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Everything posted by babybear

  1. Me and my ex boyfriend are 18 and we had unprotected sex a few weeks ago. I bought the morning after pill and he told me he would pay half when he got some cash. I then found out he had slept with someone else and so I won’t be speaking with him again. Thing is I want my money and since I learned this I told him I wanted the full money for the morning after pill. I told him to post it to me by the end of the week or I would come round to his house when he was at work and demand the money from his parents explaining why I’m owed it. The money hasn’t come. So should I just turn up tomorrow? We were together three years they know me well and banned me from his room when we were together when they caught him with his trousers down. They don’t know he’s slept with me let alone that he’s had a one-night-stand. I’m scared but yeah I suppose I have to do this??
  2. The strange thing is I found out he had slept with someone else months ago on Saturday and had been leading me on for months and being initmate with me and I haven't even shed a tear.
  3. paracetamol - two, every four hours. get's rid of my cramps and mine are horrendus - reduced me to tears once.
  4. I found out what a pig my ex boyfriend is on Saturday.. again. I won't go into details again but I felt I had to go none-contact this time properly. Having been together almost three years this is proving to be very hard. At first it wasn't too bad but it's been five days now and it's really affecting me. I can't think about anything else except him. I can't do my work, I even caught myself justifying getting in touch with him a few hours ago. The withdrawal symptons are proving to be rather unbearable, I keep checking my phone etc etc. I don't even understand why cause he has behaved unforgivable towards me. Just wondering when all of this will settle down?
  5. Hey yes I have deleted his number from my phone. I know it off by heart sadly but hopefully I won't text him. I am only 18 years old so don't have credit cards and that website looked very helpful until it said you have to pay for any help you want etc =/
  6. Thanks for your replies. I used to contact him on msn but for a few months he stopped ever coming on so it's easy for me to block and delete him from that. The way I'd contact him would be to text him so yeah just want to avoid doing that. I live in England by the way.
  7. My ex broke up with me but kept seeing me, leading me on, kissing me, sleeping with me. I held onto all hope and stayed away from other guys, he told me he never even looked at another girl. I recently became friends with someone he was acquaintances with. They informed me last night he had sex with another girl like a week after we broke up. I feel awful cause I was the only girl he had ever slept with and we were together two and a half years. He punished me for these last few months, treating me like garbage saying it was my fault we couldn’t be together, and I believed him and hated myself for it. Now I know the truth. I’ve stopped talking to him as of today but we have been best friends for three years. He’s hurt me so much in that time with numerous girls but I have a serious problem of being a total doormat. I’ve tried the no-contact thing A LOT!! And failed each time. This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me so I need to stick to it this time. I’m not sure how. I feel like I'm starting to switch off all my emotions from all the pain he has caused me over the last year. I think I could benefit from therapy but tehn I think that's totally stupid and I'm being pathetic and will get over it *shrug*
  8. Yes we don't use the pull out method anymore, we only did yesterday cause it was the last day of my period so I thought it would be safe.. after thinking about it I realise it might not be as safe as first thought so i suppose I will have to get the morning after pill =/
  9. I have only ever had sex with the same guy, and I am his first time, I know I have not/will not catch an STD from him. We usually do use condoms it's just we have a very on/off relationship and never really know when we are going to have sex. We have only had sex twice in the last 6months..
  10. I haven't taken the morning after pill in two years. Last year this happened I was stressed out and my period was late so I got worried I was pregnant etc. It hasn't happened for a year though.
  11. Yesterday was the last day of my period, me and my guy met and had unprotected sex. It was unprotected but he withdrew from me. Do you think I need the morning after pill though baring in mind he didn't come inside me and it was the last day of my period so there won't be an egg to fertilise?? I would take it but a couple of years ago when I was 16 I took the morning after pill like 20 times in a short space of time and I'm worried that this will cause me long time side effects in the future so I'm scared to take it again right now..
  12. i dont understand how you have sex with a female thats now a male.. do they have an actual penis? im not being weird here btw.
  13. My boyfriend of two years broke up with me six months ago. We remained in close contact and over these 6months had been meeting up and being intimate. Then I found out he had been getting close to an ex of his, meeting up, admitted they liked each other, but had not yet kissed or done anything. I told this ex when I found out that he’d been sleeping with me and my ex broke it off with her anyway cause he was mortified he’d hurt me so much. Then last night I kissed a guy for the first time and I feel so much horrible guilt. My ex had been all affectionate with me after i found out he had liked his ex and had been trying to make it up to me and so I just feel terrible. I know this meaningless pull is going to destroy any hope of even being friends for the future. I don’t know what to do, whether or not to tell him and face the consequences of losing him.
  14. My boyfriend and I broke up after being together for two and half years. As we went out for so long we remained close over the last six months of separation. We seemed to be getting closer I thought as we were meeting often and being intimate with each other. I hoped we might get back together and he said we might in the future. Then I found out he’s been flirting with one of his best girl friends. They told each other they liked each other and met up a couple of times at each other’s houses (he didn’t tell me any of this) right up until I found out They hadn't kissed or done anything romantic but I don't know if they might if I found out much later. I then sent a message to the girl to tell her that he’d been sleeping with me and that he tells me loves me and so their “thing” is now over before it’s begun. The problem is I feel so devastated. We aren’t officially together so ultimately he can do what he likes, but I’ve been the only girl he wanted for the last three years so I feel so hurt he wanted this girl. I feel like I’ve been cheated on cause we’d been getting together and I really loved him. I thought the best thing would be to stop talking to him but now but I’m feeling so alone and weak that it hurts just as much for him to be in my life as it does for him to be cut out. I said I would speak to him if he stopped talking to this girl but he said he can’t do that because he sees a lot of her (same friendship group) and he thinks it would just be silly. Now I feel hurt like she means more to him than I’d do as he’d rather never speak to me again then he would her. I don’t know what to do cause this has got to me so bad. I haven’t been eating or sleeping properly and I’ve not left the house for the last two days. I have a lot of work to do but I can’t face doing it. It’s playing on my mind all the time and I just feel so horribly alone in the world. I don’t know what to do??
  15. My ex broke up with me six months ago. Things were weird for a few months, and then since the last three months we have been regularly meeting up and texting/calling everyday. When we met up we kissed every time. It became more intense as the months have gone by; last time we met we slept together and we always lie together on the bed and just kiss constantly and are affectionate. Where I thought he wanted to use me six months ago, these last three months have felt like love again. They made me happy, which I craved since I felt so distraught when he ended it. We had been going out for two years and in that time a lot of bad things happened. Despite behaving like a couple these last three months he told me he can’t properly go back out with me again because he doesn’t trust me. I haven’t been with any other guys these last six months and he told me he hadn’t been with any girls. We slept together for the first time since we broke up three weeks ago. The night before that he had been to a party. I found out yesterday that an ex of his told him she fancied him and at this party he told her he liked her too though apparently nothing has happened between them. I saw on this girl’s myspace her saying nothing is happening between them and that it was just drunk talk but she was all giggly about it so I dunno. Anyway I confronted my ex boyfriend yesterday and he, after lying lots, finally admitted he liked her but he loved me too. I was distraught he had been so affectionate towards me and slept with me the day after he told her he liked. This weekend we had planned to spend loads of time together and have sex etc. But I think he was planning to go to another party Friday evening with her. I can’t believe he could do this to me and I shouted at him a lot and he originally told me he didn’t think they would get together cause she is weird about relationships, then after I argued with him for about an hour he told me he wouldn’t get with her cause he is too disgusted in himself. I doubt this very much. I then sent the girl a message on myspace telling her he slept with me the day after this party and our plans for the weekend (sadistically trying to put her off) and then blocked her so she can’t reply to me. I told my boyfriend I never wanna see him or hear from him ever again. I feel so terrible and miss him though because we have been best friends for three years and two and half years we have been in love. Now I feel I have to completely cut him out. I feel like I have a terrible hole in my stomach which makes me feel like I permanently want to throw up. I can’t eat anything and I can’t sleep either. I think I’m in shock. Weird thing is I’ve barely cried. I want to let it out but I just feel dead. I’m also permanently shaking which is really annoying. What are people’s thoughts on all of this?
  16. My boyfriend and I broke up six months ago after being together for over two years. We broke up because we had both broken the trust on occasions and it didn’t seem like it was working anymore. I still loved him but he told me he didn’t love me anymore. For about the last two months now we have been getting on really well and have almost been acting like we’re boyfriend and girlfriend. My feelings for him have been growing stronger and I asked him if he would ever go back out with me. He said he loved me how he used to but he couldn’t go out with me because he wouldn’t trust me so we could basically never be together. On a different occasion he also admitted to not wanting me and not wanting anyone else to have me. I haven’t been with anyone since we broke up in the hope he might take me back. Last night I met a guy. I already knew who he was. He was the ex of the girl that my ex boyfriend had cheated on me with over a year ago. He didn’t actually cheat physically on me with her, but he told her he loved her (apparently meaning it in a jokey friend way) and they slept next to each other after a party hugging. He kissed her on the cheek but nothing more. She was in love with him and they met up every week for a couple of months and they also sent each other flirty text messages. Then I found out that she was in love with him and they had slept next to each other and so he broke all contact with her and focused just on me. This happened over a year ago now but this girl still hates me for taking away their friendship etc. This girl went out with the guy I met last night for eight months and broke up with him four months ago to go out with one of his friends. I can tell he’s really cut up about it, he told me wanted to punch the guy who was his friend. I know he’s not over her although they don’t really speak now. My problem is, is it wise to keep seeing him? He took my number and seemed interested in me. I spent a lot of time with him and he seems a really nice guy. I’ll probably be seeing him this weekend. But I dunno if the situation is too weird. He doesn’t know what happened to me with his ex as I chose not to tell him. Also if I did end up going out with him I would feel so uncomfortable when his ex found out. Can I really go out with the guy who has just broken up with the girl my boyfriend cheated on me with?? I dunno what to do.
  17. My dad has just gone on and on about his story. How he would copy and paste messages and just leave them on msn for the person to get when they came online. He said his friend would leave it in a draft on the email account saying 'for paul' cause apparently lots of people used this account as it was created during class where he met this friend of his. (he did a class so he would be trained for his ICT job). Yesterday his story was his friend forwarded him the things to copy and paste through emails. I find it odd that he would copy and paste messages like this. He said its all in his name because he was the one who initially created the account. He has now pretty much given me an ultimation. He says I have to believe him or our relationship will be ruined which will lead to him and my mothers relationship to be ruined. He said hes not living for much so it wouldnt take much for him to leave us and if this came about he would leave. I'm not sure if it was an empty threat to shut me up or what. My mother says we should give him the benefit of the doubt and we have uninstalled MSN from our computers.. still i don't knwo what to think. he says theres something wrong with me cause i dont trust him and he has sworn on his mothers grave its true.
  18. My father is 52. initially our convo went like this: dad: its just a joke me: in what way dad: its just my mate sending messages he wants to meet women. then as i asked more questions the more detailed the story became.
  19. I needed his computer to print something so went on and his msn was up with some woman saying something perverted so i felt entitled to for my mothers sake. i confronted my dad alone and then he told my mother himself and then we all talked about it (me my mum and dad). The picture was not of my father. Now me and my mum don't know whether to believe him.
  20. I’m 17. I went on my dad’s computer whilst he was out the other day so I could print something and found he had left msn up with someone saying something strange to him. Cut the story short I read his emails and he had been sending many to women looking for sexy chat and there were confirmations of dating agencies. They all said his name, his birthday, there were a couple of emails which mentioned his life – i.e. he got a new job and where he went on holiday. I had suspected in the past because I had found a perverted chat log from that msn account about a year ago. Only a couple of sentences - not a full convo. At the time I asked my dad and brother if it were their email account without mentioning the chat and they both insisted it wasn’t theirs. Thus I forgot about it. I confronted my dad when I found all these emails the other day. His explanation to me and my mother (who was shocked and horrified): His friend is splitting up from his wife and wants to meet new people. Sometimes he can’t get onto the msn for reasons like he’s not at a place with msn or his wife might be around and so fwds messages or rings my dad to ask him to copy and paste these messages to various women. My dad only occasionally does this as a favour for him and didn’t send all the emails to the women. My dad had no idea his friend was using his name and details and said his friend probably did that because he didn’t want to give all the details out about himself on the internet thus he just uses my dad’s life – i.e. the new job etc. My dad apparently never reads any of the messages he has been told to copy and paste to these women on msn and didn’t know they were perverted. Admittedly, on the profile on the dating agency it said he liked ‘well-built women’ and my dad likes thin women. Also on an email he attached a picture of himself but the picture was not my dad. thereforeeee is it his friend sending these emails? I don’t know if he’s fed us a pack of lies????
  21. My parents have been married 25 years. I am a 17yr old girl, would say from a middle-class background. not at all dysfunctional and I am going to university next year. My dad is out and I just went on his computer to print something and saw he had msn up. Someone had messaged him something very strange. I saw he had a load of contacts. I looked at their profiles and they all seemed like they were looking to date. So I read his emails and there were about 20 from this woman. On her replies I was able to read the emails my dad had sent her. He had sent her a picture of himself which wasn't a 'normal' picture. There were a couple of perverted messages but most seemed friendly and like he really wanted to be her friend. There was one from the summer saying he was going to Cyprus on his own, which was a lie - he went with me my mum and my brother. There were other messages too from other women. There were also some confirmation emails from dating websites. So I went on one and looked at his profile. It said some perverse things about how he was looking for women and what he was looking for. It also said his martial status was separated and he described himself. What the do I do? Him and my mum were happy! I told my brother and he said he has found porn on the computer before. I really don't know what else to say.
  22. that's awful. id keep away from him, he doesnt deserve your acknowledgment. but i suppose its difficult with children involved. the best thing you can do is see friends, you should go out and meet new people as well when you begin to feel more like yourself. or something.
  23. ahh yeah sorry mis-read there. i obviously am tired heh! in that case you did a good thing, what was he doing walking by anyhow?! if that were me i wouldnt have been able to help but go over, you showed strength.
  24. thank you for your help. i guess i should avoid seeing him, but it makes me sad if we dont speak online or through texts. hes gone out tonight, sometimes he lies to me - il ask him what hes gonna be doing and he will tell me nothing when he actually is going out. or he will specifically tell me hes going to speak to me later when hes going out. almost like he wants me to be alone while hes having fun. maybe im paranoid
  25. yes i am so bored and alone i have nothing to do but stare into space or browse through tons of messages on here. my ex is out god knows where doing god knows what. i dont know why im not over him, its been four months. you shouldnt walk by your guys place, maybe if you appear like you care exactly as much as he does he will change. if not then hes not worth it, but you cant make him want you. i hate feeling this fricking alone. its like ive been waiting 3 hours now just so i can sleep, im waiting to sleep! how is that right?
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