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  1. Hey Saku, I've tried that route in life before but I'm so thankful I didn't. I honestly thought nobody cared either but not ending my life I've grown closer to my parents and friends and without them I'd be a lost cause...you never know how people feel about you because as I said I felt the exact same when I shouldn't have because there are people out there who care about you. Suicide is the easy way out, life is a big test and you must be going through a difficult one to want to die. I do feel sorry for you and I wish that I could help but the best piece of advice I can give is don't give up, there is always something better coming your way after a really crappy time in your life. So in short, I hope you don't end your life because you will regret it things will look up you just have to be tough and try to get through it best as possible
  2. SO I'm going to be 18 in September and the guy I really really like is going to be 25 in August...is this a serious age difference? I know that he likes me and I really want things to work out but the age gap concerns him as well... It's funny because we used to hate each other but now that I've gotten to know him he's a really nice guy and I do want to have a relationship with him I just don't want the disapproval of my parents and I want him to feel comfortable with it too.. Is there anyone who has this same situation of a 7 year age gap...and how did they handle it? I need advice!!
  3. Hello everyone, As per usual I'm in a pickle about guys. I work with this guy he's seven years older than me but really cute! We talk over msn and we see each other a fair amount, he told me he's a big flirt but when I see him with other girls he doesn't flirt as much with them as he does with me. I don't know whether to take this as a sign. I just don't want to be the one to make the first move since usually I mess it up as best as possible and end up not talking to them ever again. I just want someone who has possibly been in a situation like this to give me some advice on how the best way to approach this is. It's just weird because before I thought he was the biggest jerk and I wanted to punch him in the face all the time but now that I've actually hung out with him one on one he's a really nice guy and I am starting to like him whether I like it or not. Please someone offer some advice because I can't stop thinking about him and it's driving me insane!
  4. Hello everyone...I'm just thinking too much and I need to talk to someone...I haven't talked to ANYONE about this, and so I have to spill my guts. I have a guy friend I met about 2 and a half years ago. He was such a sweetheart but there's distance between us and it wasn't able to work. I started dating someone who I went to school with for 2 years and that ended, even though there were ups and downs with my ex my guy friend was always there to listen, and I knew he liked me for a very long time. I recently started talking to my guy friend again and feelings are developing but he says I hurt him too much and he doesn't wanna try a relationship...I do have a car and to see him is within driving distance but I just don't think he's into me anymore but I don't have the guts to tell him my true feelings.. Could I ruin a perfectly good friendship if I admitted how I felt...or should I go for it and hopefully even if I'm rejected, we can still be friends? Does anyone have any advice for me?
  5. Thank you Kellbell I do hope that I feel better and so far I've only cried once today which is better than yesterday lol...but the thought of putting my heart into a relationship ever again scares me because of the pain it's caused me. Do you think the same thing will happen again that happened at prom? Does anyone or has anyone had a third chance with someone and had it work?
  6. This is a long story and I'm sorry for writing so much but I need help. I've been dating the same guy for almost 2 years...we started dating just after I turned 15. He used to do drugs and I really don't like them and he even quit doing those for me! I loved him so much we always spend time together and had so much fun, he always made me laugh and cheered me up when I was feeling blue. But March of this year things ended, it was mutual I agree but it still hurt and we were separated for 3 months. Then his prom happened and one of his friends asked me because his date bailed and so I had to sit at the stupid table with him and his date...he told me he didn't like his date and stuff..that whole night he kept staring at me and asked me to dance about 5 times...the last dance he said he would rather dance with me but felt obligated to dance with his date. After my date and him went home, he didn't go in the limo but decided to go with us instead. That next night his friend/my prom date wanted to go to a fair that was going on in town he won me a stuffed animal and then that night after I was home he started talking to me on msn telling me how much he missed me and stuff...we agreed to meet the next day and then restarted our relationship. This 2nd time, he didn't stop doing drugs for me and 2 weeks before things ended again he avoided me, wouldn't call wouldn't wanna see me etc etc. We ended things on Sunday where he told me that he didn't love me anymore and didn't wanna work things out, he just didn't feel the same anymore. I of course was crushed since I threw my heart back into it just to have it crushed once again. All of my diary entries and notes, cards I burned yesterday and it did make me feel a lot better but I'm still so hurt that I love him so much and he can just end things with no remorse. I don't know what to do, I have so much anger and since I'm going back to school for grade 12 this year...he's coming back another year as well and I just don't wanna see him anymore...his dad said I should still be friends but once we're friends the feelings come back and then we date and I get my heart broken again. Does anyone have any advice for me, I really don't know what to do. If this happens again, where he likes me should i forgive him, should i remain friends with him...?
  7. hey unpretty.. I can relate to you I broke up with my boyfriend just this past march...starting to rebuild my confidence then prom happened and he said he missed me and I fell into the trap again...then last night with weeks of avoiding me he finally ended things. It's hard and I've spent all last night crying but things do get better. I made a promise not to cry today and so far it's ok but he goes through my mind every instant and it's so unbelievably hard. The best advice that I can give you through my experience is to hold your head up high and don't give him the benefit of seeing you upset. Keep busy as well that really helps but now that it's summer it's hard to keep yourself busy but as long as you have really good girlfriends that you can vent all of your frustrations on everybody in your life is important to your recovery. As the saying goes "there are more fish in the sea" I know it's hard to think about that since you like or love him still but trust me as long as you don't show him you're upset, keep yourself busy and surround yourself by the people you love and love you you'll get a confidence boost and in plenty of time another guy will fall madly in love with you and you won't even remember this boys name. Hope you feel better, wonderland88
  8. Well everyone, me and my ex got back together and it's been a really great time and I'm so unbelievably happy until recently. When my boyfriend and I first started dating he did weed, and a lot of it I'm totally against drugs and absolutely hated it and he stopped for me and we had a long lasting relationship. When we were separated for the 3 months he began doing in again, and a lot again. I am still against it and have asked him to stop because I hate knowing that he does it but he just says, "I like it and I don't wanna stop". Last night we went out and he left his wallet in my purse so when I got home he called me saying he was stopping by for his wallet. He was with a friend who I believe got him started into all of it again and I asked him where his cell phone was and he said in his bag so I said "oh where your weed is" he said no but I could tell he was baked (he even admitted it) and I just turned around and walked away. I spent the better part of an hour crying my eyes out because of what he's doing. I absolutely hate it I hate it so much and he still won't stop for me knowing that I hate it. But if the roles were reversed and it bothered him I would stop because I love him and care about his feelings. My mom was talking to me about this saying you're getting hurt again do you think it's the best to be together but I can't break up with him I was so unbelievably depressed I just don't want to go through it again. He hasn't talked to me since he walked away and I tried phoning--no answer. Since he isn't stopping weed again could that mean that he just doesn't care about me, doesn't feel the same and doesn't love me as much or loves me at all? Should I be so worried about it or am I even in the position to be making these demands? I'm just so hurt by it, my uncle messed up his life with drugs and I don't wanna see that happen to my boyfriend. Does anyone think it's best for me to stay in the relationship and keep talking to him about it or should I end it and be hurt again? I'm so confused!
  9. I've had a few posts of different things but I'm still hurting over my breakup that's been almost 3 months now. My ex has started talking to me now and this morning he talked to me normal civil chit chat then walked me to class which is so weird. He was with one of his football buddies and totally ignored him and just walked with me instead...what does that mean? Today I had a rather long break from work and I made a visit with his step mom who I still remain really good friends with and he's okay with that...but she decided to go out to get some food and him and I went with her, as we were walking (it wasn't that far away) he only walked with me and then started bringing up memories about us from last summer. When I tried getting back together with him about 2 months ago he said that he'd never love me again and that there would never be an us again and so I tried moving on and giving him space. Now he's approaching me and flirting and stuff and I just don't know what he wants can anyone help me out to figure this out. P.S-he was wondering if I was going to prom but I said no (I'm in grade 11) and I don't know if he was trying to ask me or not but now he's going with his friend, I know that they're strictly friends but I'm still jealous. P.P.S-I liked this guy that goes to my church and my ex knows him from football and when my ex talked to me through e-mail about it he seemed jealous and had to make a statement that he liked another girl...what is that supposed to mean? HELP!!!
  10. There's this guy that goes to my church and my school that I've known for a long time and I really like him. I've just gotten out of a long term relationship and was feeling really lousy about myself but I feel like I'm ready to date again. I've tried talking to him and asked if he wanted to go to the movies or something he said yes but then had to cancel because family came over...I waited a couple of weeks to talk to him again and I was sitting in the hall with some of my friends and he came up to me and asked me how I was doing and stuff...is that a good sign? I'm not very familiar with dating and how guys communicate because I was in a relationship from grade 9 to mid grade 11 Then I approached him in the halls and asked him out again and he said yes and asked me what days I was free and he'd look at his schedule to see what day we could hang out. A couple days later he went on this school trip and my friend was with him because they're in the same class and I was talking to her on her cell phone when she gave it to the guy I liked. He asked me how I was and stuff like that and we had small talk and stuff. Since they were back from the trip early and he didn't have to work I asked if he could hang out and he just said he was too tired. He hasn't made an effort to try and talk to me and reschedule our "date" and I don't know if he will..I just don't know what to do in the situation...should I keep persisting or should I just leave it alone? I just really need some advice.
  11. I've been dating a guy for a year and half as well and we just up and ended it, I was devastated and felt I couldn't move on...I'm still trying to move on but it's hard I know so much about how you feel. I didn't eat and cried myself to sleep for 1 month and it's the worst pain I've ever experienced... My ex started seeing someone else as well after 2 days though so I know how much it hurts but you just need friends and family to lean on because that's the best thing you could have during this... I was mopy at school and stuff and cried a lot but if you look happy in front of him it's really going to get him angry lol and then he'll look like a fool...but as the saying goes "if you love something set it free, if it comes back it's yours, if it doesn't then it was never meant to be". my friends keep telling me that as well and it hurts that they don't believe you can get together again.. Move on with your life and once you're back on track he'll realize he's missing the strong independent girl....this girl that went to the wedding with him is "rebound girl" and that is how guys get over things but once he realizes things won't be as good as what you've had together he'll crawl back to you and you can make the decision of wanting to be with him or not... So all I can say hun is keep your head up and keep busy because sitting at home crying isn't going to make things better...go do the things you love and try to look happy even if it means going home and crying but don't give him the benefit of seeing you upset!
  12. Thank you everyone for your support I am starting to get on the recovery train I guess you could say, trying to work on my grades and everything else but it's still hard My friends who also talk to him say that he isn't happy and he wants to be single for a while...he's just confusing...lol are all guys like this??? It's hard not to still have hope for the future and I still like the thought of getting back together because what we had for the majority of the time was perfect... I'm loved by his family and they want us to get back together as well...I just want him to realize what I realize and that's that we should give it another shot He always told me that I meant everything to him and he couldn't picture life without me...so why doesn't he want to work things out???
  13. I am only 16 years old but I know what true love is... I have done everything with this exboyfriend and I feel completely lost without him...is there any advice for me??? It had been a month since our break up and I blame myself for everything...I can't concentrate in school or at work and I don't feel like doing anything anymore except mope and feel depressed.. He seems to be kinda happy these days because he's always with friends (we have the same friends and it feels awkward to be around them) but all the clothes and special things I've bought for him he's wearing all the time. I tried talking to him and working things out but he says, "I don't know if we'll ever get back together and I don't want you waiting for me" I don't know how to react to that because he means everything to me. Our relationship started to have a downfall because I was stressed out about school work and family issues...and I vented on him because he was the only person there for me and I regret it all the time...I was acting kinda extra mean lately and things just got worse and we ended it...it's now been the biggest mistake of my life. I just can't seem to move on because I spend so much time crying and wishing I could change things...he always treated me well..walked me to class, walked me to work etc. Now he's talking to this exgirlfriend that lives a couple hours away from him and I get so upset just hearing her name...my friend talked to him and he said that nothing was going on between him and this other girl... I just don't know what else to do because I've talked to him and wanted to work things out but he just throws everything in my face making me more upset...I've hurt him and he's hurting me... Does anyone have any advice for me to try and save our relationship because this guy means the world to me and I really really need help...
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