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Everything posted by perfectliljewel

  1. all of those are great i LOVE a guy that shows affection too. but deffinatly being respectful at the same time. for a high school student the whole "no means no" is a big deal too.
  2. my dad used to tell me that the traits you dont like in other people you usually have yourself. which is SOOOO true! and unfortunately i cant tell him he was right. Brendan is getting better and i think he is going to try, he just needs to stop taking on other peoples problems. there are a lot of people that he doesnt like but until they do something to me i have problem with them. him on the other hand if his friends dont like them neither does he, if they want to fight them so does he... i find it rediculous.
  3. i just find that unfair b/c i have anger problems too, and i think he just needs someone to be there and someone to actually care because he doesnt have anyone like that. you would have anger problems too if neither of your parents wanted you, your mom told you that you were corrupted and she didnt like you and crap like that. his mom has told him that he was a mistake but a very loved mistake(which is B.S) she favors his sister ALL THE TIMES. she is a really bad mom in my opinion.
  4. i talked to him and he said that he feels like im trying to change him. which i guess i kind of am but im not doing it because i dont like who he is, i just dont want to see him in more trouble than hes already in, is that wrong? how can i help him and not make it seem like im changing him??
  5. i think you need to talk to him and ask him why he reacted the way he did and you can explain what you were thinking while he was gone. i would have thought the same thing, i'm sure a lot of people would have. honestly, you need to talk to him and then go from there.
  6. im going to ask him if he takes meds, i thought he did but im not sure. im thinking that if gets in trouble then he wont be able to touch me for 2 days... but that might punish me more than him lol
  7. could him being bipolar have anything to do with his behavior? i thought he was medicated for it but im not for sure.
  8. he knows that it is getting out of control. i didnt intervene but i did tell both of them after they shut up that it was rediculous that they cant talk like mature adults and that his mother is just as immature as he is. i have told him that it is out of control and he has agreed with me. im not going to leave him over this, im sorry but everyone is giving up on him and i think if he just had someone that cared it would help a lot. he has promiced me he wont carry another knife and he has carried through with his promice. i have told him that its nice that he is trying to take care of me and protect me but he needs to do it in a positive productive way. i know he can negotiate and express himself positively because he has done it before. we had to write an essay for ROTC on why we dont be quiet when told and he basically i guess you can say he cussed the people over us out with out actually cussing them out. i think if i can just break his train of thought, point out what he is doing then maybe he can redirect his anger... i dont know im just thinking. i know for a fact he will not go see a counselor, he hates them, much like me. i guess the good sign is that it is possible to calm him down before he actually gets into a fight. the first day we started going out his friend and i ended up locking him in a truck long enough for me to get his attention, so at least when he's mad it is possible to break his train of thought, yes?
  9. Yeah, they don't have a good relashionship, and what scares me is that his little sister looks up to him. Right now she is huddled in my lap trying to block out the yelling. I think I'm about to go in there and point that out, this is getting rediculous, there is no reason that they can not TALK about this rationally and if I have to I will sit there like I usually do and help them talk because his mom isn't old enough to keep her son under control. Then she asks me why her kids respect me more than her, hmm, I dont know maybe because I TALK to them and not yell. But yeah, I think I'm going to go give them a piece of mine and the six year olds mind, this pointless.
  10. Haha, I like high-school, except this part lol.
  11. Sixteen. Honestly, I think a lot of it is his mom. I'm at his house and they are, at the moment, yelling at the top of there lungs. He was calmly talking to her but she started yelling so he did too. It really isn't that big of a deal, what they're arguing about. They're arguing about him turning in his coaching badge. He helps his mom coach his little sisters soccer team but at todays game he was coaching(like he's supposed to) and his mom turned around and said "this is MY team you need to just sit down and shut up". He got mad and said that he was going to turn in his coaching badge, now they are arguing about it.
  12. No, but there's really no way for me to be able to give him that option. I can control his anger, but then I feel like his mom and I know he doesn't like that. I've tried to tell him that if something is wrong to tell the assistant principle then he will get in trouble and he can sit on the sidelines and laugh but of course then he doesn't get the sensation of hitting him. I don't know what else to tell him, I just have to watch him really carefully. I'm hoping that if i can give him a motivation then it will retrain his mind to take his anger out in a positive way, like my ex had the same problem and I knew when he was mad because he would just randomly drop down and start doing push ups. I don't know if that will for him. I think I'm going to just have to ask him to help me help him, ya know? Tell him to tell me how to help him, ya think?
  13. Ok, well the most recent thing was, a guy had been harassing me at school and Brendan noticed I would act differently when the guy came anywhere near me. He asked me what was wrong and I eventually gave in and told him. He ended up waiting by my locker for him because they guy said he wanted to meet him today to fight him. I showed up and asked him what was going on and he told me he was going to find out where he was supposed to go. I just calmly asked him why he wanted to know and said because I want to know where I'm supposed to go. I just said that there is no poin in knowing if you aren't going. He wouldn't leave so I got frustrated and through his jacket at him and walked off really quickly. He ended up following(just as i planned). We got out to the bus stop and he just kept telling me he wasn't going to fight him I just kind of blew him off. There is another guy in school that has threatened to kill him, myself and a few other friends and we know given the oppertunity he will so Brendans has carried a kickblade to school. Which is not a problem because I now have it and won't give it back. I just need him to not get in another fight or trouble because if he gets in another fight he will get to PRISON. If he gets in trouble at school he will have to go to an alternative school and he'll get grounded longer.
  14. Ok so basically my boyfriend, Brendan, has a HUGE anger problem. He gets into a lot of fights, both with his family members, friends, and anyone that rubs him or someone he loves the wrong way. I am trying to think of a way to motivate him to stay out of trouble. We are both fairly competitive people so i thought for every day he stays out of trouble i have to do 50 push ups, if he gets in trouble he has to do 50 push ups. I've also thought if he gets in trouble he can't touch me the remainder of the day. Does anyone have any ideas to keep him out of trouble? I don't want to be his mom, but his mom isn't a very good one and her way of correcting him is yelling at him at the top of her lungs and telling him hes corrupted and worthless, which is SOOOO not true! I'm open to ANY suggestions, thanks so much! Jewels
  15. my boyfriends issue is his anger. he gets very angry and gets into a lot of fights. he also gets in fights with his mom a lot thereforeeee he gets grounded which means i can only see him in school. he is a really great guy though, loving, caring, affectionate, protective(that can be good and bad), funny, not to serious and all that jazz. everyone has there flaws and i know im not the "perfect girlfriend" but i try.
  16. This is why you should always be prepared, because you never know when something will go wrong. My prayers go out to her family and friends!
  17. you should let her contact you, this may sound mean and you might not like it but im going to say it anyway, if she "forgets" about you then she didnt want a friendship that bad. give her some time and let her come to you.
  18. wow it doesn't feel like five years since 9/11/01. i remember i was in 4th grade. we were dividing and my teachers friend came and yelled turn on the TV. all the students were confused so my teacher explained what was going on. one of the students started to cry and said her dad was there. i remember being confused, scared, sad, and angry. although i was only in 4th grade i remember every detail. there were over thousands of REAL people that died and yet there was a girl in my biology class that was talking during the national anthem and i turned to her and said show some respect for your country and the people that have and are defending it and she said man f 9-11 and the US. i felt so much anger build up inside of me, people don't understand how serious this is and they dont care because they have there family and they weren't affected by the attacks. THANK YOU TO ALL OF THE POLICE OFFICERS, FIREMAN, MEDICAL PEOPLE, MILITARY PEOPLE, AND THE PEOPLE THAT SUPPORT THEM IN THE UNITED STATES FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO. THIS COUNTRY WOULDN'T BE HERE WITHOUT YOU!!!!
  19. i think it depends on why you need to let them go. my best friend was thinking about leaving to get away from her abusive parents, in that case yes i had to let her go because i didnt want her to get hurt. it all depends.
  20. Like i said i have a friend whos mom is like this. My other piece of advice is, DO NOT KISS HER BUTT! If you do then she will notice and she will countinue to do this. Be polite but dont go out of your way to please her. Do not bend over backwards.
  21. i had a dog like this. his name was Mozart, he was a golden retriever, st bearnard, chow mix. he was bigger and lived outside, but i would tell him EVERYTHING and i swear he understood. he was my first dog, i got him when i was three. in elm. school i walked home from school and he would meet me at the gate to tell me hello. he seemed to know if i had a bad day. i remember one day i came home from school and mozart met me at the gate but pepper, my pug, didnt. mozart immediately started pulling at my jacket. he pulled me over to the bushes and i looked under them and there lied pepper. he had suffered a minor heat stroke. if it wasnt for mozart pepper probably would have died. mozart died a couple of years ago(he was 10.) let me tell you, when your dog leaves you, your entire life will change. i still blame myself for his death and give myself a really hard time about not spending enough time with him the last few years of his life. he wasnt a dog to me. he was my baby. when people would ask me what i was doing i would sometimes about to go for a walk with my baby boy, and they would think i had a son. now i remember sitting on the dog house looking up at the moon.im going to get a tattoo of a full moon and his dog tag in the moon then me sitting on the dog house and him looking down one the dog house by the moon... or something to that effect. when i see the moon and the stars it makes me think of him. sappy i know, but that dog was the only thing keeping me alive, now... i dont know why im still here. by the way... dont send your dog to doggie daycare, i work for a vet and they are not the best places in the world. besides much like kids, dogs like to be alone. it gives them a break from you. like when you go to works and leave your kids alone.
  22. if you ask me she is the selfish one. my best friends mom and i do not get along at all, but for my best friend i just smile and say yes ma'am and go about my buissness. however i will not lie and tell you i have never defended myself, i have, but i try to do it politely. moms can be very protective of there sons, much like fathers with there baby girls. maybe just say to her something like this, "Mrs. whatever her last name is, im very sorry if i have done anything to hurt your feelings in anyway. i would like it if we could put it all behind us, if not for me then for your son. i would like very much for us to have a good relashionship and be happy TOGETHER." try something like that, if that doesnt work then hit her upside the head with a 2x4 good luck
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