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Hope's Preggo Thread


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Update.... Woke up this morning just feeling 'not right', hands were swollen and I felt nauseous and like crap... checked my BP and it was 145/95. I had an appt today anyway but called to see if they wanted me to head to the lab first to repeat blood work and they said yes. My BP in the office was 148/98 and another one around the same, I have a good amount of swelling in my hands and feet that is all new and have gained 4lbs in 3 days.


Labs show early pre-eclampsia.... baby looked great on NST and my BP did come down to 104/80 at rest lying on my left side, so they said I could go home on STRICT bed rest (can't take care of my daughter) and I'm doing a 24 hour urine. Go back tomorrow and if the protein is >300 tomorrow he comes out tomorrow (protein on dipstick was negative today) and if not likely strict bed rest all weekend and c-section monday at 39 weeks. Not sure if they will recheck me over the weekend or not.


So, no chance of VBAC, she checked me today and I was 1 cm and 30-40% effaced, not enough for gentle augmentation and can't induce with my previous c-section. The good news is that my platelets were 100K so at least I should be able to get a spinal and not have to be knocked out completely for the surgery.


I'm tired.

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I am sorry Hope but at least some it is good news and you get a healthy baby at the end of it! You become healthy once again after the baby is born right? I heard that pre eclampsia the mother gets better after the baby is delivered. I feel for you, my mom had that with me.

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Awww Hope, big hugs to you! I know you were hoping for VBAC. It is good news at least that you will likely not need general anesthesia for the c-section though. I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and whether this little guy arrives Monday or before, I wish you the best possible experience. I'm sure someday in the future, big sister will be happy that her little brother does not have a b-day "too" close to hers. lol You know how kids think!


Seeing that this is another June baby I'm wondering if his first pair of shoes will be Crocs!


I'm tired.


Rest and make sure you follow that STRICT bedrest order. Maybe your little girl can snuggle up next to you to read a book but let Dad do all the rest.

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Hi Hope... a week or so away from a 'full' delivery date is nothing! I'm sure you and the baby will be fine... it is better not to mess with kidney/BP issues so if you need a C-section, it may as well be sooner before eclampsia kicks in... i've heard so many women with similar issues and everything goes right back to normal once the baby is out... best of luck and your little boy will be here so soon!

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Best wishes and good luck, Hope! I'm sorry to hear that you won't get to try a VBAC, but good news that you will likely get the spinal instead of the general anesthesia. I hope you feel good the last few days and that everything goes smoothly for the delivery. Can't wait to hear the news of a healthy baby boy on this thread!

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Thanks all,


Baby is still baking as of now. I now have mild pre-eclampsia with this pregnancy (which I also had with my daughter but hers was worse earlier). I barely squeaked by on my tests yesterday so the plan is for me to continue bed rest and restest/recheck tomorrow and if the labs, baby or I are worse we deliver tomorrow, if not I have a scheduled c-section for this coming tuesday morning. So either way in 3 days' time I should be holding my new little one!

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Wow - in three days or less you'll have a baby! That's so exciting. I hope you do well on the tests tomorrow so the baby can stay in a bit longer (plus I want avman to win the bet). Do you have everything ready at home for baby's arrival? Are you just taking 6 weeks mat leave?

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Wow - in three days or less you'll have a baby! That's so exciting. I hope you do well on the tests tomorrow so the baby can stay in a bit longer (plus I want avman to win the bet). Do you have everything ready at home for baby's arrival? Are you just taking 6 weeks mat leave?


thank you sophie!


I work per diem now (basically when I want to) because I stay home and take care of my daughter during the week and only work weekends when my hubs is around to watch her so we don't have to do day care. I'll be taking the full 12 weeks off and then going back. I think we are mostly ready for him at home... nursery is about 90% done but he'll be sleeping in our room with us for awhile anyway so there's no rush.


I hope Avman doesn't win the bet... (although I guess with a c-section it would be OK if baby were really big.)

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Good luck Hope! I'm sure you'll do great. I hope they get you in nice and early so you don't have to be starving from fasting and you can have your little guy in your arms. I remember being so hungry the day I had my son. They took me in at 10am which wasn't bad but I was ravenous because I was so used to having a big breakfast with my big self. lol Apparently if there are emergency c-sections your time can get bumped up further.



We are all rooting for you and the little guy!

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