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Everything posted by dikaia880

  1. I do not know what will come out of the email... Do I regret it, not at all...How can I regret telling her how I feel... I said nothing upsetting...the only thing I worry is that it may come accross as...hey I got into school, are we going to be together? Which is sort of pressure...but I tried to limit that pressure as much as I could while still saying the things I needed to say...I did ask is she's with someone...I felt that she had asked me before, told me heart hear was still with me, I feel I deserve to know, for my own sake... So what happens....I don't know, she usually seems to check her email in the late afternoon...so I have to wait all day...maybe she emails me and tells me off and then I can move on...maybe she doesn't respond, again I move on, maybe we talk and not much changes...maybe we talk and figure something out for the future...I do not know, but how can I regret speaking my heart?
  2. Oops... Okay, I sent her an email...Now I'm not so sure i should have, but it's done. I don't think it came of needy, pleading, or begging....I did tell her what i wanted, I did say somethings that may not have been in my best interest...but I did what I did to get some kind of closure...I hope that is what I get... I shall pray that either way, I can get on with my life, the way it was either 3 months ago, or a year ago, either way...to be truly happy again.
  3. Well, sh@#ty weekend after all...She called, I called her afterwards and left a message (like she asked me to, if I didn't answer) well she never called back, and now I don't know where I stand...i'm hurt once again... I have made a final decision....I will swing for the fences in hopes that I can play in game seven...sometimes in life you have put all your chips in the pot, lay down your cards, and hope that you win the hand and can keep playing...if not you move on, get some more money, and find another table to play at... Wish me luck, I know most will try to talk me out of it...but I don't not choose to live in a way that throws my emotions up and down... As one of my buddies fiances said to me last night...."dikaia, you know all of us girls love you, and we all know that you are a huge catch, we hate to see you suffer over a girl when you can get any girl you want...dikaia...you are one of the best guys in the world, you don't deserve to be played around with...give it one more go than move on...you'll be happier." I will listen to her, and let God decide whats in store for me...I choose to not play games anymore...I shouldn't have to.
  4. Hey all, I did not go to see her or call her...She did stay!!!! Stay to see me, I don't know...she didn't call until like 6 in the afternoon, I have a dance to be at with my old Fraternity, she may come stop by or whatever, but at somepoint I will see her tonight....So I'm just going to be myself...it helps to be around all my fraternity brothers...they're really great guys and I'm always in a great, fun mood when I'm putting down a couple beers...Well wish me luck, I'm sure your all sleeping but...I will post tomorrow and let you all know what happens!!!
  5. okay all, so I'm up here..should I call her, go to her pub...one of my buddies is there...or should I do nothing and she if she calls??? Hope someones still up!
  6. Okay I don't know what the plan is but I got a 5 hour drive to figure one out. Wish me luck...I'll see (well talk) to you all on monday morn!
  7. Spatz I hope you didn't think mine was negative... GeeCee I think what happened was a good thing! It may not make a huge difference in the long term, but everynow and then short term is great! And it wasn't need that brought you to him last night, you went to him, he needed you whether he knew it or not...but he will definitely be thinking about it. Wish me luck, I'm heading to her town right now...Good luck everyone with this weekend in whatever your doing...Hope I don't miss to much being away from the computer...You got that GeeCee, no more dirty talk until I get back!
  8. hmmm... I think it's good and not so good....It shows that you want him, too much? We all talk about being aloof and all that, butyou also gave him a lot....fullfilled some definate needs...not just the sex. Also I think guys respond to this sort of thing more...even if we breeak up with a girl, more times than not she can seduce us...Long term effectiveness, I don't know if it gets you anywhere in the long term, but it definitely helps in the short term, and I don't think it hurts the long term at all. I say you had a good night...he was reaching out to you, and you were there for him! No bemusedment here, if i understand the word right, I'm still just thinking about...well you know what I'm thinking about
  9. yeah, dogs are great I miss my lab...he wasn't that well behaved, except when he was with my pops, or when we were out hunting...he was two different dogs...crazy and high strung normally, but in the fall out in the duck boat he was one of the best hunting dogs in the state. Weimer's are nice dogs...I think the next one I get will be a cheasepeak bay retriever.
  10. Hey, Sorry for the off topic comments, but I noticed you have a dog named gabe...thats a great name for a dog, I had a black lab named Gabe, but I had to put him to sleep right after christmas... Okay just thought I'd comment on the coincidence, I've never heard of any other dog having that name...
  11. Okay...so my Winning thread...well It got moved...I don't want to move...I like this forum...Oh well... Okay so everyone, wish me a little luck for this weekend...I don't know if I'll get the chance to see her or not... I could go stop by her pub tonight, but i'd have to get some buddies to go with...or is it better to not stop in and see if it bothers her that i didn't when I was in town? I wouldn't be able to talk to her much anyways...probably get some good eye contact in though...oh well, we'll see what happens... Let me know if any of you have any advice or ideas... "I know a lot, I'm a very smart person, except when it comes to whatever situation it is that I'm facing at the moment...then...I'm a dumba$$!"
  12. Yeah, one wild night...whew, laundry...tv...it doesn't get much crazier! Oh GeeCee, I guess I just threw out the "just kidding" part so I sounded a little aloof, you know playin my game!
  13. Hey, thats a very hard thing to do, and you did it in a very respectable way...It shows you are a good person. It's pretty obvious that you want/need sometime alone to get your emotions and feelings straight...Don't let him guilt you into staying with him, if time is what you want/need he should respect that and give it to you, whether your breaking his heart or not... Just tell him...I need time to think about myself and my desires and I can't do that while we're together... best of luck, I know it's hard
  14. Feb and G...I wish I could come visit you guys too...I mean, it would be nice to talk about stuff....you know, our feelings and stuff...over a nice bottle of red or white, whatever the moo...and then you know maaaaaaaayyyyyyyybbbbbeeeeee I could watch you guys have dirty girl sex.... ...no, i'm serious...please? okay think about it... Okay time to get some sleep...and I think I'll have plenty to dream about thanks to GeeCee and Feb! just kidding....good night all!
  15. Okay let me think... "I'd rather watch two girls than a guy and a girl...I mean I don't like guys, so why would I want to see that?" OR "Two girls...always better than one!"
  16. Honestly forget him...Your really, really young...I can't even remember most of the names of the girls I dated at your age...and it wasn't that long ago...the chances that he's worth all the pain he's giving you is slim... Move on if he comes back to you, tell him too bad.
  17. Cheer up bud, this will all get better eventually.... I hate to keep beating the positives into you, but one thing to remember when you're expecting the worst, that will show...it will come through showing a lack of confidence and a neediness....things we all want to avoid. Get some sleep and at least think of some of the positives...
  18. That sounds like you taking me for granted GeeCee! Actually at this point my mind is still stuck on what you said to February a couple posts back...kind of hard to think of an 'ism at this point...maybe later
  19. Being young is tough...knowing what you want is hard...to me it doesn't seem like you want to be with him...don't let him pressure you into something you don't want... It just doesn't seem right for a 16 year old girl and a 21 year old guy...sure it's doesn't look bad from your side going up to it....but why is a 21 year old going after as emotional put it "jail bait?" To me it seems a little creepy...now if you were 21 and he were 26 that would be different...but it's too easy for an older guy to put pressure and control a young girl... It just doesn't seem right to me...but you do have to follow your heart...and I think that if you re-read your post you already answered your question...and i wonder if he's already puttin pressure on you to do something you don't want....Do Not let him!
  20. So In another forum...a couple of us have been going around with this idea...we've been dumped trying to win the back or over and one of us said why not say in a half serious, joking manner..."You know one day you'll realise we're right for each other..." Leave it at that.. Bottom of the 9th guy on first, 2 strikes two outs, game 6 of the world series...if you want to play in game seven you'll have to hit one out... Okay now that I've said that....will it work, I don't know....is anything else working? doesn't seem like it... How do you go about saying that...it'd have to be in a comfortable position in a conversation that it can reasonably fit into...and then it needs to be on your way out the door...afterwards it's all about no contact, and when she gets a hold of you...then you go from there... I don't know if it will work...i'd like to see what some others think about it too...
  21. No Spatz...it has nothing to do with the other day... She simply hopes your okay! the more I think about this, the more i doubt she saw you... Don't ask her if it was her you saw the other day....Just tell her you saw her the other day...feel the reaction listen to the answer...but don't read into it beyond normal means.
  22. My thoughts exactly majord....what have we missed??? I mean I know your a little bummed right now GeeCee, but you don't gotta play for the other team now...switch hitting...now thats all good!
  23. Where does the mom stand on this one...as far as her thoughts about you...if you asked her not to tell your ex, would she anyways? I think it would have to be 99% certain that she wouldn't reveal you on this one... Otherwise you may be stuck getting it yourself... the other thing is if the guy she worked with liked her, you can't trust his answer... also he could ask her, she'd say yeah i have a guy because maybe she would think she's getting asked out and didn't want to go out with him...I know a lot of girls that lie about having b/f when someone they don't like asks them out...
  24. At this point go from the viewpoint that you are not sure it was her...and you are not sure she has a boyfriend... If you could trust that guy that she works with, to absolutely not say a word...then it's good but you must be certain...
  25. yeah I know....I just had to give it to ya.
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