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Annie's Journal of Dating and Body Hair Removal


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Thanks MM! All the best to you!


My new years has started off interestingly. I went to the animal shelter this morning and walked a crazy 1 year old dog (pit bull). The dog first didn't want to walk and started "pancaking" on the sidewalk. So I dragged her for several feet and then she's like, "ok, fine, I'll walk." Then she goes to a hair salon's stoop and goes diarrhea there. Ugh. ugh. Then I'm trying to clean it up and then she starts lapping at it!! eww, no!!!!! I walked her around for an hour (more like she was pulling me for an hour). Then I took her back to the shelter and cuddled with a kitten. 5 months old, little grey tabby, was purring so loud! she jumped up on my shoulder and just wanted to cuddle and bite the glasses off my face. I'm not dying of allergies, amazingly. After that, I went to the homeless womens' shelter, donated a pair of hiking boots I've worn twice in 6 years and donated a ton of soaps and lotions (some xmas presents, but I also collect them when I stay in hotels and donate them).


Came home, showered, and then napped. That was nice. Need to clean, and maybe I'll do some work from home today.

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Hmm...does Carol's guy ever tell her that he loves her? A straight-up "I love you"?


good lord, no. i mean, he's just told her that he's not ready to commit to her. i think if he told her something like that, she would have told me. apparently, he's only had 1 gf, that was 10 year ago. He was 31, she was 38. She broke up with him because she wanted marriage and babies and he "wasn't ready."

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I am sooo fricking tired. Yesterday, after I got home from the animal shelter, I took a shower and slept from noon - 7 PM. Cleaned a little, and went back to bed from 9:30PM-8 AM this morning. crazy. though that was very nice, I don't get to ever sleep as much as I'd like.


back at work, though it's a holiday. I have a lot to do.....

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gah. so, there's this guy i'm talking to from okcupid. he texts me on friday night at 9 and asks if i want to go out. i say no, i'm already in bed. he says let's go out. i say i'm already in bed because i have a headache and am not feeling well. he says, ok, feel better. we texted a little bit yesterday. today he texts again and asks if i can hang out today. i say i really can't hang out today (i just have a lot to do). i told him, in general, i need a few days notice. he said we can hang out next weekend. I told him i'm busy on friday. he said, 'ok when are you free?' i said i can do saturday night. he said ok.


sigh. i hate this laziness of last minute hang outs. i'm not predicting anything good with this one.

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spent all day yesterday cleaning. (well, did a little work). Since I moved here uh.... 3 years ago, i had a few boxes left to unpack. I made my way through one of them last night, and now just have 2 more boxes to go, yay!! The problem is that these boxes are full of random crap, which is why they are so hard to sort. I found:


1) my notes from a course I TAed 13 years ago

2) floppy disks

3) 1998 Jock Jams cassette

4) My birth certificate

5) old tins of mints

6) a glove I bought in Italy

7) christmas gift tags (would have been helpful a few weeks ago!!)

8) random letters from friends


see, I can't just throw away the box and be done with it, as it apparently has important things (like my birth certificate!! It just means I have to go through, piece by piece. I'm working on getting the last 2 done this week. sigh.....


We can get rid of tax documents more than 7 years old, right???

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So... New Year's Resolutions:


1) Carol complains I only drink wine and coffee (and diet coke, don't forget that!) and she thinks I need to drink more water. Ok, I will do that, at least try to. I like adding slices of orange to my water, helps me drink it.

2) Unpack all the boxes! lol.

3) Lose weight - I gained way too much, partially because Logan liked it.... which is really stupid. I can't say that I gained on purpose, but I wasn't trying to eat super clean in 2014 either. So, now I'd like to lose weight, to get back into my cute clothes, and also so I don't get a stroke later on in life or whatever. I'm going back to weight watchers and tracking. Tracking for me is the most important, because it helps me keep my goals in check and to make sure I'm eating enough veggies and not too many treats.

4) Learn more about coding and statistics - I bought a stats book, and have some python and R books as well. I might enroll in a coursera course if I see one that's up my alley.


Hm... now reading them, the problem with my goals is that I haven't written anything concrete (ie, lose 30 pounds, or drink 60 ounces of water a day....) So... ok, let me add some numbers:


1) Drink 8 cups of water a day (Carol's nutritionist says we should drink 100 ounces a day!)

2) Unpack and sort the last 2 boxes

3) Lose 50 pounds

4) Complete 1 Coursera course on Statistics or Python, and go through at least 12 chapters of the used Biostats textbook I just bought.


I just got a new pair of sneakers (old ones were getting worn in the back of my heel and giving me blisters, gah!) I also went to the grocery store and stocked up on fruits, veggies, Boca products, greek yogurt, and whole wheat bread.

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I like the Dannon Light and Fit Greek yogurt. It's 80 calories, no fat, 12g protein. Love it so much. I eat at least one a day.


I try to get ~60+ Oz a day but it's hard. Even when I'm in a hospital that has a lot of water and ice machines sitting around. I think crystal lite helps some. I try to drink mindlessly, in front of the TV or something, because I find it easier to drink when I'm not thinking about it, haha.


I found biostats to be very difficult. I love science but not math. Good for you!

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went to the dr. today for my ingrown toenails. She referred me to a podiatrist and i got a flu shot too. my blood pressure is 114/60. Good. My weight is.... ugh. Don't ask. But, I've been good about tracking and exercising since Jan 1 so that's good...


Spent some time reading on Baggage Reclaim today. And made roasted brussel sprouts again.

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I think I bought the Dannon today. It was on sale. My absolute favorite though is Fage 0%. It is super creamy. I love putting in berries and some granola and a bit of honey or sugar. I love that.


Oh, my new favorite show is "Girls." love it!!


Girls! We watched together! haha. Happy New Year my love!!!!

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I was watching the episode last night where Hannah is lamenting the fact that her rival from school wrote a book about her boyfriend who killed himself. Meanwhile, Hannah is struggling to write her own book. Then her friend Jessa is trying to comfort her.


link removed: Your boyfriend should kill himself. You deserve it.

link removed: Well, thank you. But you're just saying that because you love me.

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That's cool!! I remember in weight watchers, they gave us a suggestion of having veggies cut up in the fridge, ready as a snack. The leader said when you're hungry, the last thing you want to do is wash dirty celery. She suggested having a tray ready to go so if you get the munchies, you can have some veggies.

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Things that rub me the wrong way: People on Facebook asking for donations for their wedding reception. I don't know this woman in real life (but we're part of the same organization, so we have many mutual friends). She announced that she and her fiancé of several years have finally set a wedding date and they're seeking donations. These people are both in their 30s, and it's not really clear to me why they can't scrape together the money for it. Who knows - maybe they had medical problems or something else happened, but geez, if I donate over Facebook, do I get an invite to the wedding? or not? weird....

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$1-$49 = honourable mention at the reception

$50-99 = wedding invite

$100-199 = wedding invite, +1, 2 drink tickets

+$200 = all of the above, plus get your picture taken with the bride! ($5 if you want it framed)



What a great idea! I can have a wedding and have all of my guests pay for it! /sarcasm

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One of my friends moved out to the prairies...and they have wedding socials, where the future bride and groom host a party and sell tickets. They then use that money to fund the wedding. Everyone does it for everyone kind of thing.


I think it's super weird.


I have a former client on fb...who is having problems with her cat, and she's seeking funding to get his med bills paid. Then when people say things like, "if you can't afford a pet, you shouldn't have one" she freaks out and says people are picking on her.


Tacky. People are tacky.





Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who cringes when they see people shamelessly asking for money like that to fund their...life. We are getting married. Weddings are expensive. Come to our fundraiser. Send us money. Not only for marriages but for everything.


haha faraday. I remember when socials were hosted by friends. I've done it for a few friends. It's tacky IMO when people do it for themselves. But socials themselves are a good idea IMO.It's an easy way to support people and see people without necessarily going to the wedding! And if you don't want to go, buy a ticket and there...congrats. Sorry I couldn't make it! heehee

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My dad's dog was sick a couple years back and even though my dad makes well over $100k a year and owns 2 houses, 3 cars, and a motorcycle, not to mention 4 expensive pure bred dogs, he posted on facebook to ask for help to pay for his dog's treatment. My sister's husband went off on him, commenting how my dad won't even put the money on my nephew's college fund that he promised he'd start when my nephew was born and won't even acknowledge my nephew. My dad hasn't talked to my sister since then I believe.


He deserved it though.

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