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Everything posted by mandeelove

  1. Wow whats meant to be will be even after many many years! Glad to read your story. Good luck
  2. I wanted to say also i had a bad break up feb 2016. I used to read this looking for hope. So many months passed. We never got back together. Its been a year and i have a wayyy better life now !!!. Mentally i am stron and happy and calm. He made me nuts as i see that in hindsight. If i knew now what i knew then i would have never had contact for months after the breakup. I see my breakup as a blessing but it sucks sometimes we have to hold on and hurt ourselves. Do dumb things like chase them when in the end u come to realize they are nothing to chase. They dont deserve us. I was the dumpee and i now see if someone can hurt u so bad, they never really loved u. Dont cry or waste years of your life wanting them back. I wasted months thinking of this guy who ultimately neverrrr came back. I feel like i never lived in 2016. It was all a blur. My advice to others is move on day 1 of breakup. Mentally say they will never come back. You can do serious damage and waste your life in a dream.
  3. After 7 long months of the actual breakup he went nc about 35 days ago. I was nc too, then broke it about a few days ago. When he ignored my attempt I told myself I'll never try again and here I am starting from day 1 but I am stronger because 35 days already technically passed from last talking. If i had advice for people that just broke up id say go nc immediatley. I wish i did. The break up period was almost as long as my relationship and it cause worser resentment, stupid outburts. We wound up hating one another and be4 the breakup we didnt. So def mutually stay civil if u really love the person theres hope for a future. Still talking after a breakup kills it all and prob no hope for a future. Once u start dating others and telling ur ex it makes it sticky and thats what nc is used for . To stay silent...keep them guessing. And to heal. Goid luck
  4. Day 1 of NC. Made 24 hrs. Very very hard !!! I blocked from all media, changed my phone number. No way of reaching me yet i miss him. Hope i make 30 days !!!!
  5. Im on 3 months of NC but I miss my ex deeply and I was giving up on him. I felt 3 months was SO long but i read stories of nc for way longer before the ex calls. These stories really inspired me and my breakup wasnt even drama filled. So maybe theres a chance !
  6. January 2nd was the last day i heard my ex voice. Nc since then. Some days are easy.some day grow hard and i get angry at him and myself . But theres progress in every day.
  7. And just for the record i still love him. It seemed to get worse over time as far as the missing Him goes .
  8. At what point do we still count nc or just start to live life again because im at 11 weeks..... and i think its safe to say its over . Have not seen or heard from the ex.
  9. Im on 7 weeks no contact and miss him more thaninthe beginning. Is something wrong with that? Shouldnt nc get easier?
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