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Everything posted by isisastaria

  1. The main question I guess I had was about men and if they are gay. Please don't get mad that I am asking this! I mean NO harm! There was a group of guys on a radio station talking about how they "became gay" after being molested as boys by men. Then they went on to describe that since then, they learned that they weren't really "gay". They just thought that sex was the way you were supposed to show affection to other men because that was all they knew (or were taught). So my question is, do you all think that there are some gay men out there who think they are gay because of abuse as a child instead of having the gay gene? Really interesting
  2. I get strange thoughts and images. I think about it later and it makes me think, "what is wrong with me?" I have felt tainted and somewhat "unmarriagable" for a while. Like I'm not really the type a man would like to stay with. So I think the rape affected me in a lot of ways... thyroxine: your picture feels like me sometimes and for long periods of time. I can relate. I am sorry about all you've gone through. I am curious as to what happened in your mind when that all happened. I had a sort of "out of body experience" where I almost wasn't completely aware. Anyone else have that sort of thing happen?
  3. BeStrongBeHappy: He lied about having a profile up on a dating site a couple years ago. He lied about the porn. He lied about going to a single's group when he was away. He has withheld info about certain places he has been during a trip to another country. (don't know if he's guilty or just didn't want to worry me).
  4. Wow! You have opened my eyes to a whole new stigma!!! I had no idea! I can tell you what I've heard from asian and white females. Asian girls like the whole caucasian thing because often times they don't want to be caught up in asian cultural set-backs (such as men are to be served and women are maids/slaves). Most asian girls are afraid all the asian culture will still be in the asian male's family. So they steer away from that. Sometimes they find the caucasian man's looks intriguing as well. White women think a lot of the asian men are somewhat "geeky". I think this is mainly because they are more expected in their culture to be educated. I don't think that's "geeky" myself. You can break through all that with a simple explanation to a girl you are dating that you don't expect women to follow those traditional roles.... and maybe when she sees what a great guy you are, she will know she has nothing to worry about
  5. My friend just found out her husband was molesting their daughter. I want to see him in jail for a very very long time. Hopefully he will get pay back in jail, too.
  6. I always wish the best for all people but dang, I really wish love to gay people. I can't imagine what they must go through
  7. BTW Part of my blaming myself was the whole denial thing. You go into denial ( I think) to deal with it and protect yourself. I only realized the whole sexual behavior thing and rape two years ago. That realization took me around 12 years to figure out.
  8. I think the law should kill sexual offenders. I don't know if you realize it, but in the US juries often let off people who end up killing the abuser. I don't believe in killing. I just believe in stopping the cycle, abuse, and insanity
  9. I hear you, Eva.... There is nothing more infuriating to me than sexual abuse. I was raped when I was 15 and have never been quite the same. More or less just angry. I am a loving person most of the time, but get so angry at men. After the rape, I blamed myself. Then I ended up sleeping with multiple partners (but never more than one at a time). I would have sex with my boyfriends although I didn't want to. I had an "oh well" attitude.... like "I've already lost my virginity and my dignity...what else is there to lose?" Since then I just sometimes have to fight very disturbing thoughts during sex with my fiancee. This is just so I can enjoy it. I start to think of almost anything to distract myself during sex...and I end up trying very hard to just focus on him and how much I love him. That seems to work alright.
  10. I think that was just in response to the question I posted about male and female energies between couples. Sometimes they switch back and forth and it doesn't have anything to do with being gay.
  11. My sister worked at a rape crisis center. She told me it wasn't true as well. Maybe it's just religious people trying to find a reason "why" who knows.
  12. I guess something to do with the depression is to ask yourself: "What can I do for the world or others with this?" Maybe that's where it can heal
  13. EVA and MS: you both made good points. I have had a crush on a girl once in my life...and I have been raped. I suppose this is another reason I am feeling confused.
  14. A friend of mine who is a gay female TOLD me she thinks she's gay because she was molested and can't be with men. So to me...this is just extremely confusing because I'm not gay and I have NO IDEA!!!
  15. See, I believe gays are enlightened because of their incredible ability to look at things in a neutral and non-judgemental way. I would never think they were defective
  16. Just Be Sure To Be Gentle And Loving!! This Could Be A Seriously Devestating Issue To Him Considering His Upbringing!!!
  17. Yes, I think he has an inclination. Are you a woman with male energy or characteristics (I.E...tomboy?) Some couples can switch the yin and yang around between them. You need to do more snooping because he will never admit it
  18. I have a close friend who had a gay brother (he died 6 years ago). She has serious anger for his childhood molester who was a man. She thinks her brother wouldn't be gay if he were never molested and thereforeeee would have never been sick and died so young. She and her brother were best friends. She has suffered a serious serious loss and I think she is just upset for now and wants revenge. But is it true that most gays are molested as children? I have been hearing a lot about it and don't quite understand it. I also have gay friends i would like to understand better. Thank you so much for your feedback!
  19. My only question is: What makes you think you are worth this abuse? Then I think about it and conclude that I have another question: Do you think you can't get anyone else? I know you don't believe in divorce, but was this ever a real marriage? A piece of paper can't possibly determine the intentions of his heart. You said four months after your marriage!!! WOW. Leave. You are in the grieving process of a marriage lost. I think you already know it's over but are needing contact and support to get through it. THIS TOO SHALL PASS.
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