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Everything posted by TheDoctor

  1. Actually, I nor she ever made an attempt to go back to one another. I dont think its appropriate for me to go back not because of pride issues but shes so immature that if I go back shell play games. If she comes to me well both be on a positive track. And if she never comes back to me. Then I dont want to even know a sick person like that anyway...and it seems like thats the case here. Shes just a sick puppy
  2. no shes not a big flirt...if she was id notice and be turned off
  3. Definitley my man! She has really taken her time whme so fact she didnt say yes shocked me! The first thing she ever did was when i bought some wrist straps for working out i was buying them and i asked the guy if i can get them in black cuz black is better brand and he said sorry were out. As he walked away to process my card she approached me and was like oh u want them in black? how about i color them pink for u would u like that....etc etc. She waves hi and bye to me...one time recentley i caught her eyein me and out of no where she approaches me right after and says hi there sir how u been! in a cutsie way. That same day i was in an enclosed space talking to some guy who works there she came up and i needed to move out the way for her to get in this small room but instead she rubbed up against me and pushed me out the way with her elbows like rubbed up basically against me and im like ughhhh this girl definitley likes me. Shes not a flirty girl to anyone....now that ive asked her out and shes laughin and smilin when she sees me...can she be playing games? i think she prolly has a bf and was just interested and kept me in her black book sorta bid
  4. You all remember my story? Long story short this girl ( trainer ) at a gym was totally after me flirting left and right and saw me flirting with her. For the longest time my friend whoes with me at the gym has seen her eyeing me and acting strangley arround me. This was going on for a while and she was taking a trip one day and said shes gonna be busy all day packing. Then I followed her for a moment after saying goodbye and asked her out and she said she was busy and laughed like giggled.....but walked away. She threw all the signs! Didnt look at me in my eyes when we'd talk, played with her hair, she approached me alot! And shes not a girl who flirts with ANYONE. I can sit here and tell you the details of how we flirted but just trust me she was very interested. However, she said no or she was busy and Im assuming shes got a bf or something. However, today confused me alot. I saw her as I was leaving the gym and she was walking accross the street. I havent spoken to her since I asked her out and its been a little over a week ( she and I both went on trips thats why) and she saw me and looked and gave me the double look ( you know the look you give if u sight a celeb like OH ITS HIM!) She sees me and sparks up and she starts smiling, laughing, says wasup from the far distance....Im thinking to myself WHY WOULD ANY GIRL BE SO HAPPY HAPPY AND SMILEY WITH A GUY THAT ASKED HER OUT IF SHE DOESNT LIKE THEM BACK? Is this girl playing games with me? Any advice will be appreciated
  5. Thanks JonnyC...the truth is nor I nor her have made ANY attempt, phone convo, anything to go back to eachother. The truth is I CANT go back she basically broke up with me....the sad part is she sees this as me breaking up with her. I dont get it....how can some1 basically let go of u then turn the truth around and victimize themselves? Things like that make me want to forget about her. Im at a stage now that Im totally confused and hurt because its been nearly 4 months and no attempt by either of us have been made to go back. See if I go back to her shell see it as a told u so...but I know if she comes back itll be more of a mature convo. I know the relationship is over.....but I dont know why the closure of her contacting me just to talk is soooo huge....I mean I guess seeing everyone everyday for 1 1/2 yrs then poof they disappear. Itll drive any man or woman crazy
  6. After my ex's really crappy attitude problem and high ego problem and most importantly the fact she wasnt over her ex-bf we got into a fight one day after 1 1/2 years and we broke up. After we broke up she acted in bizarre fashion and blocked me from her buddy list and all my friends after 2 weeks. She has done many other things too however thats besides the point. The reality is when wed break up shed cry like a child in pain and always was known for being a dweller. We broke up, she went back to her ex bf and again as always he slept with her and left her. However, since our breakup literally the day we broke up we havent talked once NOT ONCE since I walked out that door. It's been nearly 4 months...the reality is if I contact her she'll have a guard up and wont come off as a genuine person. If she contacts me we can actually have a mature convo....her pride has gotten the best of her...what do I do? I have moved on in many aspects yet this bothers me alot. Any advice will be appreciated
  7. After about a month you wont feel and think the same ways and youll learn to see this situation from a new light and less addictive perspective...I promise
  8. Also dont forget my man that a woman is sooooo turned on when you like her so much that your intimidated. Now, you wanna eventually get over the intimidation point but Ive read in a mens health article that your chances of dating a girl that you find utterly incredible are far higher than dating a woman your simply attracted to because that woman feels the vibe and is so turned on that someone gives them self clarifcation. Tell her your fears in someway so that you can get them off your back. In a way once you tell her now you have nothing to worry about. For example, a man walks into a dentists office and has a phobia of just sitting still. Before the appointment he tells his dentist he has anxiety about these situations and the dentist says its ok if at any point he'd like he can leave the room. That knowing let the man feel so good he didnt even hesitate once and was relaxed. In other words, the anxiety of not letting the other person know how you feel and exposing it causes you to get more caught up in the fear than your positive emotions itself. Try to enjoy it my man...she likes you
  9. I will I definitley will but is it a situation where its like ok this girl probably has a crush on him?
  10. Any one else have any other opinions about this? I really felt the vibe like she has a crush on me as well
  11. lets hope Xxatti lets hope....I mean Im like just being there and feeling the vibe 90 percent sure shes interested...but nothing is for certain especially with girls
  12. xxatti staring was big but even bigger is the whole let me color it pink...I mean you would never say that to just anyone u dont really know right? lol clearly sending a signal
  13. xxati its like a 100 percent huh? Nothing is for certain but i mean...ok if she said hey um why do u like them black or strike some convo like what time is it id say shes just interested. To be cutsie and say lemme color it pink and all that and try to be social and flirtatious obviously the way her eyes just said i been thinking of u.....its just a situation where the next time i see her im going for it NO IFS, ANDS, OR BUTTS!...thanks Xxaati! your the shiznick!
  14. link removed So today I walked into the gym and I saw the trainer there and she was infront of the place where they swipe your cards so you can go inside. I saw her eyeing me and I was like hmmm I need to make a move and as I was walking I said thats a great way to start the day but lets see once and for all if she likes me or not. So I walked back to where she was and I asked the guy whoes my hi and bye friend if they accept debit card. He went yeah so I got a white wrist strap and asked if they had any black he said no and I said ahh its ok Ill just get these. She turned around and looked me deep in the eyes and went you want me to make them pink for you? Im like lol what she goes how about I make them pink for you instead of black, cmon itll look good. Im like lol um naa ill get my ass kicked. Im like I dont think wearing pink in the gym is a good idea she was laughing and so she gets a pink highlighter shes like lemme do it im like haha lol and shes like just gave me these vibes and looks. So I just got the wrist straps and got caught up in a convo with my friend who was the guy who accepted my debit card. Then she left and a client came and as she was training her she checked me out again and its just so obvious now shes interested...I will make my move the next time I see her. What you all think though?
  15. Sigh......I broke up with my ex nearly 3 months ago this 14th and my last words were I never wanna hear from you or see you again.....not a day goes by that I dont think about her and how much I wish shed just come back to be mature.
  16. Maybe you went about it as an addictive relationship. In other words at first, you just needed someone there to get away from boredom, pain, or just to do something new and as we all know addiction starts and ends with pain. Something to think about
  17. Oh wow....my dear dear friend of course your devestated that story itself broke my heart and im a freakin guy! First and most importantly I'd like to say IT'S OK TO BE AFRAID. I was in denial and refused my fears and the more and more I was scared to go through that dark cycle which is change the more the fear turned into anxiety and depression. Now onto your situation...SERIOUSLY, can anything hurt more than someone you love dearly that at one point they too loved you just as much just turn around and one day stop caring about you in that way? No, nothing hurts more than that and thats exactly what I went through with my ex. It was so hard...I was struggling to find that person in her again and she brought excuse after excuse what I needed to do to bring that side out and that we're gonna be ok but in reality we werent and it wasnt something I couldnt physically feel, rather mentally. I felt that she didnt love me and as a mature, intelligent human being we all just know when that love is gone. The flame has been not only put out but spit on as well. My best advice is nothing is over, its not the end, you dont need to "move on". I hate all those sayings because they refer far too much with change. Just that, he isnt right for you anymore because he is lost and confused and as hurt as you think you are he is even more hurt because he cant figure why he cant love you or himself anymore. GIVE him and YOURSELF space. You say you had no contact for 3 weeks and he came back and it was a Cinderella story for a moment....imagine what it'll be like in 3 months. Now hear me closely from this point on. The best part of no contact is after 2 months when they come back ( or if ) you have already gone through the withdrawel symptoms and you wont make any bizarre decisions or sacrifice anything uneccesary such as you are doing now. I never had the courage to speak up to my ex near the ends but if she ever came back I cant wait to give her a piece of my mind. Thats the power of NO CONTACT. Its not about punishment, its about realization of whats really going on. You look at it like WHOA...I did that? Best of luck and it'll pass
  18. In way Xatti i feel bad for him...sounds just like me a couple of months ago....I just hope his (as I always say) "tidal wave" doesnt come.... good luck bro
  19. Those of you that know my story which is most I say this to you. After many speculations that my ex is seeing her ex-bf and they are dating I finally confirmed it yesterday. As most of you know my cousin also my best friend is near neighbors with her ex so I saw with my own eyes she and him going into a car together and driving off....So now it's official. The real reason she felt like she was in the "wrong" place or she missed her "old" self wasnt me it was she wanted her ex back. But two questions....first off she traded her supposed dream guy (me) for this guy who dated her for 2 weeks, had intercourse with her and told the entire high school how badly she sucks in bed and the poor girl was a virgin, cheated on her, and one day for no apparent reason just said your not my gf now go away. Two weeks before we broke up she told me she was so sad to hear about how he is dating a high school girl again ( he is 22 what a loser) and how she feels she needs to warn her before he does the same thing to her as he did to my ex. So how does one trade in such a great guy ( Im not cocky I just know when Ive been great or bad in a relationship and ive been on both ends before) that youve had a healthy mature relationship for with 1 1/2 years to go back with this scum bag who will surely destro yher within weeks? Also, WHEN not if he breaks her heart again will she finally realize what she has lost in us? I feel so hurt that everything was one big lie and she really never did love me because clearly her heart was with this guy. How low can some people be huh? And on top of that she knows were ( everyone ) is going to see her car infront of his place. Does she have no shame ? or embaressment that she cant find anyone in this world but him? Very confused now..... but im trying to stay cool
  20. Honestly, alchol brings out the truth in people and when he drinks he asks himself so many sad questions like why'd I leave her? was it smart? Man I regret it, etc etc and he just calls to talk to you again. Expect him to breakdown soon and pretend he's a "changed man" and really misses you. Just please dont be foolish enough to go back.
  21. So hard to say this but the best way to go about it is like whatever happens happens and its best to not get so attatched just yet since its still up in the air but if your cuddling thats definitley a sign he really like you...duh lucky devil
  22. Drug him up and make him dress like a woman....lol no but seriously can you be more specific on what you mean about you want to tease him?
  23. You admit you've hurt him once and you feel sorry for it? If you have truly changed in your life and your not a selfish person anymore than dont send that letter.....thats a very selfish idea considering the fact you'll be back in his mind again and most importantly this time he wont care to fall for games or any such thing.T
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