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About 3 weeks of when she managed to get to me.


When I think about months leading to breakup,they were awfull. I was going through bad time and she did all she could to make it worse. She was just picking fights. I do understand why,but I would never want this to happen again. I'm so much better off now. It feels good to be single, I might not be happy because of my life,but in a way I am kind of happy "inside".


Things really do get better.



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Day 31 i made 30 days of NC!


Saw you with a new girl holding her hand, so not surprised, I new I would leave a horribly big void in your life you didn't see that coming, you also bet a friend you wouldnt get with her, but you're emotionally weak, this makes me sad, I hoped you'd work on improving yourself, but nope, I was going to send you a message saying hope everything is going well, but...I think another month of NC or even never maybe be better, good luck with this immature needy girl!

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Day 1 of tracking and documenting this although it's been a few days since we last spoke now, and about 2 months since everything went down. I still think about her all the time. I still get randomly emotional at random points. I'm still not the real me. I'm much more reserved. I have little motivation for anything. I snap at people much more easily. I'm in a rough spot. I want to speak to her at the end of the month or so, but let's see how I'm feeling at the end of all this. Hopefully this will help.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Day 1


Well, here is to starting the NC challenge. Again, again, again

I hope that someone else joins me? It seems this thread has gone dead for quite a few days.

Tomorrow I'm going to Nebraska for a project. It's gonna suck. Oh well, it will keep my mind occupied.


Things will get better over time!

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After 7 long months of the actual breakup he went nc about 35 days ago. I was nc too, then broke it about a few days ago. When he ignored my attempt I told myself I'll never try again and here I am starting from day 1 but I am stronger because 35 days already technically passed from last talking. If i had advice for people that just broke up id say go nc immediatley. I wish i did. The break up period was almost as long as my relationship and it cause worser resentment, stupid outburts. We wound up hating one another and be4 the breakup we didnt. So def mutually stay civil if u really love the person theres hope for a future. Still talking after a breakup kills it all and prob no hope for a future. Once u start dating others and telling ur ex it makes it sticky and thats what nc is used for . To stay silent...keep them guessing. And to heal. Goid luck

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After 7 long months of the actual breakup he went nc about 35 days ago. I was nc too, then broke it about a few days ago. When he ignored my attempt I told myself I'll never try again and here I am starting from day 1...


It sounds like you are on the right track! Stay strong!! But be careful not to lose yourself in the whole "I am doing NC to get my ex back."

NC is not a game... it is for healing yourself, regardless of reconciliation.

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Hello Everyone, I've fallen off the wagon. We have been keeping in contact while he is currently deployed. Honestly, I wish I would've done a clean break. Dragging things out because you're hopeful almost never works. If the relationship is meant to work out, it will. With that being said, tomorrow will be DAY ONE again. Wish me luck. Tired of this pain.


Wondering if I'll even meet someone who will accept me for me. Someone who is looking for someone genuine. Everyone is finding love, getting married and having babies and I can't even land a date or keep someone's interest

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I started NC on 31/10/16 after meeting my ex on 30th. Breakup has been since Dec last year. Tried several times to try to win him round but I kept making the same mistakes. Found out he's dating someone new a couple weeks ago he still is. Won't talk about it to me & said he wanted to be friends. I said I'd only wanna get back together so if I can't have that then I'll cut him out. Feeling okay today, Monday and Sunday night I cried but I didn't last night. Just feel so down about the realisation I'm not his girl anymore

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Day 5


Feeling good! Planning a visit to see one of my best friends for thanksgiving. It makes things so much easier when you have support. Tomorrow I am returning home from my trip, so I'm scared that I might fall back into depression and anxiety attacks again (I live alone and it's been hard). I'll just have to stay busy and go out. Keep going, everyone!! Better days will come.

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Day 4 - I feel really good today. Good day at work and my friends want to go out on Saturday. I've temporarily deleted all social media apps that I have to give myself a bit of a cleanse and take some time to be productive in moving on & continuing on the right path

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Day 1


Yeah, day 1 again. Yesterday I got a message from him. He said "I wanted to break up but I miss you so much", followed by other messages that contradicted each other. Messages about how we should still try but also break up.

It's so painful. Too painful. And after him ignoring me for weeks, it just feels like one big game he is playing.

I've had enough. So I decided to do it. I told him that we need to break up. And I left it at that.


And now all the feelings and memories are going through me and hitting me like daggers. It's like ripping a bandaid but the pain doesn't disappear after. It just gets worse. I would never wish this pain on anyone.


On top of that, I lost my computer in the airport last night. Not a great day for me.


If someone out there are reading my updates, know that you are not alone in this excruciating pain.

But we must keep going. We must be strong. And kind to ourselves. Today is just another day.

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Day 5....I still don't have my social media apps but I logged into Facebook and checked - twice - for any indication he had been online. He's told me once this year he had looked on my profile so seeing as its day 5 I wondered if he got curious and checked. I'm kinda reasoning to myself that he's with someone else only because it didn't go anywhere with me. If I hadn't found out, he would've continued meeting me im sure. We hadnt spoke in a few weeks, met up then he met this other girl on the Sunday & I found out that night & went a lil nuts. Maybe he does like her tho. I still think she's the consolation prize but maybe I just wanna feel better about it all. Still feeling good about NC. Trying to assure myself that I'm not feeling down about him it's just my ego talking. Would I actually even want him in my life. I duno. Enough thinking about it for one day

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