartGoesOn

  1. You've been sleeping together for a year therefore where does "taking it slow" fit in here. I think you're looking for signs and settling for crumbs while hoping this will turn into a relationship. Having sex does not guarantee a relationship, as it takes time to build trust, knowing the person well enough, etc. My guess is this situation has a short shelf life, and will end sooner, rather than later. It's time to raise the bar.
  2. Why would you hesitate to ask him? I would think it would be much easier to ask him a simple question, rather than get naked and have sex with someone you barely know
  3. Not to sound harsh, but what is there to understand? With him being a friend, he doesn't seem rude, etc. I think you're expecting more from him, rather than accept the fact that he's only a friend. Am I missing something?
  4. If the dinner is at your mom's, she has every right to name the time. I would tell them that you would love to have them there, but the time still stands. It's up to them to find a way, or make other arrangements. You can't be all things, to all people all the time.
  5. I'd be the bigger person by going to dinner for a short time, thank her and leave. If she brings up the man you're dating, tell her you're done with that conversation...end of story. If she later persists, respond with silence as it carries the loudest voice. I'm sorry you're in this situation.
  6. He's already hiding things from you, therefore he'll simply go on to find better ways of covering his tracks. I'd cut the cord now before the next shoe drops.
  7. He needs to brush up on his lying skills, as the ones he's using are classic and out of date. Seriously, unless you're up for the next shoe to drop (and it will), it's time to read the writing on the wall, accept it and leave him in the dust. We teach others how to treat us. Hopefully you'll make better choices, while raising the bar.
  8. As a rule, one lie follows another, and more than likely you'll never get the entire truth. Are you up for that? Ask yourself how you could possibly move forward when the trust is taken away.
  9. I'm not a fan of the classic "been busy excuse." When one cares about another person they find the time, make the time and clearly show interest. Also, she wouldn't risk having you move on, and never seeing you again. Rather than waste my time, and wait for her to throw a few crumbs, I'd move on. You can do much better.
  10. That translates to he doesn't want to give you anything more. I''m sorry but he sees you as someone who is disposable, and is up for settling for crumbs. Does this sit well with you? Stand up for yourself and raise the bar.
  11. It doesn't matter how you slice it, and despite the fancy terms and assumptions, married is married. To each their own, but when you dance on thin ice, you're bound to go under. Hopefully you'll give this more thought.
  12. Where do you see the prize in the statement above? As they say, "if they cheat with you, they'll cheat on you." Unless you want to her to drag you down with her, she'll survive on her own. She's an adult and addition to that, she's a train wreck. Walk away while you still have your sanity.
  13. Yes, he's abusive while passing it off as joking. There's a method to his madness where he has you falling for it. You're selling yourself short, and he's running with it. In any event you're in a situation where the name of the game is "what you see, is what you get." It's time to up your value, and leave him in the dust.
  14. If she sincerely wanted to be with you, she'd never take the risk of losing you. This is her game to play, as long as you allow it to. Stop giving her an audience.
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