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Hope's Preggo Thread


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Yes same reaction here and so happy to hear things are going well. I remember feeling something around 17-18 weeks but not real kicking. Just to cheer you up Hope, I once saw a cartoon -man and woman sitting together on the sofa, with a baby on the woman's shoulder kicking against her head. She says "I feel the baby kicking!"


Good luck with all ....

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  • 1 month later...

Hey All,


It's been awhile since I posted so I figured I give a quick update! I am almost 25 weeks now and have finally reached 'viability', meaning baby Hope has a chance of survival if he were to be born now. Everything is going well, baby boy is healthy, growing on target, and I feel pretty good. Finally having a drama free pregnancy!


I'll keep you posted.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi All,


Just a quick update: I am 30 weeks along now and we had a growth ultrasound to check on baby boy yesterday. I have only gained 8lbs and had lost a 1/2 pound in the last 2 weeks but am measuring perfectly. Baby boy looks great! They estimate him at around 4lbs 1oz and in the 79th percentile for his gestational age. My midwife said he's BIG, LOL. Placenta looks great, no signs of an bleeds, baby moving all around and looking great, and my blood pressure is good too.


Hopefully we'll continue this way and in 10 weeks have a healthy boy (and maybe a big one!)

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YAYYYYYYYYYY HOPE!!!! I'm so glad things are going well!


Hopefully we'll continue this way and in 10 weeks have a healthy boy (and maybe a big one!)


hmmm it might be time for "Guess the birthweight of Hope's baby" game again. I know the last time we played someone guessed 16lbs.lol


I'm going to put my bets in at 8lbs 2oz.

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Two excellent guesses, ladies, but I'm going to raise it even higher at an even 10 lbs.


Awesome. And I took so much crap last time I guessed over 10 lbs in the poll I'm thrilled someone else beat me to it this time.


I'll see your 10 lbs and raise it 6 oz.

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