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Everything posted by JuJu

  1. Oh jeez! My first time was in my own bed, with a virgin guy, while my parents were sleeping at 4 o'clock in the morning. We "really" loved each other too. Not to scare you or anything, but afterwards, I REALLY regretted it! Then after we broke up months later, I found out he had lied to me and he actually wasn't a virgin at the time. Seriously wait until you are ABSOLUTELY sure it's the right guy and the right time for YOU. Make sure you don't feel pressured by your guy whatsoever! I went about my first time completely wrong and now I regret it. You don't want to have to live with regrets.
  2. I'm in the same sitch right now...just on the other end. I've been away from my boyfriend for three weeks today, and still have two and half more weeks to go. I miss him and think about him often, but we still don't talk that much. He calls me or I call him and we talk for a while. I just think about how we were like when we saw each other more often when I was still home and I know it will be like that once we reunite. Don't worry about it, things will be back to normal when she gets home!
  3. Maybe you should ask your om on that one. Don't be embarrased, it's perfectly normal for a girl to ask her mother that. I never had to, but I know people who did.
  4. This is something I have yet to figure out. Soem guys do care a lot, but just aren't in tune or don't know how to show it yet. Long distance kills! I've been away from my boyfriend for a month this summer and it's killing us both. Your guy calls you every day, that's a good sign and a sign that he cares. When he calls, does he ask how you are and what you have been up to? I just hope that you're not just somewhere for him to stay when he's in town. Try asking him questions sometimes that could open his emotional side. Ask about his child hood, things he did when he was little, what he thinks about different topics...etc etc.
  5. This doesn't sound good at all AG. I don't think that you should go see her. You tried contacting her, so you did your part. She is the one that left and now it's up to her to make the next move. If you go to see her you might seem too needy and dependent on her. Maybe in this time apart from each other (the past two weeks, while she is in Europe...) you will both find answers, especially her. She is obviously looking for something else and just hope that she finds it.
  6. Well, when I act that way towards a guy, it means I like him! She proably does like you wants to be more than friends. So go with confidence like ECD said. Also, when you two are hanging out, chances are she'll make the first move since she was already the first to call. good luck!
  7. I agree with lady00. Does Becky know about all of that? I don't think it would be healthy for your relationship with her for you to be dating her ex, OR folling around with him.
  8. well how was your sex life BEFORE you got married? Did you two ever have a sexual connection??? I'm shooting for cheating (sorry) or gay
  9. Usually a girl that his kissed more guys then her current boyfriend would just take control of the situation, so i'm not really sure what is going on with her. She sounds shy though. Obviously you both know that you want to, so just do it!
  10. haha, it's JuJu...short for JuJuBe, like the candy. Childhood nickname you know. As for girls being more involved...they are the most involved. I don't know too many guys that are in tune.
  11. kiss with force, like sink your tongue in deep and do wide circles in his mouth...then pull back so that you're lips and tongues are barely touching, but still enough for it to be a kiss...then when he' not expecting it, go back to being forceful, push into him. running your hands through his hair and down his back are good. nibble on his ear lobe and lick just below it too. lick around his adams apple and suck on it a bit. then make a trail with your tongue. he'll enjoy it, i promise.
  12. try kissing a girl. i'm not a lesbian or anything, nor do I have anything against...but kissing a girl is great! it has some kind of excitment to it that doesn't always come with kissing a guy! Or, maybe you need to do more than kiss, kissing can get boring for everyone after while, it's like eating pizza three times a day, for three days straight, you'll get sick of it. do you kiss necks, ears, chests, stomachs???
  13. Just do it. Kiss lightly and slowly at first with your head tilted which ever way hers isn't! Also, you might want to kind of lift her chin with one of your hands kind of curled and let the first kiss be sensual. Then, go in for the kill! Before you know, clothes will be flying! Don't worry about your brother, it's not his problem. Age shmage! Who cares? Two people are attracted to each other and that's that!
  14. definitely while laying down for me! I love it! kisses on the stomach are the best and turn me on so bad I just want to jump my guys bones right that very second! As for the neck though, the ear lobe and just under it is a great place to kiss softly too! I like when guys rub their hands through my hair or kind of cradle my face with them.
  15. Alright, first...get over it! You're right, you should not have lost your independence. I recently broke things off with a guy who I was "in love" with, when I finally woke up and smelled the roses I realized he was manipulating me and brainwashing me practically. People tried to tell me, I wouldn't listen...we were on and off for a year. After the break up and the last and final fight, even now...sometimes I think "What if?" and I think I miss him and want him back. Even though I with a really great guy now who even helped me overcome everything after the break up with the other guy. Then I figured out, I just liked the IDEA of what we had...he wrote me poems, loving e-mails, long talks on the phone, yada yada yada...it was the idea of being in love. My situation is a little bit different than yours however, because my guy in the end was obsessed with me and having me, but an expulsion and a restraining order later...it was over. Please tell me that you have deleted all those e-mails, thrown away all those notes, and do not dwell on them. It won't make things better, it won't make things easier. You need to concentrate on other things that make you happy and family. I would quit talking to Michael all together because it sounds to me as though he's still trying to keep you all tied up in him for some reason by telling you he loves you. He says he still loves you, but he wants a different personality? He can't love you for who you are then if he needs change. You know who really love someone when you wouldn't change any little detail about them and when you love them for who they are ALL THE TIME. If someone really loves you, they wouldn't want to change your personality and then fool around with you on the side, call you their friend, and say they'll love you forever. the end.
  16. How much do you know about this girl? I mean, do you know if she has kissed a lot of guys? Because if she hasn't, then that would explain why she seemed just as nervous as you. Don't sweat it either. I'm kind of in the same situation right now, just on the other end. I'm almost 16 and my boyfriend is 17. I'm his first girlfriend, and his first kiss. He was so nervous. But he came out and told me that he didn't know how to kiss, now we work on it. Nothing to be scared of, it's actually pretty fun. After you and you're girlfriend start doing it more it becomes a natural thing and then you'll look back on your movie date kiss and laugh about it. You can't be afraid to take risks and go in head first. Make a move, don't miss out on all your chances! Oh, and the kiss can last as long as you want it to, it could turn out into a make-out session! There is no specified time in a rule book, so don't worry about that either!
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