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Everything posted by shari186

  1. You can win any woman back that truly loves you!
  2. Just wondering if anyone out there knows the answer to my question.. I have been taking zithromax and am on ortho tri cycline, can I get pregnant if having unprotected sex?
  3. There is never too much sending of flowers, unless you are a stalker, which you are not. If a boyfriend sends me flowers every day, which he never does, I would glady take them and be very happy. You can never do too much of the good stuff if you guys are a couple. Good luck!
  4. Sorry to hear about your wife messing around while you are off fighting for the Country. She has lost probably the best thing in her life and you did the right thing by cutting the ties and moving on. I would move forward wtih the divorce. She seems to be the type to continue hurting you down the road if things get rough, why not get a new man. Not all women are this way so please dont take it out on other women for her stupid decisions. I wish you all the luck in the world. And please, let this one go, you will be happy with someone who deserves you.
  5. I know your situation way too well. I had an affair with a married man for 3 years, we even had a child together. He ended up leaving her twice and went back both times because she made him feel guilty. Well he has finally left for a third time and has been staying with me for a week now. I just hope this is it. This is my best advise to you, please take it. Tell the man he has to leave or it is over between you two. It is the only way to end this circle relationship you guys have. If he doesn't leave then you need to move on. I know I have heard that way too many times, but I wish I would have made him decide and move on instead of waiting around. i waisted so much time crying and being upset and when I finally did tell him that, it wasn't that bad without him. I didnt have to worry about what he was doing with his wife or if he was going to call that day or if he was going to come over. I waited all the time. DIdn't go do things cause I thought he might come by. It was bad and I would not do that part of it over again. I am giving him this last chance now, if he goes back I will never see the man again except for our son, no matter how much I love him or how much I want to stay. I wish you all the luck in the world with this. As I know how wrong it is to do that to another woman, love sometimes blinds us. Don't let it blind you anymore, give him the option to be with you, but be with you in the right way.
  6. Hi there. I was just wondering how everything went the other night. Let me know.
  7. Also, has he received any new clothes or anything. Maybe she has given him gifts. Look to see if he has something new that you know he wouldn't have bought himself. I hope he is cheating, but I would do some major investigating. Definently go by the bar tonight. Just try to catch him cheating so you have proof for yourself until you comfront him. Always smell his clothes and underwear. Sperm has a distinct smell to it. Lunches is a big thing for cheaters as well. If there is anyway you could follow him at lunch or go by the girls home over lunch. Nooners, you know. I don't mean drive yourself crazy over this forever. I mean dedicate a week to finding out. Drive by her house every lunch for one week when you know he is going to be at lunch. and every night he is out. Watch his phone calls and everything else. If I think of anything else, I will email you back.
  8. I have to admit. I was a misterous to a man for 3 years. I know how the lies go. I was golfing, drinking with the guys. I am not saying your man is cheating, but if his wife would have done a little checking up she would have caught him way before he told her. Ok here is what I reccomend. Go by the bar, if he is there maybe have a friend go in or someone he doesn't know to see how he is acting with the girl. If he is not there, DRIVE BY THE GIRLS HOUSE. Comfront him right there if he is there otherwise he will come up with some story why he was there. Watch the house for a bit to see if they kiss when he leaves or however. If he has a cell phone, get a copy of his bill (DETAILED) see how ofter her number is on there or strange numbers. Say you are going out for the night then see what he does or follow him to see what he is doing. Best result could be that your man is not cheating, but you will know either way. Check your credit card bills for any odd purchases. Smell his clothes for perfume or his underwear for the smell of sperm. When he gets home see if he will have sex right when he gets there. MOst cases he wont if he has just been with the girl and is cheating.Inspect his body for any marks from nails or hickys or anything different. Good luck and please let me know what you find out. I hope he is not cheating, but I would rather know than not.
  9. Well I have to say my boyfriend knows exactly where that spot is. Good thing is once he felt it now he knows exactly where it is. He can give me the g orgasm as often as I would like them and in less than 2 minutes. The first time we found that we were having sex in a car, I was sitting on his lap and i had my back arched a little.. It is best to be on top. While his penis is insid me he will move me forward and backward. His penis is not going up and down at all it is just moving a little bit inside. ENough to rub on the spot and stay on the spot. Takes about a minute or so and then you can have as many as you want whether it be with his fingers or his penis. THen you can manage to have both. Good luck and have fun trying.
  10. Sounds to me like there might be a little more than you know about. One thing I do know. Men will do as much as you allow them to. You have to have limits or they will do whatever they want to. If a woman is going to allow her husband or boyfriend to cheat, then I am pretty sure he will continue to do it. There is more to the story than he is leading on. No man is just comforting another woman thru hard times. Hell they hardly do it for the wives when needed. I would investigate this a little further. I say go with your gut. Figure out what it is telling you. I would demand him not to see the woman again. If he gets mad, too bad. Your marriage should be more important.
  11. Hi there. I have never been able to be friends with any ex. I am not sure if it is possible or not, however, what I have found is that there is always one person who still wants the relationship to continue as the other has no more feelings and wants it to be over. thereforeeee, the one still hoping for more will always want more. If you guys had sex then it is possible that you could just be hanging out and all of the suddon you find yourself laying knowing you just had sex with someone that you don't intend on having a relationship with and then it just gets bad. It seems to be a bad circle. However, I do believe you can speak on the phone to see how each is doing every once in a while. But hanging out would do no good in my mind. Hope this helps.
  12. Well I have been having an affair with a married man for 3 years. We have a 1 1/2 year old son together. He has left his wife 2 times before but has quickly went back to her. He has now left her and says this time it is really over. He has done some bad things to me over the years. Nothing abusive or anything. I am truly in love with this man and can't decide if we should be together or not. Part of me doesn't trust him and I am trying to forgive the past things he has done. I need some advice badly. My family and friends do not like this man so I can not discuss it with thim. Please help me. Should I give him the chance?
  13. What could it hurt by telling her. I would go for it. The worst she can say is she is not interested in you.
  14. I had a three year affair with a married man. I left my husband as soon as it started and then became pregnant by the married man. We never broke up but he never left his wife. Then I ended it and he did leave his wife. He left her 3 times and went back out of guilty, so he says. He got caught in the affair 4 times by his wife and she never would leave him. Now we have not spoke for 5 weeks and I love this man and inside I know he loves me too. I am so angry with him for so many things, but miss him like crazy at the same time. How can I begin to feel better and does anyone have any advise for me?
  15. Hi there. I had a three year affair with a man myself. It has been over for 6 weeks now and is hard. I just would like to know, did you tell your wife and did you get back with your lover?
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