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Everything posted by heythere1234

  1. I know you're sooo right, I do too if I'm out or something. It's easier with a stranger, than with someone who you know you have to continue to deal with. It's like they're trying to put you in a no win situation. Either way they can claim you're some awful b*tch or something.
  2. Next time you're in the Pacific Northwest, you have a deal
  3. Yeah, I usually try to call it. like I'm not interested but they're trying to manipulate me into letting thems spend pocket change on me so I'm supposed to feel like I owe something. That's not cool. Something else, once we were all supposed to go to a local restaurant for lunch for this woman's birthday, and this one guy said we were all gonna ride together. So no one else shows up at his car, then, he 'accidentally' got the wrong restaurant, so it ended up like I went to lunch with him, and he was raising his eyebrows at the waiter, like something was going on and it wasn't. it was really gross. I wasn't too friendly after that.
  4. Yeah I know if it's a stranger it's one thing, but sometimes it's someone from work or something like that, and they've made it clear they like you...etc...it's kind of like trying to buy people, and I don't like that. I can afford my own coffee!
  5. I know but it happens, and you say no thanks, and you're trying to be polite but he's forcing you to get REAL direct with him, and it seems like it can be a no win situation.
  6. So what's a girl to do when a man practicly coerces her into bying the drink. Or if he wants to stop for coffee and insists on paying, but you'd rather pay because you don't want to feel like you owe him, and you never asked for it anyway, and you also don't want to make a big issue out of it?
  7. that's not really the direction I was getting at.
  8. Now that you put it that way I guess both.
  9. oooh...now that's sexy! STOP! you're making me HOT!
  10. Can't speak for anyone else, but for sure a guy buying me a drink isn't going to get him sex. There's not much correlation. But if he's buying a girl numerous drinks in the hopes she'll get so drunk she'll be unable to say no, then that's a whole different animal.
  11. Yeah, I'm not quite 5'2" and I dig taller guys. I think it's an opposites thing.
  12. we like good stories! Dig the quote at the end!
  13. Yes, you're right decent guys are also rejected, because they for whatever reason just don't appeal to the particular girl they've approached. That doesn't mean the next girl won't like him.
  14. Diggety, I feel your pain, but I'm afraid it's no use.
  15. we don't mind too much if 'subworthy' guys ask us out. it's more important how the handle rejection if they get rejected. separates the decent guys from the truly subworthy.
  16. I agree with both of you who said (implied) that you want to see if your mate is polite to the waitstaff, I'm always pretty nice to all service people, not just waitstaff. BUT: Years ago when I was working very hard for minimum wage, but struggling financially, I went with an ex (current at the time) bf, at his request. While he ate his lunch, he only allowed me to order hot chocolate allthough I was hungry and hadn't eaten all day as I was helping him deal with his roomate all day, at his request, he said he didn't have enough for me. He knew I didn't have a dime to my name, although I was trying very hard. He then proceeded to scrounge around and empty out his wallet, pockets, etc, and dump down well over 4 dollers for the waitress' tip. Back then that would have been way more than enough to buy a sandwhich for me. He commented that she worked very hard. So did I. She was a stranger, and I was his Girlfriend, who was currently spending her free time running around helping him deal with his living situation. So...Whatever, I guess sometimes you have to look at the whole contex of the situation. To me he was making it clear that this stranger had more respect from him for her hard work than I did. Also, he cared more about whether the stranger was hungry than he did me, and I did a lot for him. I guess that's just the other extreme of the situation. So that wouldn't be good either.
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