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Pick your poison

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Would you rather have a woman that's fun, like's to party all night, comes over late nights for sex but is also entertaining other men?

Would you rather have a woman that is very impatient and calls and texts excessively when you ignore her calls?

They are both really nice.  The impatient woman is cool, nice and funny most of the time but on the days that i reject or am too busy to take her calls she gets impatient and goes crazy.  She got really upset because after a great date with my family I told her she couldn't spend the night and that she had to go home.  Her feelings were hurt and she said never has a man treated her so cold.

The woman that party's is fun and doesn't mind that we don't go out on real dates.  We just hang out at the party but she's busy most of the time.

Which poison would you rather have?





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Umm, neither?  

If you feel this is a toss up between 2 women, I don't see this as a good thing. ( poison, huh?) 😕 

Your heart & mind should be basically fixed on ONE.

Look at what you are doing here.. and for reason's there's issue's with both of them... yes?

- You have one who's 'fun' but not too available.

- You have another who seems overly sensitive/needy?

So, I can see you pulling away from her eventually.

So.. IF you feel this need to compare or even be involved & confused between the two, do you really think either of them are truly anything special to you?

How about consider getting out of this & stop dragging them along.

Start fresh, in time and be with someone who you DO feel you are compatible with.


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After what you did to second one(if she is the same woman from previous thread) I am surprised she even talks to you at all, let alone something else. 

Leave second one alone, she deserves way better. Stick to the first one, you both seem cut out from the same tree. 

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If you like "entertaining" other women as you put it and the pleasure of the intercourse and being with a woman you consider is "fun"  is worth the risks/poisons of STDs and/or her claiming you're the dad of her unborn child and it's unclear you are-  then stick with number one.  But not number two since you likely are leading her on.  

But know for sure you don't "have"  the first woman - you only get to have sex with her when she's horny and not busy "entertaining" other men.  

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42 minutes ago, Mikeharvey92 said:

 also entertaining other men? They are both really nice.

Since you're dating around/not exclusive, party girl seems like a better option than someone who wants a relationship.

  Maybe it's time for better choices besides these two. Same two women?:


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35 minutes ago, DancingFool said:

Neither. Put down the poison and find someone better.


The moment you are likening potential romantic interests to "poison" is generally the moment when you realize you're sipping from the wrong goblets. You don't keep returning to restaurants that give you food poisoning, after all, no matter how nice the decor or service.

Besides, how would you feel to be deemed "poison" by someone you were spending time with? Honored? Intrigued? Or offended? 

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34 minutes ago, bluecastle said:

how would you feel to be deemed "poison" by someone you were spending time with? Honored? Intrigued? Or offended?

Based on previous posts I would imagine the OP would find it intriguing or an honor.

OP, you seem to pride yourself on being difficult or emotionally unavailable. So perhaps the "poison" isn't only being administered by these women.

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The first girl treats you the way you treat the second girl, you're perfect for each other. Stop stringing second girl along and just be honest with her. If you're not happy with how much attention first girl gives you then I suggest you take a break from the dating scene to reflect on your life.

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Isn't the question: What are you looking for?

Party girl or something serious?   If you don't know what you want in your life then all you are doing is wasting every woman's time you date. 

Stop jerking the cool woman around, it sounds like you are the one making her act this way.

The party girl can take care of herself and only sees you as a temporary ride  and when she grows tired of you there will be another willing participant soon enough.


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7 hours ago, gamon said:

It's difficult to believe someone could be so clueless and cruel at the same time.

And then post not one but two threads asking for opinions on whether their actions are reasonable.

Wait, it's not difficult it's impossible.

I've met enough people with similar (not identical) attitudes in real life to know it's perfectly possible.

Going off the fact that he's liked both of my posts (in this and the previous thread) that were critical of him, as well as other more scolding posts, he's actually quite proud of his attitude and these threads are nothing more than brags about how much of a player he is. I'd wager the only thing he genuinely wants to change about his situation is to try and make girl 1 as attached to him as girl 2.

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