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Everything posted by Butterfly1983

  1. Day 6 of no contact. I miss him tons but this may be best for the time being.
  2. No contact ( reboot). Starting again tomorrow. Sigh. Wish me luck
  3. I miss you so much. I truly saw my future in your eyes. I wish you would come back and give us another shot. This hurts so bad.
  4. You're very welcome. Feel free to message me as well. I'm not doing to well on my end...we're going back and forth. Nothing bad, friendly and better than before but I just know I cannot deal with the situation as is. I'm going to try my hardest to go NC again tomorrow. sigh
  5. Air hugs to you. While we know it isn't the worst pain in the world, it sure does feel like it is
  6. I had to temporarily delete my facebook account so I wouldn't keep looking on his page or hers. I miss him. The last four months have been difficult. We've been communicating again. Sigh. Tomorrow I will start all over again. Day 1! I just want to make it 30 days.
  7. Hello Everyone, I've fallen off the wagon. We have been keeping in contact while he is currently deployed. Honestly, I wish I would've done a clean break. Dragging things out because you're hopeful almost never works. If the relationship is meant to work out, it will. With that being said, tomorrow will be DAY ONE again. Wish me luck. Tired of this pain. Wondering if I'll even meet someone who will accept me for me. Someone who is looking for someone genuine. Everyone is finding love, getting married and having babies and I can't even land a date or keep someone's interest
  8. I tried to get out of bed today and stay out but it didn't work. I'm back in bed with my head buried under the sheets. This hurts. If I see one more army or match.com commercial, I may pass out
  9. I truly thought you were "the one." I thought you would be different. We didn't have a blowout or anything. We just parted ways because you said you needed to focus on your career post retirement. You said you'd come back; however, I want to move on. I told you I'd be with you good or bad but somehow that wasn't enough. I wish the phone would buzz with you on the other line but I'm sure it won't. I'm on day 6 now and I've managed to overcome the urges to contact you. You essentially broke things off so it's up to you make the contact. Military life isn't easy and I hope you're safe during your deployment. I was invested, you were not. I feel foolish.
  10. 5th day of no contact. It's still hard and I sometimes I have to power down my phone to keep from contacting him and keep from looking at the phone. It's getting a little easier EACH day. I hope to be at the point of no return sometime soon. I know I'm type of person that once I reach a certain point and my feelings are gone, there is NO turning back. It has NEVER happened. With each day that passes, I'm able to see things more objectively. I'm not making as many excuses and I'm looking at the situation for what it is now rather than what I hope it to be. I'm still struggling because I still want to work things out. We didn't have a bad break up, it's just simply he's in the military with a new assignment and not much time, or rather he does not want to make the required sacrifice. There was no blowout...nothing. It was a simple discussion. But life goes on.
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