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Everything posted by Starless

  1. Hey spaggle,hows everything going?hopefully there getting better for you,if you ever need to talk you can e-mail me or pm me.i hope things get better for you.
  2. I agree,people with thoughts of suicide and depression come here for support and advice,not to be told that the disease is all in there head or that there "crazy".People dont seem to realize that someone with depression isnt faking it,so they go and say stuff like that thinking that the person is just faking it and making the person feeling depressed feel even worse.this is website is a community of people who care and want to help people get better,we dont need people coming on here and insulting something they dont even understand.we are all here to help each other and share the burden,not make it heavyer.
  3. im really sorry to hear things have not gotten better,try to stay strong through these trying times.I know its hard but your not alone in your fight about something like this.I myself have a lot going on in my life too and sometimes it does feel like it isnt worth going on,but then i think of my friends and family and how much commiting suicide would hurt them and how much suffering they would go through by losing me.please dont give up,theres hope that things will get better.its just goona take some time though.I think your an incredibly strong person to deal with all this,please stay strong and keep up the fight.you can always pm me or e-mail me if you need someone to talk too,ill will be the ear who listens.hope it gets better for you,i really do.
  4. Ive tried things similar to that and believe me it does work(it takes time and patience though)
  5. Starless


    Yes speardane we do care if you live or die,that's why so many of us have responded to your post.I hope everything is going ok for you.have you ever thought about seeking help from a therapist?if not then I suggest going to see one and getting an evaluation so you can start on the road to recovery.
  6. I have a very similar disease called chronic fatigue syndrome,its almost identical to fibromyalgia so i know exactly what your friend is going through.I suggest try to support her all you can and let her know that youll be there for her through this rough time.there is some things you can do for her.first off go to this website link removed. they provide the latest information and treatment options on fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.There are many ways for your friend to start feeling better physically,so talk to her about this and see if shes willing to give it a try.I've personally tried some of these and they have relieved some of the symptoms.your friend should try some of the treatments out and see if they work,for most people with the disease they reduce a lot of the pain brought on by fibromyalgia.The disease can be cured or at least the symptoms can be cut down dramaticly.You friend has to want to be cured and get better so talk to them about it,a positive attitude does wonders for the treatment process.if you have any more questions you can feel free to pm me.i hope everything goes well for you and your friend.You really are an amazing person to not give up on them.
  7. Found this while i was surfin the web,thought id share it with everyone.hope you enjoy it. INSURANCE FORM STATEMENTS... The following are actual statements found on insurance forms where car drivers attempted to summarize the details of an accident in the fewest words possible. The instances of faulty writing serve to confirm that even incompetent writing can be very entertaining... 1. Coming home I drove into the wrong house and collided with a tree I don't have. 2. The other car collided with mine without giving warning of its intentions. 3. I thought my window was down, but I found out it was up when I put my head through it. 4. I collided with a stationary truck coming the other way. 5. A truck backed through my windshield into my wife's face. 6. A pedestrian hit me and went under my car. 7. The guy was all over the road. I had to swerve a number of times before I hit him. 8. I pulled away from the side of the road, glanced at my mother-in-law and headed over the embankment. 9. In my attempt to kill a fly, I drove into a telephone pole. 10. I had been shopping for plants all day and was on my way home. As I reached an intersection, a hedge sprang up, obscuring my vision and I did not see the other car. 11. I had been driving for 40 years when I fell asleep at the wheel and had an accident. 12. I was on my way to the doctor with rear end trouble when my universal joint gave way causing me to have an accident. 13. The telephone pole was approaching. I was attempting to swerve out of its way when it struck the front end. 14. As I approached the intersection a sign suddenly approached in a place where no stop sign had ever appeared before. I was unable to stop in time to avoid the accident. 15. To avoid hitting the bumper of the car in front, I struck the pedestrian. 16. My car was legally parked as it backed into the other vehicle. 17. An invisible car came out of nowhere, struck my car and vanished. 18. I told the police that I was not injured but on removing my hat, I found that I had a fractured skull. 19. I was sure the old fellow would never make it to the other side of the road when I struck him. 20. The pedestrian had no idea which direction to run, so I ran over him. 21. I saw a slow moving, sad faced gentleman as he bounced off the roof of my car. 22. The indirect cause of the accident was a little guy in a small car with a big mouth. 23. I was thrown from my car as it left the road. I was later found in a ditch by some stray cows.
  8. thats good that your addressing your family issues and figureing them out,keep us informed on how its going.hope everything works out for you
  9. There is so many different reasons that people want to commit suicide that its better for them to talk to people and vent it out an get advice on there specific situation that way instead of just going to a web site.you can however help people by responding to posts on this site.
  10. wow that was a really good poem,you have some great talent there.you should really seek some help if your feeling suicidal,if you dont want to talk to a therapist at least talk to one of your family members or someone on this website.it would be a really big loss to the world and to your family and friends if you did kill yourself,you seem like an extremely talented and strong person.just keep at it,ive been fighting depression myself for 3 years and dont have many people to talk too about it either.maybe you should try writing down your thoughts in a journal or in an online blog.getting them feelings out is goona make you feel so much better.Please try to stay strong and keep on fighting,i know it seems hopeless right now but just keep on climbing up that mountain till you reach the top.You can do anything you set your mind too and i know you can beat this.you are in control,not the depression.i truly hope you get better,you can pm me if you ever need someone to talk too.
  11. I wish i could find someone to hold,someone to love.I feel so lonely all the time,and i have to walk around like eveythings ok when it really isnt.I just seem to have the curse of the nice guy and always get ignored.I wish someone could just look past that for once.I always feel so alone Im just another person in the backround to most people,nothing more.why does everyone seem to have somebody when i dont have anybody?i dont have no one I can hold and know that im loved,im always alone, by myself.And the loneliness just seems to build up day after day month after month.sometimes i wonder why i shouldnt just go and end this,I may hurt some people but at least i wont be alone.
  12. Things are going better now,my sister came to visit me yesterday and i havent seen her on about 2 months and i must say I was the happiest last night ive been since moving.My friends at my appartment still are treating me like !#%# though.Today they bought a pizza and didnt even offer me any,i asked them for a ride somewhere and they didnt even wanna take me.They have almost no respect for me and i still continue to be nice to them. Should i even bother being nice?Im trying to be kind to them,thats just how i always am.But sometimes i feel like why should I do things for them if they dont do anything for me.I tell them if they ever need anything from the store ill buy it or if they need something done at the house that ill do it but when i ask for one smalll thing i get yelled at or ignored completely. Im really trying to just suck it up and be nice cause i know its the right thing to do but sometimes i just wanna tell them off.As someone whos going through the process of curing my depression this isnt helping any,its actually making it harder.Any one got any advice on how to deal with situation?any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Well yesterday was an interesting day,I had to quit my job because i was having panic attacks at work and I could not handle them anymore.I talked to my therapist and they suggested i go on medacade until im well enough to work.while this service will cover the basic things i need to pay for(food,rent,clothes,medicine)I need a way to make more money as I still owe money on a cell phone bill and a computer bill that seem to always be costing me more everytime i look. Im stressed about finding a new way to bring some income in so if anybody has any ideas or suggestions they will be greatly appreciated.As far as the thoughts of suicide they have went away for now,which is helpin me feel a lot better.My roomates at my apartment arent helping much though,see last week i was having a really bad week and took it out on them when i didnt mean too and they pulled some of my privelages.(food,tv.) So now everytime they buy something they write there name on it so i dont try to take it,which I wont because im trying to change and they know that but they still do it anyway.I havent even touched any of there stuff and have been treating them with respect,asking them if anything in the house needs cleaned etc.I just want them to stop treating me like im 5 I told them I was having problems and they dont seem to listen.in one ear out the other,i know i dont deserve all the respect in the world because of my actions but i would like some support in my fight against depression from them.that's all I ask.
  14. Thanks for the advice,I do have one thing in my life that i have always enjoyed immensly and that thing is music.If im singing music or listening to music im happy,in fact im usually happiest when i do listen to music and ive had an interest in learning to play the guitar for a long time now.I'm goona try my hand at learning how to play guitar and see if i cant make it a hobby that i love.im also very interested in a career in being a therapist because i love the feeling of helping people and i feel if i got into that field I could really help make a diffence,if only a small one.But i dont have the money for college or the time for it right now so i cant pursue that dream yet. if only i could,i truly love to help people and i have a genuine interest in the field.I have such a deep passion for helping people in need that i think i could succeed in that field.
  15. Once again im seeing symptoms of depression and suicide in my life,it's like a fly on the wall that just wont go away.You want to kill it but its just out of your reach,thats how I feel right now.I'm feeling pretty helpless when it comes to life in general,im not a "normal" person i dont think like everyone else does I like think outside the box so to say. That's one of my problems though,I really want to find a girlfriend but everytime i meet a girl i end up being so nice that they only wanna become friends.I'm naturally a very kind person,i'll hold a door open for people when they walk into a building,I try to do things for my friend's anytime I can,I even talk to them about there problems with suicide and try to be there for them and give them a shoulder to cry on. I try to treat girls with respect and not be a pig towards them,but that never seems to be what anyone wants.I'm a romantic at heart and id rather cuddle with a girl then have sex all night long,i'd rather take her on a romantic dinner then be out with my friends drinking beer and getting drunk.No one seems to really want that though.I feel like im doomed to a life of being alone. It's not that i dont like helping my friends out,I really do.i just wish someone would give me a chance.I'm certainly not a boring or unenjoyable person to be around,Im naturally funny and can make my friends laugh easily.I just always seem to get labeled as the nice guy and thrown in the friend bucket.for someone who has felt alone his whole life this does not help matters at all. I always see my friend's going out and getting dates and getting married while i sit here,alone and by myself.I always feel awkward and out of place when one of my friends who has a boyfriend or girlfriend asks me to come hang out with them together.It feels like I am being teased because they have something that i have never had so that makes me feel even worse.It's like when you see a brand new car or something in a window that you know you want more than anything but always seems to be beyond your reach. Another thing in my life that is causing me depression is something that i cant figure out,I have no problem conversating with a small group of people(1 to 4 people for example)but when i get into an area with a lot more people around I "freeze" up and My mind runs wild.I suddenly find myself not being able to concentrate on anything and it feels like im goona lose control at any moment,For example when im at work because of this i become extremely quiet because I seem to lose control when it comes to having a lot of people around.This makes it extremely hard to be at work,sometimes it is almost unbearable. Although I am a naturally quiet person i can hold up my end of the conversation,so knowing i can do this and then losing control and not being able to give my co-workers the right impression I want really brings me a lot of stress.put yourself in my shoes for one minute if you would,getting through the work day with feeling's of confusion and helplessness.It's not the best feeling in the world. I'm also trying to figure out my purpose in life,am I only goona be a friend for people to come too when they need something?It's feels that way sometimes although I know thats not how it really is.I always feel alone and sometimes wonder would suicide be worth it or not.Sure I would hurt my family and friends but sometimes it feels worth the trade off to get rid of all the loneliness and emptyness i have built up through life. Even though I have friends,i still feel lonely.I know my family loves me,and I still feel alone.I'm even in therapy right now for all that im going through and even sometimes that feels like it isnt doing anything.I just dont wanna feel so helpless anymore,every day is a battle to will myself on when it seems theres nothing to keep fighting for.sometimes I just want the pain to go away so bad ill do anything to make that happen. I often wonder why god put me here,people like me seem to be not needed in this modern day society of people.I watch people who have black hearts get everything handed right to them while I struggle just to get through every single day of my life.Everyone I see look's so very happy,I wish i could share in that happiness I just wanna be happy with myself im sick of feeling like im nothing and that ill never amount to anything.I just want the loneliness to go away!Im crying as i am writing this,it feels good to be able to release some emotion finally.Heres to another day in this world-all alone.
  16. you shouldnt let fear stop you from pursueing friendship's,i agree with you in that a lot of people backstab and talk about people behind there back but there is good people mixed into that whole crowd.it may take some time to find someone you can trust but i think that u could find someone if u tried.i dont have many friends but the ones i do have i trust very deeply.everything has risks,including friendship.i suggest going to a youth group or something like that,give it a try.You might just walk away with a friend at the end of the night
  17. What Not To Say To The Police 1. I can't reach my license unless you hold my beer. (OK in Texas) 2. Sorry, Officer, I didn't realize my radar detector wasn't plugged in. 3.Aren't you the guy from the Village People? 4. Hey, you must've been doin' about 125 mph to keep up with me. Good job! 5. Are You Andy or Barney? 6. I thought you had to be in relatively good physical condition to be a police officer. 7. You're not gonna check the trunk, are you? 8. I pay your salary! 9. Gee, Officer! That's terrific. The last officer only gave me a warning, too! 10. Do you know why you pulled me over? Okay, just so one of us does. 11. I was trying to keep up with traffic. Yes, I know there are no other cars around. That's how far ahead of me they are. 12. When the Officer says "Gee Son....Your eyes look red, have you been drinking?" You probably shouldn't respond with,"Gee Officer your eyes look glazed, have you been eating doughnuts?"
  18. If u feel that you can work it out between your friend's mom and your friend then give it a try.If all goes well your friend just might move back home,and u dont have to be lonely while shes gone.im sure she would want you to go out and make some friends,i dont think she would want you to be alone.so why not start trying to make some new friends?it's just a suggestion,it could help make the situation of your cousin moving more bearable for you.
  19. awww,im really sorry about your situtation .It sounds like you were really close to her.Can you maybe at least write her letter's or do something to stay in contact?or is she in complete isolation?I really hope u do get a hold of her and i think that you will get through this rough time in your life and that you and your cousin will come out of it closer.You should Keep a positive attitude,anything is possible .Hope it works out for you.
  20. Hey,im really sorry to hear about your situation.I hope it gets better,you sound like an extremely intelligent girl(i've seen some of your posts)The world would suffer an extremely big loss if you killed yourself,not only that but you would lose your one chance at life.there's not a reason in this world for a person to kill themselves,no price can be put on a human life.I feel the same way when things go bad,i seem to blame myself.but you should'nt do that,there's some things in life we cannot control.That includes diseases(i have a major one myself)Be there for your mom,help her through these hard times.Maybe on you free time you can go look for a job if you want?the classafied ad's in your paper should be a good place to start.And yes,i too have a friend who just seem's to have given up on life.It's best to try and help motivate them into going out and doing something with there life,help them out.If they dont listen theres nothing you can do(i have a stubborn friend who i have told to do stuff with his life for 5 years,he NEVER listens)sometimes people are just like that.if the dont wanna do it,they ARE not goona do it.Anyway what im saying is just try to stay strong through the bad times,you shouldnt give up you have a lot to live for,you even have a boyfriend who im sure cares for you deeply.You can do anything you set your mind too,so my suggestion is to say to yourself that im goona get through this.I hope it works out for you,drop me a pm if u ever need someone to talk too.
  21. Hey im really sorry to hear that,i just wanted to let you know that im in the same boat that you are in.I've felt the same exact way you do,recently too i might add.I felt sick of life,not wanting to deal with the people who dont understand me at all,who dont notice me at all.I too was once hurting the people i loved and cared about and thought about suicide quite often.Your definitley not a failure as far as i see,u were brave enough and smart enough to ask for help.Thats the first step to getting better as far as im concerned,some people dont even come forward about there problem cause they are so worried about what people will think that they silently suffer,so im glad that you realized you needed some change in your life.There is a reason for you to be in this world,u may not know it yet but your not alone in that feeling,i often wonder it myself.I know you said no one understands but i can say that i do,i was and still am in the exact same situation that you are in.My advice is to go see a therapist and start putting your life together,invest your free time into it.Change can happen,you just have to want it for yourself.you can achieve anything you set your mind too,including defeating the depression that clouds your life.You've already taken the first step,now all that's left is for you to finish the rest of the walk.you can always come to me if you need someone to talk too,so feel free to pm me or if you have aim my sn is areweforgotten.i know depression can be a difficult thing but i really wanna be someone for you to talk too when you need help or are feeling down.I really truly hope you get better.Good luck on the road to recovery and remember,you are not alone.
  22. link removed whoops that was an error on my part,thanks for pointing that out.
  23. I was just curious about everyone's opinion about the relation between vitamin's and depression.I was readin an article in discover magazine the other day that really caught my interest.they conducted studies with peolpe who have such mental diseases as depression,schizophrenia,ADHD and borderline personality disorder.Those people conducted in the study had a history of now showing any affects of getting better when it came to prescription drugs.They had each test patient take one multivitamin every day(i forget which kind it was),the shocking thing is that after 4 days these people had a symptom decrease of up to 50%!They tried the treatment on a young man who had very violent urges and was constantly thinking about guns,he could'nt go 20 seconds without thinking about them.Within 4 days of taking the vitamin the child stopped showing all signs of abnormal behavior and once they took him off the vitamin the behavior started up again.Now is it just me or do vitamin's play a more important role in depression than we realize.For a vitamin to do in 4 days what it takes a month or two for prescription drug's to do is just incredible.There were barely any side effects,the only two that were a big issue were diarreah and dizzyness.I know some people are goona say that im wrong or that im crazy but i think personally that vitamin's could be the cure we've been looking for.Do a search on the internet and look up at how many stories there are of people getting well with vitamin's,while people who do prescription's only get worse and have to take more and more just to get the same effect as a lower dose used to have on them.how could alll these people who have show that they get better can be all wrong?It would be insane to say that they are all wrong.Now you ask why would it affect only some people and not other's?well maybe some of us were born with the need for more vitamins to run at a normal pace,maybe you for example could eat horribly and not feel a thing.but me personally if i eat horrible i feel horrible.Some people metabolisims require more vitamins than others,and without the proper fuel to supply it the brain is not goona work correctly.Think if it as oil for your car,if you put in the best brand,it runs great.But if you put in something cheap,its not goona run at the best level it can.Maybe one cause of depression is the lack of nutrients we take in,we are at a time where most people are so busy during there daily lives that they have to move quickly and dont have time to cook so they buy a lot of fast food.Fast food has barely any nutrients or vitamins in it and continually shows to not help peoples health.maybe if we ate a better quality diet than some of these mental illness'es might not appear as frequently.Thing's seem to have went downhill when we started to process our foods and not eat healthy like we should have.I think we should take a deeper look at how our diet and vitamins's have an affect on our mental health.This is all just my opinion on the subject,lets hear yours.
  24. Your welcome ,keep us informed on how things are going for you.
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