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Everything posted by JinG

  1. DAMN 38C.. nice nice, my fattest friend dont got tits that big
  2. Well first i wanna know how old you are because i was talking to a friend last night and she said she had sex for 5-10 mins and she didnt even orgasm cause she was 14. I have no idea about you girls but i know you can start off slow and start kissing her. kiss her neck and nibble her throat and all that good stuff. next you can try to finger her but if she refuses, stop. next u can try to kiss her belly and try to go down on her, but if she doesnt want it, i dont know how u can make her orgasm. You can read other posts about how to eat a girl and that kinda stuff
  3. i think that as long as they are nicely cupped and not saggy then they are nice... the bigger they are while still being nicely cupped the better. but mostly around a C cup for me... as long as they are in proportion and can "defy gravity" and still be natural and not silicon then we're in business
  4. you could learn to deep throat, that makes a guy cum FAst
  5. You could say.. "Hey, man names (say name), I saw you from over there" haha some drunk guy went up to my friend thats a girl and said that
  6. heh, sucks for you try to get back with your ex
  7. My friends 14 and 9 inches.. hes read head italian haha
  8. A hotel/motel is great, maybe a romantic place, landmark in the middle of the night you can do your thang
  9. hmmm... maybe its not dirty.. maybe its infected or something but if u are 4 Sh0 that it is dirty, take a bath and finger ur butthole and wash it... hehehe
  10. I know different girls like different things, but i know my girl likes me to rub around the ear part and kiss the side/back part of her neck ;O Tombo why do you have "home" as your avatar
  11. maybe you should wash it more when your in the shower and after u have anal sex and you can use lube to make it smoother
  12. hmm... If all those above fail... Grab his penis and make him put his hand on your breast oh yea thats what i call the ghetto way
  13. Eurynome is right. You guys didnt just wake up one day and get married like Britney Spears did. Before, how did you make her smile when she was sad, or make her calm when she was mad. you should try taking your children with you to places, since kids like to talk a lot. or you can take her on vacation to a real romantic place and sweet talk her there. dont be scared... shes your wife
  14. Congrats, if you go. Useless if you dont. If you go, ask him why he didnt answer your email and if he takes a long time to answer or says "what?" "i didnt hear you say again?" or "umm uhh" he probably busy seducing other ladies so you should slap him and leave no dont do that but make sure you scream it so he hears it for sure. good luck
  15. Well... does your g/f have a voice that kind of sounds like a young girl? Maybe 14 at the oldest? If she does... then theres almost a full chance she was raped.
  16. Your mom is not letting you talk to this guy you met at a bar yet she met her husband at the bar? I think she just doesnt want you in a relationship or getting drunk and taken control of or something.
  17. you should tell her you were drunk. But you can just at least ask her for the relationship you had before
  18. You said you dont want to be hurt that badly again. -1 You miss all the good times you had with her, but you dont miss HER. -1 You dont want another relationship with her. -1 Oh my good-golly-gosh i think we know what to do. You do what your heart wants to.
  19. you told your mom you met a guy at a bar? anyways.. i think you should go, what harm would it do to you? and plus... he seems like he likes you, since he mentioned he wanted to see you 4 times in one paragraph
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