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Everything posted by dikaia880

  1. Damn...good night for Spatzy... Now Don't get your hopes up..it will show...I say keep doing what your doing...I think Beec would be proud, seems to me you did what he's been telling us all along... You listened...I did not....look at our positions Keep it up bro!
  2. Oh GeeCee, you caught me...I'm just fishing here, trying to put answers in my head that I know I really can't find...just like all of us!
  3. Okay so some of you know my story, if not look up my Venting... thread.. I swung for the fences, took one last stab at trying to see where I stood with her, well where i stand is outside of the ballpark...but I kinda expected it... So here's a question...not necessarily towards my situation, but it does affect it... When a girl says...I'm not ready for a serious relationship, I just want to be alone until I figure out what I want... What does it really mean? When a guy says it it usually means I want to get out there and play the field...at least from all my buddies who've said it. Can you take a girl's word on that, or is it just a "nice" way of putting a guy down?
  4. No not bailing...It just most of the time I post I'm at work... The boss lady said she noticed me using the internet (this site) a couple times yesterday, and if she sees me doing it at any time other than my lunch break, she'll have to go to Information Systems dept and look up my internet usage...then I'd be in trouble, as I'm on here pretty much all day...kind of dumb...but I need my jobby job until I go back to school...gots to pay the bills somehow... I'll still be around, just not as much!
  5. oops boss yelled at me for internet use...I won't be on here as much any more...hope all goes well for everyone
  6. I'm trying not to listen to the sad songs, but one that gets me going... My ex used to ask if she could keep me...at first she'd ask "can I keep you for awhile?" Then it turned into "can I just keep you?" Well.. Shania Twain has this song called "Forever, and For always" Says basically the same thing that she used to say to me...it hurts like hell, but when I know I need to let out some pain and cry, but just can do it I throw that song on...sometimes you just need to cry. Again...everybody, check out O.A.R. i'm telling you it's the best music out there right now!
  7. Remember When is a great song... if you're checking out country look up Kenny Chesney's "on the coast of somewhere beautiful" I'm also always telling people on here to check out a band called O.A.R... their an amazing band...it helps put a lot of things straight in my mind...a lot of positives about life that make you look at the good in your life rather than the negative!
  8. You Know how they say that you have to learn from your mistakes? Well Spatz...learn from mine....don't tell her how you feel...just have fun with her, no pressure on yourself....I don't think that there is one important moment. It's kind of like when your playing at duece in tennis...you have to win two points to win the game... You could tell her how you feel, "swing" for the fences right? You'll get an answer...but it's not going to be good, no matter how much I thought I was prepared to hear the 'wrong' answer I still hoped that there would be the answer I wanted...i didn't get that... Have fun watching friends, hang out, and just be the guy she fell for in the first place... I wasn't able to do that at this point...maybe in the fall, but if you can do it, by all means do..
  9. well my arms are a little sore from that big swing I took last night...I couldn't sleep, but at the same time I wasn't down...it's an odd feeling I have right now
  10. Big swing...and a miss. Okay so maybe taking that home run cut was wrong of me... It looks like i have a long off season to get ready for So, she says she's not ready for a serious relationship and doesn't feel that we can make each other happy right now...or if we will ever make each other happy...And a bunch of other things.. So why I'm I not writing all kinds of crap about why my life sucks? Because it doesn't...I know that, at least right now, she's not the one for me...and I don't have to play games anymore. I have closure... I just called her after i sent an email, I think she probably expected me to be all down, but I'm not...I told her I'm happy that we're on the same page...She told me she wants to be friends, that she's not sure what she wants but I'll be the first to know when she does...what does that mean, well not a whole hell of a lot really...maybe she'll realise she loves me, maybe she'll realise she hates me...But I've decided it doesn't matter...What will be will be...and for the first time in 3 months, I can move on and be happy... I knew one of two things would come out of my home run cut...I would either get the girl or I would get the closure.. I don't know if I'll be posting much...I'll be around though, hoping you all can find some peace like I seemed to have found.
  11. Hey... Sorry to hear about your situation...like the most of us, we are too in a position that you are... To me it sounds that she has moved on and the only thing I can tell you is to take time for yourself...get out and force yourself to try to have fun...you probably won't right away, but eventually it will come back to you... This "other" guy...we all wonder if our ex is with someone.... In your case, from what she's said she isn't looking for something serious with anyone...I'm thinking its probably just some guy she's out having fun with... No contact, and move on...your better off.
  12. Shared pets are tough...but I think you need to let her see the pup...It's just (in my mind) the right thing to do. I know it's a toughy, but I'm sure the pup misses her too...let her see him and just be as cordial as possible.
  13. Tight situation...I tend to play golf with a 12 pack of cheap beer, swinging for the hole...not the best, but every now and then... GeeCee, it's not getting a response that I worry about...it's what the response is that worries me...She threw me a curveball with the voicemail...I would have played it a little different if I had that info...but whats done is done...I'm shall remain positive...whatever happens, it is not the end of the world...it is not the end of the game, that email did not put me in a position where I said it's all or nothing, I left that stuff out on purpose...It simply puts me in a position where I have spoken my mind and put myself out on the line...."He who speaks may seem like a fool for five minutes, but he who does not may be a fool for life..." is that how that saying goes?
  14. All I know is you hit the ball and run...I've played it, but I had no clue what the heck was going on... I must say I'm getting anxious as time gets close to getting a response... Mainly because of her voice mail of this afternoon...she said she was busy with school, she has a test tomorrow and I hope this doesn't shake things up so that she can't concentrate...that may hurt me....okay now I'm somewhat nervous... Oh well... Now what about, laccrosse? or Hurling...I know laccrosse, but what the heck is hurling all about, to me it looks like field hockey for men...I could be wrong though...Rugby anybody?
  15. I'll have to go back and catch up my reading... No for croquet...So there I am close to the wicket...I'm going to send...okay no no no... How about bocce ball? Last ball, gotta get it close... Or even better curling...I just threw my last rock into the house hoping it hits the defense out and puts my rock in the center! I love sport...any sport can be an analogy for life...Life sport!
  16. link removed, laughing way to hard right now... Beec, this is how I see it for me...Game 6...there is a game 7, but I'd rather have a walk off home run than simply lose game six....Bottom of the 10th...2 outs...not a small ball situation, at least in my understanding...I do not lose the series by striking out in game 6...thats how I see it... Spatz... I guess I'm lost about what happened, did you find out she's got a new guy? what else...I was caught up friday... Think footy spatz, well...wait do they play the playoffs in series? or single game elimination? Oh and Beec, I think I have a guy or two on base....I just don't know if their fast enough to run the bases in anymore small ball....
  17. God I hope GeeCee and Feb have something to say about that!!!
  18. As I barely read anything this weekend, i think I missed out on a ton of what happened to you situation...I don't have time to read it all...can you enlighten me with a little update Spatzy? Also...while you can go slow in steady...in sports...you maybe able to have a nice long career being moved around from team to team in some of those crazy deals that happen in the Euro "footy" leagues...you know I'll give you this guy for 10 pounds of lobster and a keg of guiness... Or you can play all out, and make yourself important to one team and get the big life time contract? It's different for different players (i.e. you and I) one may be better off playing safe...or not...I can't tell you what to do, I don't know if I'd even suggest the big play...I just don't know where your at right now...let me know
  19. There is no better feeling than to have an epiphany about situations like this...that moment when all is clear...like a bolt of lightning. Those are rare, treasured moments...Most of the time there is no bolt of lightning, usually we are just caught out in the rain, sometimes we're ready for it other times we're not....the question is how do you handle the rain? Do you try to avoid it, or do you reveal in it like a child, jumping in the puddles and laughing?
  20. True...but sometimes the highest risk reaps the largest reward... I am sick of not taking risks in my life...it has left me outside too long! Beckham...if he didn't take risks...take shots that most would think impossible...do you think that he would be as good as he is? So she just called my work phone and cell phone...left a message saying "i thought you would have called when you got home, calling to see if everything is all right, and to chit-chat." So I suppose I've pulled away hard...made the other team think I was playing for the tie...and just when they sit back I take the long shot... Will it catch them off guard, yes...is it enough? we shall see...but what fun is a game where everything is know?
  21. Ah...now before I played Football (american) in high school, I played the "soccer." 0-0 big game...tough call...but no matter the strategy, the only way you will win is by taking a shot...so you work the ball into a position to take a shot...hoping to catch the goalie off guard. Sure you can sit back and try to keep them from scoring, but where does that leave you? Me, I took the shot...the way I see it, I wasn't at 0-0...I was down a goal in added time...I got in the best position I could...and I have taken my shot, it's in the air, I think I added a little out swing to it...we shall see if it curves in, the goalie stops it, or if I missed the net all together...but either way I know there is always another season.
  22. Oh GeeCee I love the attitude! Your last post made me realize something about the analogy I've been using...saying I'm swinging for the fences hoping the season won't end...Maybe I should look at it as I am up in the series, game seven will happen not matter what, but I want to end the series now, in the late innings of game six with a homer...if not I can play the small ball in game 7... Do the British even play baseball? or do I need to use some european football as an example?
  23. I just thought a lot about things on my long drive home... When i gave my speech to my old fraternity it was delivering a charge, bits of advice for the guys going active...how to make things better while they're there... The charge I delivered at the very end was this... "if there i one ultimate bit of advice I can give you it's this...Live that you will have no regrets...So that you can look back at your years here and say I worked as hard as I could, I played even harder, I left it all out on the table and have no regrets...about the way I did it." I guess thats sort of what I'm doing...I don't think I'd be able to look back at "playing small ball" with her, if it didn't work out, and say I don't regret the way I handled it...I'd rather say I laid it out there...I was confident in my feelings and thoughts and whatever happens I can't regret trying the way I did. I also think there is something to be said of a guy who knows what he wants and goes out to get it... I think thats what I'm trying to do, in the only way I really see fits... In my email I said, "I don't want to play games to try to win you back...so I'm not going to." I put my chips in the pot, if I lose the hand I'll go back find some more chips and find another game of poker to play in...I refuse to stand outside the fire anymore in my life like I did for so many years.
  24. Oh Beec...I knew you would have something to say about all this... What have I done in football terms...Well, I lined up in the shotgun, I stared down the corners....I faked short, and then threw the long ball...However, I threw the ball safely...the only one to catch it will be my receiver, if he can't catch it the defense won't be able to either (i least I hope) Baseball....well I'm at the plate swinging away...hoping for a homer, I may stirke out, get the homer, or maybe I'll hit a blooper that lands in shallow left...All I know is that I have a confidence against this pitcher that I can rattle him, stepping up to the plate like I know I'm going to get the homer...I came up to the plate looking like Puckett or Bonds, not some triple A chump playing in his first big league game... I just don't think that you can always win by playing small ball...some situations don't allow for it...you have to risk it all to win it all sometimes...put all the chips in the pot and lay your cards down...
  25. GeeCee I pm'd the email to you...I don't know that I really wanted to put it in an open thread.... Like I told GeeCee, for the rest of you, I feel like I'm swinging for the fences on this one, hoping to hit a home run to send it to game 7... I may strike out, sure I could play small ball and drag the game out, but why? the outcome is no more certain that way...I figure I swing for the fences, let the ball go where it may...If I strike out well...I have four months before I head back to grad school there, so I suppose I just have an off season to work on my hitting, and next fall is a new season... I will let you all know what happens.
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