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Everything posted by punkdonkey

  1. Wow, European country? must be that really smelly one (he he...actually I am just kidding). seriously though, maybe you are putting a bit too much into this. I mean LDR will (hopefully) not stay LD. Sometime or another, it will have to end (as LD, and possible become a SHort Distance). Its always difficult with things like, job and stuff like that. but if you both love each other, then you will work it out together. I understand that you dont want to be pushy, and of course I can not tell what your excact situation is. but One thing I have experienced is that my GF would do the same (try not to be pushy) but it resulted in me not really knowing what she wanted. maybe its time the two of you had a really serious talk about what your plans are, and then work towards it. Sure, it may not happened at once. it may take years (well, hopefully not, but it doesnt matter), as long as you are working towards a comon goal instead of second-guessing where you are in relations to each other. (when I write this, I assume that you are really serious about each other). Also, try not to focus on who is willing to give up most. It can only make the situation worse. if you know that you are both serious about your relationsship, then there is no room for that kind of thinking. It really can hurt a lot. Best of luck to You (as couple) The punk
  2. Ok, you asked for small romantic ideas right? (actually not a bad post. I am always on the lookout for anything new to do for my Angel). Since letters take approx. 3-4 weeks to arrive, I have almost completely given up on sending major surprises throuh that way, but I still send her her Christmas Calendar that way. Just a small thing everyday for her to unpack and a letter for everyday...its a lot of work. especially for me (I am not the type to plan ahead, so sending it those 3-4 weeks in advance...well..its a challange). The trick is to just always be on the lookout for something. WHenever I go somewhere I alwayslook for something she would like (or I just stumble accross it). Even though its probably not that romantic for her, I think that just spending time together (be it by phone or even MSN or whatever) is really important for me. Its always hard when she forgets a "date" or dont show up, but spending time together, or just getting to know each other better is a sure way to keep the fire burning (THIS IS A METHAPHORE...NO FIRE...BAD IDEA it...didnt work out well It doesnt matter if you have been living together for 25 years or just met. there is always something new you can learn about each other.
  3. Yeah deffinetly talk to her. She was just trying to make you feel better, and you probably chewed her head off. (I better end here, before I too say something in the same genre as she did) Sincerely The punk
  4. advices for what? you'r done with her right? Just dont let her turn into a bootie call. (even if you do dream of female body parts). Its best to get a clean cut. for both of you. (also, using her, even though she probably did the same to you) is just low. She has made her point. Dont let her turn you into an idiot. as we say in my language: det tager en mor tyve år at gøre sin dreng til en mand, en anden kvinde tager det 20 min. at gøre ham til et fjols. (translates to something like: it takes a mother 20 years to turn her boy into a man, it takes another woman 20 min to turn him into a fool. Sincerely The punk
  5. Are you completely sure that she is available? I mean, if she lives together with a guy, and gave you his MSN instead of her own......That should make some red alarms go off..... Sincerely The Punk
  6. Well, I didnt really look where you are from, but it seems to be a normal dillema you find yourself in. Atleast from what I can see. But there are some things to take into account. Do you really want your first time to be with some guy who will probably dumb you afterwards? I have always heard that you will always have this kinda tie with your first. That would be really sucky if it was just some random person. I know this souns really gay, but I personally preffer sharing that with my one and only. Ever studiet marketing? Anyway the point is that with some type of advertising you get some kind of respondents. Is this the type of respondents you want to attract? Sincerely The punk
  7. sorry, no experience. I will be in the same situation soon though, so I know what you mean. Its never a good idea to "Postpone" information like that for a company. They will probably feel like they have waisted ressources on you if they are ónly interested if you have the visa, but if you inform them as fast as possible, they may look at their possibilities, and ´decide something to your advantage. Ín any case, I cannot see how you could benefit from delaying it. Hope it works out for you Sincerely The punk
  8. Seems like your first date has got some issues. I mean, first telling you to get out ofher life, and then changing her mind like that. Atleast this time her accusations where fairly easy to dismiss. who knows next time. ü sincerely The punk
  9. Sounds like you BOTH have something to work through. Him, because he seems addicted beyond the point of reason and because his inability to understand the word no. As so many others have already said, it is called rape... but also you, because you cannot repress something like that. Or...maybe I should say, you can repress it, but you run the risk of loosing yourself. The act of rape is not the horrible thing, it is the mental assult that takes place in your mind. But seriously, GET OUT OF THERE. Everybody writes about sex here, and maybe what you describe is sex. I dont think so, but Iam not to tell, but making love, is about sharing your love in a physical way. And this just sounds like abuse. not that I am an expert on anything...but get help, and get out would be my advice. The punk
  10. i know this is going to sound bad, but have you tried going into a Kiosk or grocery store or whatever, of ethnic origin? Most often middle eastern shops will have prepaid calling cards that will ¨be much cheaper then anything else. I buy some cards that costs me 10 USD and I get 6 hours.... That is not half bad but yeah it is probably cheaper for the person in Thai, to call US.
  11. I never actually choose to have a long distance relationsship, I just choosed her, and she me, and from then on, there was no other way. Its been 4 years now, and I have got her ring, and I am ready to pop the question. There is no doubt that there are a lot of negative sides to an LDR, but being with my princess is worth it all. and there are a lot of good things about this too. A lot of my friends who live just 1 mile apart, never see their Girlfriend or boyfriend more then once a week. Not because the opportunity is not there, just because...well..I have no clue. And also, since communication is essential in an LDR, there is very tight connection between couples who have been apart. It can easily work. it just takes the right girl, and the right guy. Sincerely The punk
  12. Well, Maybe there is no mix up at all. When I meet my soon to be fiance (she doesnt know I didnt know that she was the one for me. I had been praying about finding a good christian friend. However, she knew right from the start. I found out later through prayer, and...well. a lot of those "facts" God has his own way. and we always look for a yes or no...but what if the answer in this case is wait? your friend may have some issues to work out with God before he is ready to become the husband that God wants him to be (or Boyfriend or wahtever). THe point is....God works in ways we cannot understand. If you keep praying, and you are sure that he is answering you with a yes, then maybe he is preparing your friend. Best of prayers The punk
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