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Everything posted by heythere1234

  1. Well I can speak for my self and reiterate again- it's NOT about fear of rejection. It's about not being attracted to men who are afraid to approach me.
  2. Yeah, I don't know I've had a couple of my female friends who were so bossy and naggy to their husbands it almost made me cringe to be around it. And their husbands just dealt with it. I don't feel to sorry for their husbands because I was there and they did in fact know what these women were like before they married them. I just don't get it. I would NEVER nag a guy like that, I would suggest, and if there were things that I couldn't deal with that he kept doing, then I'd just remove my self from the situation. But men seem to worship women who treat them crappily.
  3. I'm just not naturally gonna be attracted to someone who is submissive in terms of who persues whom. It's irrelevant to me and my libido whether it's politically correct or not. It just would turn me off to try to be attracted to a guy who didn't ask me out. So good luck with that.
  4. No, you'll call, but since he basically asked you to call him--let him ask you for a meeting. Don't look too desperate.
  5. Well, playing the waiting for hordes of women to ask me out game will more likely keep you single.
  6. Great!! But why can't he ask you out for drinks? You could call him, but he gave his number, why can't he say yeah, would you like to go out sometime?
  7. I think it was a one time thing, and you're still resentful over it because it never got resolved for you. You all should try couples counseling as somone said, or maybe you just go alone to get help getting over it. but if you can't get over it, then you should maybe just get out. No one's perfect and if it was only that one thing, then a lot worse has been done by better women.
  8. That reminds me of on ER there is a charachter who's mother and brother are both mentally ill and she has similar problems with them. I guess that doesn't actually help, but I know it must be hard, my mom is pretty difficult, don't think she's been diagnosed with anything, not that she's bee to see the doc about anthing though so that doesn't mean theres nothing wrong. I think she has narcisisstic personality disorder. NE way, Will your mom not take her meds??
  9. heehee sorry not trying to make fun of you but you all are kind of making it easy!!
  10. of cooourse you have your own independance! lol..heehee..
  11. Maybe you come accross like you'll take any female with a pulse. Maybe you need to be more selective.
  12. lol! Stop! You almost made me spray soda pop out my nose!
  13. well I don't think it's worth making a big deal out of a little thing like your woman prefers your hair this way or this type of shirt than that. so yes, I'd prefer to do without a man who would be that difficult.
  14. lol, which came first the chicken or the egg?
  15. I think it depends on the situation. I know a lot of self-professed happily married/ coupled men whose woman makes the majority of the fashion decisions. Men who are too stubborn about little things might be causing themselves unnecessary trouble.
  16. No, I don't agree. A lot of guys don't have any fashion sense whatsoever and have no problem wearing what their wife tells them to, or doing their hair the way their woman tells them, and even have a good enough sense of humor to laugh about it. I know this for a fact because both my brother and my boss (just two of many) have told me so point blank themselves.
  17. No, I'm not claiming to be afraid of rejection. I'm just not turned on by a guy who's not powerful enough to go after what he wants.
  18. You don't have to be good at golf to play, unless your in team competition or something.
  19. Did you see him? Maybe you can express interest in wherever he going to next?
  20. Yes that's a very good point diggety. but he should gage it out. SOME girls for what ever reason, are really freaked out by giving strange men their numbers, but don't mind calling them. I personally would just rather the man call me. Afterall if he is a crazed stalker, there's not a lot he's going to be able to do to my voicemail, and my number can't be traced to my address so I wouldn't be worried about it.
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