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Amen! I am so happy to hear that you finally let it all out to her JP and that she was open and accepting. I am happy that you have that ton of bricks off of your shoulders, and that she too feels you have the connection there. More than anything I am happy to read that you are going to focus on yourself now, not leaving Jenn out in the cold, but really focusing on your life and what you need to fulfill it right now. AND to hear you went on a date, and with the sis-n-law's friend to boot...I could just hug you right now! Good for you man, I am proud of you

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Great job JP. You handled your meeting with Jen with maturity, kindness, and thoughfulness. She's lucky to have you in her life. I'm sure you feel the same about her. I'm quite happy to hear that she's also discovering what she needs and she's getting help with it. Most people know they have a problem but don't do anything about it. Jen and you are on your way to becoming complete and happy individuals.


..and to hear you had a date...WHAT A STUD (j/k) I'm glad that you had a good time on your date. It's important to take things slow and most of all...have FUN!! It seems that you're happy and content with things these days, and aren't afraid of new opportunties in your life.


Your positive attitude is inspiration for those who are stuggling. Keep it up



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I am happy to read that you are going to focus on yourself now, not leaving Jenn out in the cold, but really focusing on your life and what you need to fulfill it right now. AND to hear you went on a date, and with the sis-n-law's friend to boot...I could just hug you right now! Good for you man, I am proud of you


Hello WildChild!!


Thank you! I could always use a hug Yeah, I have been feeling great all week since our day together. Its actually a little strange.. well maybe more unfamiliar, that I havent had one of those down days yet. Its been quite a while since I've gone this long without a tear. And I love it. I guess the main difference from then to now, is that I was able to gain closure on a few things that have been the bulk of that weight on my shoulders. But more than that, I think I am finally understanding exactly where she is in her life, where I am in my life, and seeing that this IS the best for both of us, regardless of how much I love her.


Like I said before, maybe one day our roads will once again lead to eachother, and at that time, we will be in a better position individually to allow ourselves to both love and receive love without reservations. I will continue to love her, and am not really looking at this as, 'getting over her'. That implies leaving her and everything that is connected to her somehow, behind. Instead, Im 'moving forward'. First and foremost, to become happy and content with myself, and my life. Now I wont lie, I have wished upon a star, that one day, our roads WILL come together, but Im not waiting for the bus to take me there. I will travel myself, and if it is meant to be, then some time, somewhere, somehow.. it will be.


So now, I am going to work smarter, and begin to organize my dreams and goals, and work towards that. In fact, Im moving out of this apartment in a couple months. I have found a beautiful house about 20km away, just outside the city. It sits on a very large piece of land, with plenty of room for Parker to be extremely happy. The back piece of land leads down to a peaceful river, and the nearest neighbor is about 2 km away. I went to see it and just knew that I had to live there. It is so peaceful. The only sound is the wind in the trees, and the water from the river. Its a 4 bedroom house, and its cheaper than the 1 bedroom apartment I am living in now. I am excited again. Its such a wonderful feeling.


I am moving there because I need out of this Apartment. I have been living here for the wrong reasons, and it is about time I take initiative. Im no longer waiting for her.


I just gotta move forward.




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Hey Pedro


Great job JP. You handled your meeting with Jen with maturity, kindness, and thoughfulness. She's lucky to have you in her life. I'm sure you feel the same about her.


You said it man. I've always felt lucky to have her in my life. But its only really dawning on me now, that she is just as lucky to have me. I think its just the natural progression of emotions, as my confidence slowely builds. I've spent a lot of time asking myself and wondering whats wrong with me. But I'm finally seeing that its not that at all. I was great to her. I did my best to support her and stand by her side through everything. I loved her without limits, and would have given my life for her. Infact, all of that is still true. Only now, I realize I need to make myself my priority. I think my biggest fault or flaw in the relationship was not that I mistreated her, or took anything for granted.. rather, I forgot about myself. And that is just as detrimental.


I'm quite happy to hear that she's also discovering what she needs and she's getting help with it. Most people know they have a problem but don't do anything about it. Jen and you are on your way to becoming complete and happy individuals.


Yeah, I am so happy for her too. Hehe, it seems that the more time that passes, the more respect I have for her, and the more proud of her I become. And you know, I can see the difference in her already. I truly hope that she is able to get the peace that she needs and deserves. And I will continue to be there for her, if she ever needs me, no matter what.


..and to hear you had a date...WHAT A STUD (j/k) I'm glad that you had a good time on your date. It's important to take things slow and most of all...have FUN!! It seems that you're happy and content with things these days, and aren't afraid of new opportunties in your life.


And I will do just that... have fun! The date was good, and as I said before, it was nice to be able to be myself and relaxed. I am happy and content. Perhaps not completely with my life as it is, but definitely with the direction. I've always ended my conversations and emails with Jenn, with a similar line to:

Keep Smiling!

Its about time that I follow my own advice




Your positive attitude is inspiration for those who are struggling. Keep it up




Thanks man. If my experience has helped anyone to better their situation, that is great. And if there is one piece of advice that I can give, and people will take to heart, its this...


NEVER STOP BELIEVING.......... in yourself.




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Hello everyone.



Just wanted to update you on how things are going. I am happy to say that I am doing very well! Its been 9 days since the visit with Jenn, and I have felt better in those days than I have in the last 6 months.


I seem to have more drive. If that makes sense. I am back into the swing of work, and am enjoying it immensly so far. I am also spending more time with friends and family, and just overall making myself available to those who care. This past weekend, my mom had a barbeque at her house. I went out in the afternoon, and spent the entire evening there. Okay, perhaps part of that reason was because my sister in law's friend showed up We sat around the fire for a couple hours and talked. It was a good evening, I really enjoyed myself.


Hockey is going well too. We played tonight, and won 4-1. I did take a hard shot off of my knee, but a little ice will fix that. So far, we are undefeated in the regular season.


As for Jenn, well there isn't too much to say. She sent me an email a couple days after our visit, and has left a couple messages on my phone. It is still wonderful to hear her voice. It always makes me smile. I left her a message, and responded to her email as well. She told me that she was very happy with our day together, really enjoyed our talk, and is looking forward to talking again. She likes that we are opening up with eachother. I was happy to hear this, but honestly, Im not stressed out about it anymore. For the most part, she now knows exactly what I needed to tell her. This newfound direction of actually moving forward is a huge breath of fresh air.


In fact, I think Im developing a small crush on my sister in law's friend. Her name is Cheryl by the way. That just makes it easier than 'sister in law's' friend And even upon realizing that I am finding myself attracted to her, I am not down about it. Of course I still love Jenn. I know it has been said before... 'she will always have a place in my heart'. But I truly believe it. No matter what happens from this point forward, there will be that part of me that always loves her. At the moment, I love her still, no less than I did 6 months ago. But now, I've come to realize that that is all that I can do. I love her, and there is nothing left for me to do, except of course move forward.


So as I nurse a very sore knee, I sit here with a smile. As each day passes I am becoming comfortable once again with myself, my life and its direction. I am really beginning to see just how important it is to be happy with myself.


I will continue to post, and keep you updated. Thanks for listening.



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Hello again everyone. I hope all is well??


Its been a week since my last update. I am happy to report that things still look to be getting better!


Every day that goes by, I am feeling better and better about myself, my life and its direction. I obviously cant say that I have everything figured out, because honestly... who really does? But I've got my bases covered.. I am still working hard, and playing even harder. I have hockey again tonight, which although I am dead tired already, I am really looking forward to.


This past weekend, a few friends and I took an 8 hour drive up north, and went fishing on the border of Ontario and Quebec. What a weekend!! Between us, we caught about 40 Pickerel, (Walleye). And I even managed to catch the biggest Pike of my life so far. (37 inches, 14 lbs) I had so much fun, I cant tell you how good it felt to be back doing something I loved, and not feeling bad about it.


Of course, I still think of Jenn. I think about her every day. I miss her greatly, and still love her, but as I said before, something has changed in me. Since our last visit, I just feel different. She has called a couple times since, but I've been away so havent had the chance to talk to her as of late. I'll probably call her tomorrow evening some time.


So thats where things stand for the moment. Back on track it seems. Still in love with Jenn, but moving forward.


Talk to you soon!!




(I'll post a picture of the fish I caught in my bio shortly!!)

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Just when I post that everything is looking up, and Im feeling great, I have somewhat of a down day..


I suppose I could chalk it up to just being a little exhausted, with keeping myself very busy as of late, but today I found myself thinking of Jenn quite often, and feeling sad as well.


It just so happened that all day things would pop up that would remind me of her.... a raspberry vendor at the side of the road, sentimental songs on the radio, conversations about things that I relate with her...


And when I got home, there was another message waiting from her. She just wanted to say hi to me and Parker, hoped that my weekend went well, and that I was safe at home.... that kind of stuff. And hearing that on top of everything else today just made me feel a little sad.


I guess I cant expect an easy road from here on in, but I was extremely happy with the way things were going. I suppose this is one of those hiccups in the healing process I keep hearing about...


I think though, that once we actually catch eachother and can talk again, I will feel better. Perhaps its just that I haven't spoken with her in almost 2 weeks that Im feeling this way?


I dunno. I guess for tonight, I will relax with Parker, and try to get my mind occupied with other things.



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Hey JP, boy are things ever looking up for you! A new place to possibly live, you're enjoying your job more, Cheryl has caught your eye, and you are going out and enjoying life!


You are going to have your days JP, and there are going to be things that remind you of her. Ya can't let it get you down for good though. She was a part of your life for a long time so of course there will be things to remind you of her. Stay focused on yourself and tell yourself it is o.k. to have these things remind you of her.


I hope things continue to go so well!

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Hello WildChild and Hosswhispra.


I realize there will be ups and downs, it just seems impossible to be prepared for the downs. But, if everything in life could be planned for, and things were always easy, a site like eNotAlone probably wouldn't exist.


Im still trying to adjust to life, but am feeling much better about it now. Like you said, she was the biggest part of my life for 4 years, and that just doesn't disappear. I will say, that a lot of my thoughts of her end up with me smiling. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to experience so many wonderful things with her, and I wouldn't trade that for anything. So generally, they are happy thoughts. There are some things that I still wish I could share with her, and thats when I get a little down. She hasn't been up to see a hockey game yet, and that hurts a little. I always look to the stands to see if, by chance, she is there.. I dont know why. Its just that I love it so much, and those are the things I want to share mostly with her.... But the hardest time I have, without a doubt is certain moments with Parker. He makes me laugh so hard sometimes, that I immediately almost cry, because Jenn isn't there laughing along with me at him. I dunno.... certain things I guess just carry stronger bonds than others.




Congrats on catching that fish, JP.


Have you called Jenn back yet?



Thanks! This fishing weekend was one I will never forget. As for calling Jenn back, yes I have. There was no answer, so I left a short message just to say hello, and thank her for calling me. I told her I really look forward to talking to her, and hoped that we would talk soon. And of course, I sent hugs and kisses from Parker. Im sure we will talk soon. I sure do miss her though...





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Hello again everyone.


I just wanted to pop on quick to let you know what is happening tonight. I was at work earlier, and craving a Thai dinner from a restaurant I haven't eatin at in quite a while. So, I picked up the phone, called Cheryl and asked if she would like to have dinner with me.


I am going to meet her there in about half an hour. I am actually pretty excited, and happy to be going. This is one of the restaurants that I generally affiliate with Jenn, but that thought doesn't bother me!


I am going to go, and have a great time... I will let yas know how it turned out!!



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Hello again


So I said I would be back to update on how the dinner with Cheryl went. Well, I guess in one word... wonderful. She is so much fun. The dinner was great, (which is why it is one of my favourites,) but the best part of the evening was definitely in the conversation.


Up until now, we have been acquaintances, I would say. But last night, we just talked and talked. After dinner, we went out, sat in the back of my pickup and talked until 1:00 am. The time flew by, and I enjoyed myself so much. It felt so great to feel comfortable in her company, and I'll tell you something else... I havent laughed that much in a long time.


When we realized what time it was, we said goodbye, but she then turned and asked if she could take me out for dinner next week. And without reservation, I accepted.



I dont know whats happening. I dont know where any of this will lead. The only thing I do know, is that its refreshing to be wearing a smile all day now. I love feeling good about myself again.



As for the situation with Jenn, she called tonight, but again I was out. It dawned on me though, after I heard the message, that I am nowhere near as available to her as I was even a month ago. And 3 months ago, if I missed a call from her, I would have been sad. But tonight, I listened to the message, smiled, and erased it. Ive been saying its time to move forward, and I think it may actually be happening. I still love her, and miss her very much.... but I've done all I can... right?



All I did was give everything I had...





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Hello all, back again


So things are still looking pretty good. I am very busy with work, and it looks as though I'll be moving into that house in a couple weeks. I am very excited about that.


This weekend, my friend's girlfriend has invited a few of us up to her cottage. They even asked me to invite Cheryl. The ones who have met her really like her, and its obvious why. Her and I are going to go out for coffee again this week, and I think I'm going to ask her to go.


I must say though, there is a small part of me that is a little worried... a little troubled about the whole situation. Dont get me wrong, Cheryl is an awesome girl. She's funny, smart, indipendent, and attractive. I find myself thinking about her a little more each day. A big part of me wants her to be there this weekend, if only for the fact that she is fun to hang around with. Still, there is a part of me that wonders if I should be getting myself involved in this situation.


I know that she is interested in me. My sister in law has told me so, and besides that, she makes it pretty obvious. She makes me smile and laugh, and I enjoy spending time with her. When we are in a group, we somehow tend to end up with eachother and talking.


Am I ready to deal with anything past a friendship with anyone? I cant lie and say I dont still love Jenn, because I do. Or is this maybe exactly what I need. When Im with Cheryl, none of these feelings seem to bother me. Its only when I have time to reflect on where I am with everything....


What do you think? I guess most importantly, I dont want to hurt her. I just dont know..



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Jason....the fact that you say all these postive things about Cheryl ..and the way you feel when you are with her..is a VERY positive sign. I think we sometimes have a tendency to talk ourselves out of being happy because we feel guilty. You deserve to be happy. I say let go for now..and jus enjoy the ride. Who knows what will happen??

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Thanks Lady Bugg for your reply.


I was thinking about what you said, and you are right. If I enjoy spending time with her, then why not ask her? So I had planned to ask her when we got together for coffee, but instead, I asked her last night...


I had a hockey game last night at 9:00pm. I've been hoping for such a long time, that during one of these games, I would look over to see Jenn. I want her to at least see one game... So last night, there was about 10 minutes gone from the first period, and when I looked into the stands, who did I see?


Cheryl. She had remembered that last week I told her I was playing at 9:00 this wednesday, so she made a mental note, and came out by herself to watch the game, and hang out afterwards. It was a real surprise, and one that made me smile ear to ear.


So after the game, in the dressing room I was thinking to myself. I've wished and waited so long that Jenn would come and see me. I had this idea that if she really cared as much as she says she does she would make that little effort, because she knows how much it means to me... and she still hasn't.


Seeing Cheryl in the stands, I think was a shock to my system. Like a slap to my emotional face... yelling at me to wake up. I've been hoping and waiting for that sign of compassion and interest from Jenn, looking to validate that special bond and strong feelings... and in an instant, Cheryl's presense sent a strong message.


Stop looking. Stop waiting.


I've been getting back into the grove, trying to pick myself up and move forward, and I think last night was perhaps a sign that I am moving in the right direction. I need to let life run its course, without losing my sanity while trying to mold it into something I think it SHOULD be. Does this make sense?


I try to keep reminding myself that what is in the past is just that. There is nothing I can do about it. Just take what I experienced and learned from yesterdays failures, and success', and apply it towards bettering myself today..




So after the game, we hung out at the arena bar, had a drink, and talked. And when the bar closed, we went outside, and talked some more. We ended up talking until 1:30am again. I asked her if she would be interested in going to the cottage, and she was very excited. So we are going to drive up together.


I am excited about it. At the very least, we will all have a great time, so it will be a fun weekend. I talked to Jenn and she too is going away with a group from her church for a couple days. She is excited about it, and honestly, I hope she has a wonderful time. Next weekend, we may get together for a visit and dinner which will also be great, but for now I am really looking forward to spending time on the lake with my friends... maybe more important, I am looking forward to getting to know Cheryl a little better.



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Great news Jjasonn. Don't worry about hurting Cheryl...there is always that risk, whether you just broke up with someone or you've been single for a while. There's also the risk that she could hurt you. But it's worth it. Have a great weekend at the cottage!

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Hello everyone.


I'm back from the weekend at the cottage, and I thought I would update those of you who want to know, how it went.


I guess really no surprise.. I had a GREAT weekend. I brought my tent, and decided to camp beside the lake instead of sleep in the cottage. Cheryl and I went up together, and when we got there, she helped me set up my tent, then all of us started the afternoon off with drinks at the dock.


So the weather was awesome, and everyone spent the day on the dock enjoying the weather and of course drinking. We played a few drinking games, and with just a quick break for dinner, we played them well into the night. When it got dark, we built a fire pit on the shore, and had a nice fire under the stars.


Pretty much the whole time, my friends started up with Cheryl and I. Making hints that we should hook up. It was pretty funny, and Cheryl took the whole thing really well. No emberassment or anything. Anyhow, when it was finally time to call it a night, Everyone went into the cottage, except Cheryl. She asked if she could spend the evening in the tent. I of course agreed, and while everyone else was sleeping inside, we stayed up in my tent for another few hours and talked. When we were both just too tired to keep our eyes open any longer, we said goodnight, rolled over and fell asleep.


The next day was more of the same. We cooked a GREAT breakfast, and relaxed beside the lake all morning and afternoon. My friends were quite surprised when they found out that Cheryl stayed the night with me. And on top of that, nothing happened. However, their ribbing continued through the day.


Now I've mentioned before that she has made it obvious that she is interested in me. We have went out for coffee a couple times, went to the movies together, went out for a nice dinner, and even took our dogs to a park so that they could play together. And it is no secret that I too have found myself drawn to her. But out of confusion of the way I feel, I have been keeping myself from persuing any type of relationship that involves feelings. Well, that has changed.


I had so much fun on Saturday. Cheryl is a really great girl, and there isn't a thing that I dont like about her (so far lol). And Sunday was more of the same. The thing that stands out the most, is her sense of humor. She had just met most of the friends that were there on Saturday, and immediately, it was as though we had all been friends for years. Of course, my friends are great too, very easy to get along with, but she wasn't uncomfortable in any way at any point.. (even when we had drank too much, and my one friend decided he was getting naked to go swimming, and dropped his clothes right there at the table.)


So on Sunday night, again after everyone was in bed, and we were in my tent, I kissed her. You cant imagine how terrified and nervous I was. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel afterwards, or if at that moment the dynamic would change... but I just did it. We kissed for several minutes, and afterwards, she looked at me, with a huge smile, (most likely because my face was red and my hands were shaking) cuddled up beside me, and with her head on my chest, we fell asleep.


It was a great kiss, and I dont in any way feel awkward, or at all regret it. Sunday morning, she woke me up with another kiss fairly early, and we just laid there cuddling, and talked. She told me that she likes me, and has liked me for a long time. I told her of my peaked interest as of late, and she asked if we would still be going out for that dinner. I told her absolutely.


So this is where I stand today. I've decided once and for all to stop questioning myself, and life, because it is all so hectic and confusing, that the more I try to make sense out of it, the more dumbfounded I become. I can only take the events and opportunities in stride, and try to enjoy it, and be happy with it and myself.


I still have a lot running through my mind, but for now, Im going to go. Parker is antsy to get outside, and i really dont want to bore you with a novel.




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Jason....I am VERY happy for you You are such a great guy...Cheryl sounds great too...please keep looking forward. I think this has a LOT of potential. I am especially impressed that you slept in the tent with her and JUST talked I'm sure she was too.......


Please keep us posted.

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Thank you Lady, Lady Bugg, and Wimpy.


I am taking it one day at a time, and quite honestly enjoying every moment so far.


Cheryl and I have seen eachother a couple times this week for coffee, and tomorrow morning we will be having brunch together. Next weekend is both my friends and his girlfriends birthday, as well as Cheryl's birthday, so the four of us are going to go to his cottage to spend the weekend. I am really looking forward to it. The more Cheryl and I spend time together, the more about her I want to learn. It feels so good to be looking forward to things once again...



As for things with Jenn, she called and left a message last night. She wanted to know how my trip was, and also let me know that she had a great time. She said she missis us, and hopes we can get together soon. It was great to hear her voice, especially her excitement about her summer courses being almost over. I returned her call, and get her machine, so I left a message too. I told her that it is great to hear how excited she is about school, and that I hope she is always smiling. I also told her that we miss her as well, and we look forward to getting together.


I don't know when we'll talk next, or see eachother for that matter. It looks like work is going to keep me really busy for the next month. On top of that, I'm happy to be spending this time with Cheryl as well. But, I do want to see her, so I'll make the time.


That is where things are at the moment. Life is moving on, and I'm trying to learn to roll with the punches again.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Jason, haven't been on for quite a while but just read through your posts since my last time on. First and foremost, I am so happy to hear you took the step with Cheryl. I knew (ok, crossed my fingers) that you would eventually take the next step in the whole healing process and that was: taking the step towards someone new. It sounds as though you two have hit it off like we suspected you would since the day you two met that Sunday.


I do have to say, take caution with meeting up with Jenn. You have a great thing going right now with Cheryl and although it is the beginning stages of what could be a new relationship I can't honestly say that she will be to keen on you and Jenn meeting up. Keep in mind, she knows your whole background with Jenn, or at least has a good gist of it because she is a friend with your s-i-law. Whether Cheryl would come out directly and say it or not, there probably wouldn't be too many ppl that would like to hear that their potential new date is hooking up with their ex. You and Cheryl have been spending some very good quality time together and you are including her in many things. This isn't just a "oh we went on a date or two", this is someone that you want to see, and like it when you do see her. Just some food for thought.


Hope all is still going well since your last post, and hope Parker is doing well too

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Hello everyone!!


Its been a little while since I posted, so I thought I would update you as to how things have been.


Well to start, work has been very very busy. I am out of town during the week now, and back on the weekends. But I am having fun with these jobs. That is kind of a strange thing for me to say, but its true.


The summer hockey season came to an end last week. We played in the championship game on Monday night, and it was a nail biter. We lead 1-0 for almost the entire game, but with only minutes left they tied it up. So it went into a sudden death shoot out, and despite my wrecked nerves, I was able to keep the puck out of the net! So we won, and the best part about it is that many friends and family came out to watch that game. The winter hockey season is starting up in about a month, and I am already excited for it!


Cheryl and I are still getting along great, getting to know eachother and having fun. When I came home friday, we got together and went to a friends to play a little poker. Im not a big fan of it, and she has never played before, but the company was great and we had some good laughs. Yesterday, I picked her up at about noon, and she helped me do some tool shopping. We then went to where my brother and his wife are camping for the week, played cards, had a dinner and stayed for a fire. We spent the entire day together, and it was great. I find myself laughing and smiling a lot more now, and I cant tell you how great that feels. Later tonight we are going to go out for a dinner.


This afternoon, I am going to see Jenn. Parker and I are going to head down there for a couple hours, go for a walk, and probably have a nice lunch. We havent seen eachother in quite some time, and they really miss eachother so we decided to get toghether.


Wildchild, I understand your concern. About being careful with seeing Jenn, while dating Cheryl. I promise though, that there is nothing bad about the situation. Yes, Cheryl knows the situation with Jenn and I, but that just makes it easier. I am not hiding anything from anyone. I told Cheryl that Parker and I were going to see Jenn for a few hours today, and it doesn't bother her at all. She understands that not only is Jenn my ex, a great person and a great friend, but also that her and Parker should spend time together. I think in this situation, the fact that Cheryl is my sister in laws best friend makes things easier. I know they talked about everything. About me, about Jenn, and about the relationship. The thing is about Jenn and Cheryl is that they are both great girls. Both sweet and caring with big hearts. I would never do anything to hurt either of them, and they both know that.


So thats the quick update of what is new with my life. Still pretty busy, hectic and confused at times, but I start and end my days with a smile now. I dont want to be late for the meeting with Jenn, so I should get running. I promise I'll keep you posted with new news.


Thank you guys. Thank you so much for caring.




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