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Quite scary when your PM gets taken into intensive care, lots of conspiracy theories saying it's a publicity stunt to make people take this seriously. Honestly at first I thought that too, but not since it was initially diagnosed. I hope he recovers and his pregnant fiancee n baby are doing ok.


I don’t think it’s a conspiracy theory because when you see him going in he looks like crap. He is as white as the hospital paint. Definitely looks really sick.

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I don’t think it’s a conspiracy theory because when you see him going in he looks like crap. He is as white as the hospital paint. Definitely looks really sick.


Aye he has, hence I only thought it when it was very first announced, it was after a weekend of people going to the beach and not social distancing, so very initially thought it was a stunt, very quickly became evident it wasn't. Sadly a lot people still think it's a stunt.

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My cousin posted a meme which explains that all of this is an elaborate plot by the government to take away protected liberties and to have absolute control over the population. This meme claims that we will all be under a stay at home order forever.


She says it's not as bad as the government and media are making it sound and that they are deliberately inflating the numbers to scare us into submission.


Yeah, people also said other catastrophes were hoaxes too.


Isn't it bad enough without adding conspiracy theories to what everyone's already afraid of?


Funny thing is, she asked her social media friends to repost. So far no one has.

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Doesn't surprise me that Boris is in ICU. He was diagnosed with COVID, what, 10 says ago? This is what happens with COVID - you feel cruddy but manageable for about a week, either like a cold or flu. Then after about a week or so, you either get better or you crash and need help breathing.


He's in ICU now so he's definitely on a breathing machine

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I read online that he had been shaking hands with Covid patients. I have no idea if that is true or not. But if it is, it's another example of why keeping distance is so vital.


I went in to pick up my things at my former work location about 10 days ago. One of my coworkers is a hugger. He started to approach me with his arms outstretched and I told him "no hug!" And he said "Aw, come on!!!" and continued to move toward me with arms outstretched. I backed away, he continued to approach. It got to the point where I was literally running away from him and he would not stop! I finally had to tell him to stop and that I really meant it! He then acted like I'd hurt his feelings. Jeez, dude! This is serious!

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Anyone here watch "Chernobyl" on HBO? Great look at a catastrophe largely caused—at least in the way it metastasized—by human brains not trusting science and human bureaucracies being very, very stubborn when the unknown and the uncertain strikes. Not saying this is that—time will tell, I'm no expert, etc.—but the hugger at work? I mean, I get that. A dude trying to make heads or tails out of a flipping coin, clumsily. Some of those huggers, of course, are in charge of running very large countries.


Weird, weird time to live in.

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Yeah, I've been hearing a lot about the conspiracy stuff too. Someone posted a video on FB where supposedly everyday people are going to the hospitals all over the US and showing that there are no patients, anywhere.

People in Kentucky, NY, Los Angeles, Florida, Texas, Hawaii, etc....all had videos of their hospitals and so called testing sites that were supposedly overwhelmed...and not a soul in sight.


I gotta admit, I don't know if that video or complied videos were real or not, but it did look very spooky. And it got my mind going. Why would they want to be keeping us all inside? :eek:

I also asked loads of people if they know of anyone personally that has Covid and guess what? No one knew of anyone directly. They heard of friends of friends or possible cases...but no one knows of anyone in the ICU or really poorly, etc. Apart from celebs, etc.

That seemed creepy as well.


I don't know. It does make the mind wonder though.

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Hospitals all over the country appear empty because if you travel the US, it isn't hard to find not hard hit areas like in the rural areas and such. People in those areas are avoiding the hospitals and hospitals are canceling things in case of a surge. Hence, empty. Testing sites where I am have been empty because they either run our of tests or because no one shows up because unless you're a healthcare worker, you don't get one.


I'm in a hard hit state. We have dozens in our ICUs and many more in the hospital. People who don't have covid are staying away because they are scared if they go to the hospital, they will get it. I have seen these patients myself. I personally know a few people who have gotten COVID but they were my age and have been doing OK. One of my family members knows people in the ICU. I have a family member working in NYC. Her hospital has 30+ deaths a day of covid alone. She has seen so many die. I've seen pictures of the refrigerator trucks with the body bags in them because there is no morgue space in NYC.


Yet two neighboring countries have few cases so for them, not a big deal. But where I am, we have hundreds!


It boggles my mind that the evidence is out there and people are still entertaining ridiculous conspiracy theories. What is it going to take for folks to trust that this virus is really bad and yes, it actually exists? Dead bodies are literally piling up in pictures and people are still doubting? What is it going to take?

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My son had it, but he’s 18 so for him it was only a 10 day disease, probably the middle six of which were moderately uncomfortable.


It’s caused a fair amount of illness & death and a good deal of fear. That said there’s tons of sensationalism and speculation going on - and trust in the government and media are at all time lows.


It’s been politicized and as the old government axiom goes “never let a good crisis go to waste!” So of course there is spin from all directions, lol.


I understand how people can get unhitched from the science and carried away by fear in these isolated times. I hope things calm down soon and in the meantime we all find ways of spreading love instead of angst.

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I read online that he had been shaking hands with Covid patients. I have no idea if that is true or not. But if it is, it's another example of why keeping distance is so vital.


Herein lies part of the reason a lot of people in the UK aren't taking it seriously. If Johnson wasn't taking it seriously how can he expect the nation to? It's a shame people aren't learning from this, maybe they will now he's in hospital. I really hope he recovers, no one deserves this illness, and our country cannot take any more political unrest especially in this current climate.

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🦹 hmm... was wondering when the tinfoil hat crowd would come out of the woodwork.🤣


My Facebook feed is full of it. Drives me nuts. But when leaders don't take things seriously then how can they expect their nations to? I really hope the UK realise this is a serious threat and pull together (apart) to contain this. I also obviously hope other countries do too. We've got a lot of countries to learn from, Spain, Italy, China etc..

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My Facebook feed is full of it. Drives me nuts. But when leaders don't take things seriously then how can they expect their nations to? I really hope the UK realise this is a serious threat and pull together (apart) to contain this. I also obviously hope other countries do too. We've got a lot of countries to learn from, Spain, Italy, China etc..


Our west coast numbers are just starting to drop. But central and east we still have snowbirds trickling home from the US bringing infection with them. For those who don’t know what snowbirds are snowbirds are retired Canadians who flock to the American south for the winter. When they come home they have a mandatory 14 day quarantine they are supposed to go straight home not stop at a store not stop for anything but who knows what the hell they do.

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Our west coast numbers are just starting to drop. But central and east we still have snowbirds trickling home from the US bringing infection with them. For those who don’t know what snowbirds are snowbirds are retired Canadians who flock to the American south for the winter. When they come home they have a mandatory 14 day quarantine they are supposed to go straight home not stop at a store not stop for anything but who knows what the hell they do.


Oh not good, I hope they are following guidelines and heading straight home!

Glad yournumbers are reducing. We're expecting a second wave soon I think, deaths have gone down, but actual cases will rise as we're able to test our NHS staff and such xx

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Oh not good, I hope they are following guidelines and heading straight home!

Glad yournumbers are reducing. We're expecting a second wave soon I think, deaths have gone down, but actual cases will rise as we're able to test our NHS staff and such xx


Well numbers in one area of the country are just showing a slight decrease the rest of the country is still rising. We haven’t hit our peak yet.

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Snny, I'm so sorry. I am hoping that you and your daughter stay safe. Please make sure you have plenty of Tylenol and fluids on hand.


Sera, is your area doing testing? We are at 600+ I believe with many in the hospital but most citizens cannot get tested!! I think the real number is more like 2k because of this. The only way you get tested here is if you're a healthcare worker like myself or you're sick enough to be in the hospital.


Mild symptoms? You go home, no test, told to quarantine.

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